Memorial Day 2025 is on Monday, May 26, 2025: Are people abusing Memorial Day?

Monday, May 26, 2025 is Memorial Day 2025. Memorial Day is a US federal holiday which is celebrated every year on the final Monday of May. Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

Event: Memorial Day; Date: May

Memorial Day is a US federal holiday which is celebrated every year on the final Monday of May. Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.


The fifth season of the American political drama television series The West Wing aired in the United States on NBC from September 24, 2003, to May 19, 2004, and consisted of 22 episodes.

Are people abusing Memorial Day?

Memorial Day is a day to remember those before us who have defended our way of life. And it is sad to admit it but yes ALOT of people in America have forgotten what its all about. I am in the Mitiltary, and I wish for once people would help us respect those that gave there lives for us. I find it very desturbing that America has to be attacked before anyone notices that we (the military) are out there everyday, working hard to keep America safe and free. We dont get days off, even if we do have a "day off" we could still be called in. Those who are in the military have not forgotten Memorial Day. And we respect any American that still remembers what Memorial Day is all about. We do what we do to protect everyone in America, its nice to be noticed and honored for what we give up to Serve Our Country!

how did confederate memorial day start?

how did confederate memorial day start?

Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in his General Order No. 11, and was first observed on 30 May 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. The first state to officially recognize the holiday was New York in 1873. By 1890 it was recognized by all of the northern states. The South refused to acknowledge the day, honoring their dead on separate days until after World War I (when the holiday changed from honoring just those who died fighting in the Civil War to honoring Americans who died fighting in any war). It is now celebrated in almost every State on the last Monday in May (passed by Congress with the National Holiday Act of 1971 (P.L. 90 - 363) to ensure a three day weekend for Federal holidays), though several southern states have an additional separate day for honoring the Confederate war dead: January 19 in Texas, April 26 in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi; May 10 in South Carolina; and June 3 (Jefferson Davis' birthday) in Louisiana and Tennessee.

When is Memorial Day? :(?

When is Memorial Day? :(?

its called Google

Memorial Day 2011 is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May (May 30 in 2011). Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. soldiers who died while in the military service. First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War. It was extended after World War I to honor Americans who have died in all wars.

Memorial Day often marks the start of the summer vacation season, and Labor Day its end.

Begun as a ritual of remembrance and reconciliation after the Civil War, by the early 20th century, Memorial Day was an occasion for more general expressions of memory, as ordinary people visited the graves of their deceased relatives, whether they had served in the military or not. It also became a long weekend increasingly devoted to shopping, family get-togethers, fireworks, trips to the beach, and national media events such as the Indianapolis 500 auto race, held since 1911 on Memorial Day.

Memorial Day 2011 is on 30th May in 2011.

Holidays also on this date Monday, May 26, 2025...