Holy Experiment Day 2025 is on Tuesday, March 4, 2025: Holy Spirit Experiment?

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 is Holy Experiment Day 2025. Try Religion on Holy Experiment Day on Holy Experiment Day

Holy Spirit Experiment?

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Did the Holy Ghost use Mary’s eggs to cause the impregnation?

Did the Holy Ghost use Mary's eggs to cause the impregnation?

You'll have to ask the Holy Ghost about that.

If Jesus Christ wasn't a clone or something, it would have had to use Mary's egg cells (or at least someone's egg cells). If Jesus Christ was some kind of clone or genetic experiment, why would the Holy Ghost even have to give him a mother? I could understand humans needing a womb to gestate clones in, but you would think the Holy Ghost could come up with some kind of clone vat or something.

In any case, this all presupposes that the story has any validity at all. It seems more like early Christians just borrowed the mythology of Mithras when the Romans destroyed Mithraism.

Some Egyptian god (I think it was Ra) had a similar born-of-a-virgin story. I think that sort of thing was fairly common back in the day.

LDS, mormons: did "holy spirit" tell you the truth?

LDS, mormons: did "holy spirit" tell you the truth?

First and foremost--------you are way off base since there is no difference between the Christian God and the Mormon God, they are one and the same! Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) are Christians. Perhaps that is the problem that you are trying differentiate and therfore you have not learned or read the Book with an open heart. If you do that for the pupose of understanding and not just to get some proof, the the Truth will be revealed to you. If you do not then I guess you can certainly walk away forever or try another day. The answer comes through your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ not that of Church Leaders or Missionaries. Just you and the Lord!

As for the Trinity, the only difference as you point out that Mormons believe in 3 distict beings. Remember, Christ spent a lot of time Praying to God the Father in the garden! Who was he Praying to? Himself? They are three but One in Pupose each with thier own place in the Great plan of Salvation for the People of this Earth. Each doing their part to carry it out.

For Jeffery___ We do not Pray to Moroni, we Pray to god, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The book of Mathew Chap 6 in the New testament has the words of the Lord Jsus Christ teaching his diciples how to pray. Please read it!

We do not expect "Revelation in the form of a Personal Visitation or Vision from God. For some Christians you might liken it to what you Call an Epiphany. Not much Difference.

This is not something I or anyone can teach in a few minutes on the Internet so I suggest you contact A local LDS Ward leader and arrange for Missionaries to come and Answer you questions. It will not place you under any Obligation whatsoever and never will. We are Members because we want to be and anyone that is can leave and have thier name removed anytime with no questions and no fanfare. We are not a Cult and do not Brainwash you! We do not believe in Original Sin and do not Baptise members until they are at least 8 years old and up to 18 only with Parental consent. Please do not confuse us with the FLDS and the Polygamy groups in Utah, Arizon, Texas and Elswhere that live in compounds and have thier every move monitored. We are Free to do, go, work, Go to School or anything else as we as we wish Many of our Members serve in the Armed Forces and groups like the Peace Corps. They even work with Habitat and many many including my Daughter went ot the Gulf Coast to assist the People after Katrina without regard to thier Religious affiliation or lack of, Just aid to fellow Human Beings and not to convert anyone!

For those that think Mormon Doctrine is a big secret, then let me let you in on the "Secret": Here is a link to all the LDS Scriptures and even a search engine to reseach them. It includes both the Old and new Testaments of the Bible as well so if you are Non LDS you might want to use it anyway. Good Reading! It is the King James Version of the Bible!

Perhaps you would like some Non-Mormon Input? Here is a letter from Paul Allen, to a Newspaper in California: Disclaimer: It is claimed by some this is from the "Microsoft Pau Allen" I can not privide proof of that but the letter was written and printed by a Paul Allen. This is confirmed by the Paper! Check Snopes

"He wrote this editorial in the Santa Clarita, California newspaper, 2006

I have heard and seen enough! I have lived in the West all my life. I have worked around them. They have worked for me and I for them. When I was young, I dated their daughters. When I got married they came to my wedding. Now that I have daughters of my own, some of their boys have dated my daughters. I would be privileged if one of them were to be my son-in-law.

