Hot Dog Night 2025 is on Thursday, July 10, 2025: Who invented the hot dog?

Thursday, July 10, 2025 is Hot Dog Night 2025. Family dinner night: Chili bar with hot dogs I served our chili dogs with a

Who invented the hot dog?

hot dog

Origin: 1895

It was an old joke, with some truth to it: meat for sausages was said to come from dogs. In 1836 a New York newspaper declared, "Sausages have fallen in price one half, in New York, since the dog killers have commenced operations." Towards the end of the nineteenth century, clever students at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, began referring to the sausages themselves as dogs. A lunch wagon that operated there at night was called "The Kennel Club" because dogs were its specialty. A poem about it appeared in the Yale Record for October 5, 1895:

It remained only for the Yale wits to add hot. They did this in the October 19 issue of the Record, in a tall tale about abducting the "dog wagon." The proprietor supposedly woke up in the relocated lunch wagon at chapel time "and did a rushing trade with the unfortunates who had missed their breakfast.... They contentedly munched hot dogs during the whole service."

Even earlier, in 1894, hot dog was used as slang for a well-dressed young man. With the new meaning, hot dog soon showed up at other colleges and at ballparks, and by the early twentieth century it had become the standard name for a sausage on a bun, despite competition from red hot (1896) and the more polite frankfurter (1894) and wiener (1900). (Despite persistent legend, the hot dog was not named in a baseball cartoon by T. A. Dorgan of the New York Journal. No such cartoon exists.)

In the twentieth century, rather than an ingredient, the dog became the sausage itself, so today we can speak of turkey dogs and cheese dogs. The other meaning of hot dog persisted too, but now it refers more to daredevil behavior than to spiffy clothing.

how did hot dog got its name?

how did hot dog got its name?

"Hot dog" first came into use in an old joke involving a dog's "pants" (the verb "pant" substituted for the noun). The following was widely reprinted in newspapers, from at least 1870: "What’s the difference between a chilly man and a hot dog? One wears a great coat, and the other pants." The October 18, 1894 University of Michigan humor magazine The Wrinkle contained this on the cover page: "Two Greeks a 'hot dog' freshman sought. The Clothes they found, their favors bought." "Hot dog" meant a stylish dresser, someone who was sharply attired. A popular phrase was "puttin' on the dog."

The night lunch wagons (popular in cities and on college campuses) that served hot sausages were called "dog wagons" by the 1890s. At Yale University, a "dog wagon" called "The Kennel Club" opened in 1894. The first known use of the phrase "hot dog" (sausage) appears in print on October 19, 1895 in the Yale Record of New Haven, Connecticut which reads: "They contentedly munched hot dogs during the whole service;" two weeks prior, the Yale Record recorded: "Tis dogs' delight to bark and bite, Thus does the adage run. But I delight to bite the dog when placed inside a bun." Hot dog became an extension of the older use of dog to mean a sausage.

Hot dog lore suggests that newspaper cartoonist Tad Dorgan coined (or at least popularized) the term "hot dog" when he used it in the caption of a 1906 cartoon illustrating sausage vendors at the Polo Grounds baseball stadium because he couldn't spell "frankfurter". In some versions he could not spell dachshund. However, "hot dog" appears in print well before this date. The actual "Tad" cartoons featuring hot dogs (New York Evening Journal, December 12 and December 13, 1906) are from a bicycle race at Madison Square Garden, not a baseball game at the Polo Grounds.[1]

Claims of "invention" of the hot dog are difficult to assess, because different stories assert the creation of the sausage itself, the placing of the sausage (or another kind of sausage) on bread or a bun as finger food, the mass popularization of the existing dish, or the application of the name "hot dog" to a sausage and bun combination. In 2001 the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council stated that others assert the hot dog was created in the late 1600s by Johann Georghehner, a butcher living in the German city of Coburg. Others have also been "acknowledged" for supposedly inventing the hot dog. Charles Feltman and Antonoine Feuchtwanger are among this group.

Whats with my dog, its a cold night, hot nose?

Whats with my dog, its a cold night, hot nose?

Haha. The hot dry nose thing meaning the dog is sick is actually just a myth. All that means is he hasn't been licking it. Labs actually have a bit of protection against the cold. If his paws are warm, he's kept them comfy and insolated. If he's been inside more than a couple minutes, they warm up fast. His gums are -supposed- to be a nice hot/dark pink color. Means he has good blood flow.

However, if your dogs feet are red too, I couldn't understand if that's what you meant or not, maybe he stepped in something. lol

Now, if the gums are BRIGHT red like you said and not just a deep pink, he may be fighting a systemic infection or may have been exposed to a toxin. I am assuming you know your dogs color well and haven't mistaken pink for red, so I would suggest taking him to a vet. Better safe than sorry, I always say. =)

Holidays also on this date Thursday, July 10, 2025...