Don't Step On A Bee Day 2025 is on Thursday, July 10, 2025: Bee or wasp sting or what?

Thursday, July 10, 2025 is Don't Step On A Bee Day 2025. Don't Step on a Bee Day It is Don't Step On A Bee Day,

Don’t Step On A Bee Day

Don’t Board A Bee Day is a vital indication the fate from the common bee is based on the total amount – with bee amounts in certain nations getting cut in half within the last decade without any apparent cause, it’s vital that people be certain to maintain bee populations, pollination and honey production.

Bee or wasp sting or what?

Bees usually don't go looking for trouble. If you don't bother them by poking around their nests, chances are you'll never get stung. & even if you do, most bee stings cause little pain, usually lasting from a few hours to a few days.

Unless, of course, you're allergic--in which case you need emergency care. But for the vast majority of the population, a little tender loving care is all you'll need.

1---Scrape out the stinger-- 1 of the best ways to remove a stinger & avoid any additional pain is to "scrape" it out of the skin with a credit card, a knife or a long fingernail. The biggest mistake people make is trying to pull the stinger out. In doing that, you squeeze the tiny venom sac attached to the stinger and accidentally release more venom into your skin. If you scrape the stinger out, this sac goes undisturbed.

2--Rub an aspirin on the sting. Rubbing a wet aspirin on the area where you were stung can help neutralize some of the inflammatory agents in the venom. If you are allergic or sensitive to aspirin taken by mouth, though, you shouldn't try rubbing it on your skin.

3---Get tender relief with meat tenderizer. Make a paste with meat tenderizer and water and apply it to the sting. The reason meat tenderizer works is because insect bites and stings are made up of protein and meat tenderizer breaks down this protein. Use Adolph's, McCormick or another product that contains papain--the active venom-busting ingredient.

4---When to See the Doctor

Allergic reactions to bee stings can be life-threatening. How do you recognize an allergic reaction? If you or your child experiences any of these symptoms, seek emergency care immediately.

You have trouble breathing, tightness in the throat or chest, dizziness, nausea or other symptoms of serious allergic reaction.

Swelling spreads to a large area-for example, your entire arm swells, or a large section of the trunk puffs up.

Pain and swelling continue for more than 72 hours without any relief.

Whenever they're outdoors, people who know they're allergic should always carry a bee sting kit recommended by their physician. These kits contain antihistamine pills and/or adrenaline injections that should be administered immediately after the sting. Usually you take the pills first, and if there is no improvement in a few minutes and you cannot get to professional medical help, then you can administer the injection.

5---Try baking soda. Some doctors say baking soda can help ease bee sting pain. an allergist in Asheville, North Carolina, recommends applying a paste of baking soda and water directly on the sting for 15 or 20 minutes.

6---Kill the sting with Sting-Kill. Another towelette product that works well is called Sting-Kill. This product is sold at some pharmacies and at beekeeper supply stores, and I'm told it's very effective Wonder where to find such a store? Call a local beekeeper and ask where you can purchase Sting-Kill; there are beekeeper supply stores in most metropolitan areas.

7---Wipe out the pain with ammonia. Sometimes dabbing some household ammonia on the sting also does the trick In fact, ammonia is a key ingredient in a product called After Bite, which is sold over the counter and comes in convenient towelettes that you rub on the sting.

8---Swallow a pain reliever. One of the best ways to relieve the pain of a bee sting is to simply take a mild pain reliever such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol), Do not give aspirin to children because of the risk of Reyes syndrome.

9---Take an antihistamine. Benadryl or another nonprescription antihistamine will ease swelling and pain in adults. An antihistamine-containing cough syrup such as Benylin works better for children

10---Dress plain, not flashy. Bees are attracted to brightly colored clothing-particularly floral prints and dark colors. Wearing white, khaki and other light colors is a good way to keep bees away.

11---Don't smell so sweet. The sweet smell of flowers isn't the only fragrance that attracts bees. Wearing perfume or after-shave may entice bees to come your way. Most experts agree that you should skip the refined scents if you know you're venturing into bee-filled territory.

12--Up your zinc intake. Certain nutrients appear to offer protection against some insects, possibly by altering body odor. "My sister had a terrible problem with yellow jacket bees until she started taking zinc" NOW SHE NEVER GETS STUNG

I advise taking 60 milligrams a day--about four times the Recommended Dietary Allowance. Good dietary sources of zinc include oysters, red meats and fortified cereals. Besides zinc, thiamine (vitamin B1) may also help. But if you do go the supplement route, check with your doctor, because high levels of any nutrient can cause problems.

Oww...Bee Sting...?

Oww...Bee Sting...?

Yes you should be fine. just put some ice or cold oatmeal on it. don't walk it as much.

I Got Stungg Byy A Bee :[?

I Got Stungg Byy A Bee :[?

Sometimes the bee doesn't loose the stinger. That's probably what happened in your case.

It'll probably swell some, itch some days and then it'll be fine again. Your foot will be fine - it takes a bit of time but not much of your effort - really.

If you take benadryl or other antihistamines you might find it to help on the local reactions.

Good luck and get well soon


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