I'm talking about the Mormons.

They are some of the most honest, hardworking people I have ever known.

They are spiritual, probably more than most other so-called religious people I have encountered. They study the Bible and teach from it as much as any Christian church ever has. They serve their religion without pay in every conceivable capacity. Not one of their leaders, teachers, counselors, Bishops or music directors receive one dime for the hours of labor they put in.

The Mormons have a non-paid ministry - a fact that is not generally known.

I have heard many times from the pulpits of others how evil and non-Christian they are and that they will not go to heaven. I decided recently to attend one of their services near my home to see for myself.

What a surprise!

What I heard and saw was just the opposite from what the religious ministers of the day were telling me. I found a very simple service with no fanfare. I found a people with a great sense of humor and a well-balanced spiritual side. There was no loud music. Just a simple service, with the members themselves giving the several short sermons.

They urge their youth to be morally clean and live a good life. They teach the gospel of Christ, as they understand it. The name of their church is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. Does that sound like a non-Christian church to you?

I asked them many questions about what they teach and why. I got answers that in most cases were from the New Testament. Their ideas and doctrines did not seem too far fetched for my understanding. When I read their "Book of Mormon" I was also very surprised to find just the opposite from what I had been told I would find.

Then I went to another church's pastor to ask him some of the same questions about doctrine. To my surprise, when he found out that I was in some way investigating the Mormons, he became hostile. He referred to them as a non-Christian cult. I received what sounded to me like evil propaganda against those people. He stated bluntly that they were not Christian and that they did not fit into the Christian mold. He also told me that they don't really believe the Bible. He gave me a pile of anti-Mormon literature. He began to rant that the Mormons were not telling me the truth about what they stand for. He didn't want to hear anything good about them. At first I was surprised and then again, I wasn't. I began to wonder.

I have never known of a cult that supports the Boy Scouts of America. According to the Boy Scouts, over a third of all the Boy Scout troops in the United States are Mormon. What cult do you know of that has a welfare system second to none in this country?

They have farms, canneries and cattle ranches to help take care of the unfortunate ones who might be down and out and in need of a little help. The Mormon Church has donated millions to welfare causes around the world without a word of credit. They have donated thousands to help rebuild Baptist churches that were burned a few years ago. They have donated tons of medical supplies to countries ravaged by earthquakes.

You never see them on TV begging for money. What cult do you know that instills in its members to obey the law, pay their taxes, serve in the military if asked and be a good Christian by living high moral standards? Did you know that hundreds of thousands of Mormon youth get up before high school starts in the morning to attend a religious training class? They have basketball and softball leagues and supervised youth dances every month.

They are recruited by the FBI, the State Department and every police department in the country, because they are trustworthy. They are taught not to drink nor take drugs. They are in the Secret Service - those who protect the President. They serve in high leadership positions from both parties in Congress and in the US Senate, and have been governors of several states other than Utah. They serve with distinction and honor.

If you have Mormons living near, you will probably find them to be your best friends and neighbors. They are Christians who try to live what they preach. They are not perfect and they are the first to admit this. I have known some of them who could not live their religion, just like many of us. The rhetoric which is spread around against them is nothing more than evil propaganda founded in untruths. (Others) had successfully demonized them to the point that the general public has no idea what they actually believe and teach.

If you really want to know the truth, go see for yourself. You also will be surprised. When I first moved here some 25 years ago there were five Mormon wards in Santa Clarita. Now there are 15. They must be doing something right."

Have a great Sunday and Every Day and May God Bless You, America and the entire world! Let us all Pray for a Lasting and meaningfull Peace in the World One where we all, People of all Faiths) can live in harmony and true Brotherhood!

Proud Vet

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, March 4, 2025...