Black Single Parents Week on May, 2025: Social Dichotomies: what to do about single mothers. (Question 2 of 3)?
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Sad to say, mostly negative. Single parents (once again, young single parents) are less likely to be able to manage completely on their own and will therefore resort to using government assistance (our tax dollars). If I didn't have my husband's income, I too would be a statistic even though I'm 31. I think there is a huge difference between single parents who accidentally get pregnant or have a child then get a divorce than those single parents who choose to have a child and no they are going to raise their child on their own. Usually the parents who choose to have a child on their own also have the financial means to take care of that child and therefore won't need welfare like many single parents do. This whole answer leads into the discussion about welfare and some single mothers abusing the system by continuing to have more kids to collect the income instead of trying to get on their feet.
Social Dichotomies: what to do about single mothers. (Question 1 or 3)?
Although lately single mothers are getting a lot of attention on television, reality tv, etc., society overall views single mothers in a bad light, especially if they're young. If an older woman chooses to be a single mother but can financially care for a child, it's not as taboo. However, young, single mothers are sometimes viewed as pathetic or "oh, how sad." I could write a book about my opinions on this but I'll try to answer the other two questions too.
Social Dichotomies: what to do about single mothers. (Question 3 of 3)?
Single dads are most definitely viewed as more positive than single mothers. Mothers are assumed to take the responsibilty of raising a child even if the father is present or not. Fathers are usually viewed as the working parent who may bring home the pay check and play with the kid for a moment. So if a single dad takes the role as primary parent they are viewed as a hero. Single mothers, I think, are still viewed negatively as being unfortunate that they don't have a "man" to help them. Women are attracted to a man with a child and view it as charming when a single dad is taking care of their child.