Flitch of Bacon Day 2024 is on Thursday, June 20, 2024: What is the history and origin of the word "flitch", referring to sawing lumber from logs?

Thursday, June 20, 2024 is Flitch of Bacon Day 2024. Is your marriage worth a flitch of bacon? Dunmow Flitch Trials A flitch of bacon (left) is

What is the history and origin of the word "flitch", referring to sawing lumber from logs?

I looked up the word on dictionary.com - there are a few definitions. Here are two sets I liked:

First, from the American Heritage Dictionary:

1. A salted and cured side of bacon.

2. A longitudinal cut from the trunk of a tree.

3. One of several planks secured together to form a single beam.

[Middle English flicche, from Old English flicce.]

Second, from the Online Etymology Dictionary (it doesn't mention the timber definition, but I thought the description of the old tradition of giving a newlywed couple a side of bacon for not fighting was amusing!):

"side of bacon," M.E. flicche, from O.E. flicce, related to O.N. flikki, M.L.G. vlicke "piece of flesh." Not connected to flesh. A flitch was presented every year at Dunmow, in Essex, to any married couple who could prove they had lived together without quarreling for a year and a day, a custom mentioned as far back as 1362.

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