National Goat Cheese Month on August, 2025: Different types of food made with different properties?

August, 2025 is National Goat Cheese Month 2025. National Goat Cheese Month - News From The Cheese Caves pc 10140 National Goat Cheese

Different types of food made with different properties?

Hi Kate... hope these will help you

May you use store bought bread or do you have to bake bread yourself - if so here's a great link:

Food made with Bread or bread based products e.g. sandwiches:

Baker's Dozen Eggs (Bread Baskets) -

You obviously do not have to follow the recipe & make 12. Make how many you need. Have a look at the link, there's a pic of the end result

5 tbsp butter

12 slices extra-thin whole wheat bread

½ lb prosciutto or Serrano ham, thinly sliced

12 eggs

¼ cup 35% cream

Fresh chives

Grated Parmesan or Manchego cheese

Preheat oven to 375°F.

Butter a 12-cup muffin tin and butter bread. Gently press each slice into the bottom of a muffin cup. Bake for 3 minutes. (If preparing in advance, allow to cool and wrap the entire muffin tin tightly with foil, then refrigerate.)

Nestle 1 slice of ham in each bread cup, and carefully crack an egg on top of the ham. Season with salt and pepper, and spoon 1/2 teaspoon of cream on top of the egg.

Bake eggs in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes, until whites are just set. With an offset spatula, remove bread cups, transfer to a serving plate, and garnish with chives and cheese. Serve immediately.

Smoked Turkey, Pine Nut Pesto and Sharp Provolone Panini (Pic of the end result)


2 tablespoons pine nuts

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

7 slices Sargento Deli Style Sliced Provolone Cheese, divided

Salt and pepper

4 to 6 turkey slices (thin)

4 slices ciabatta bread

1 bunch baby arugula


Pulse pine nuts in blender to chop. Add oil, three slices cheese torn in small pieces and salt and pepper. Blend to form pesto. Place one slice cheese and turkey on each of two slices bread. Add seven to eight pieces arugula and another slice of cheese on each. Spread three tablespoons pesto on top of each. Close sandwiches and grill for three to five minutes or until golden brown

Food made with pastry:

Goats cheese & vegetable tart (Pic of end result)

1 medium aubergine, trimmed and sliced

1 red and 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks

1 onion, peeled and cut into thin wedges

2 courgettes, cut into slices

2tbsp olive oil

8 baby plum tomatoes, halved

100g (3½oz) soft goat's cheese (try Chevrissime Blanc)

4tbsp crème fraîche

Fresh thyme leaves

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the pastry

250g (8oz) plain flour

Pinch of salt

60g (2oz) each of butter and white vegetable fat, cut into cubes

30g (1oz) Emmental or Comté; cheese (available from supermarkets), finely grated

2 eggs, beaten

1. Set the oven to gas mark 6 or 200°C. Mix all the vegetables in a roasting tin, sprinkle with the oil and mix in with your hand. Roast for 20 mins, turning them after 10 mins. Leave to cool.

2. To make the pastry: Put the flour and salt in a large bowl, rub in the butter and white fat to breadcrumb stage. Stir in the grated cheese then add 2tbsp of beaten egg and 2-3tbsp cold water to make a soft, not sticky, dough. Knead until smooth. Chill for at least 10 minutes.

3. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to a round about 30cm (12in) diameter. Transfer to a large baking sheet. Brush the pastry with a little of the beaten egg.

4. Pile the vegetables and tomatoes on to the pastry, leaving a 5cm (2in) border. Pop bits of cheese on top. Fold the pastry edge upwards and inwards, over the vegetables, overlapping and sealing to make a free-form tart. Brush with beaten egg.

5. Beat the rest of the egg with the crème fraîche, thyme and seasoning. Pour carefully into the tart. Bake for 40 mins, until the pastry is golden and the filling has set. Serve warm or cold. (Not suitable for freezing).

Mushroom en croute (Pic of end result)

1 (375g) pack ready-rolled puff pastry

4 large white flat mushrooms

60ml/4 tbsp fresh pesto sauce

8 sun dried tomatoes in oil, drained

150g/5oz mozzarella cheese, sliced

Milk, to glaze

1. Preheat the oven to 220ºC/Fan 200ºC/Gas Mark 7. Unroll the pastry on a lightly floured surface, then use a rolling pin, lightly roll the pastry so that is measures 38x 32cm (approx 15x12in) and cut into four pieces. Place a mushroom in the centre of each pastry rectangle.

2. Top the mushrooms with the pesto sauce, tomatoes and mozzarella cheese. Season. Brush the edges with milk. Now bring the corners of the pastry up and over the topping and press to seal together.

3. Place the pastry parcels on a large baking tray and brush all over with milk. Bake for 20-25mins or until the pastry is golden.

4. Serve hot with vegetables and a sweet tomato or pepper relish on the side.

Food made with savoury items: Not sure what you looking for, post some more information please, I would love to help you or try this link:

Is giving up steak and hamburger really more difficult than...?

Is giving up steak and hamburger really more difficult than...?

Actually, yes, it would be much more difficult. I do food storage, so I'm going to answer this question from a bit of a different angle than some of the folks who are answering (getting some good answers, by the way).

My husband and I have food storage. We have over a years worth of food in our house. I've done a LOT of research on food storage, and what happened to people during times of national emergency, when they didn't have food (mostly stuff from WW II).

Interesting things I learned. When people are stressed, they will refuse to eat what they do not know, even if they are starving to death. This is especially true for the young, and the elderly.

If someone is going to do food strorage it is of VITAL importance that they store foods their family is actually familar with, and eats on a daily basis.

As you have read before, I also sell meat goats, and rabbits. People come to my farm, and butcher the animals here. It's rather like National Geographic as come to visit my farm. Customers (almost exclusively male) will come. They will bring their very young sons with them, to teach them how to butcher. The entire time, they will be telling them stories about how their father, or granfather taght them to do this, and where in the village they would do such tasks. There are stories about the importance of the animal, and importance of certain organs of the animal. Very often the child is given a slice of raw liver.

You must realize my customers are students at the local University. Eventually they will be returing to their countries. Most are from central Africa, or the Middle East.

My Saudi customers were INCREDIABLY thrilled (!!!!) to find goats for sale. They had been in the U.S. for 9 months, and found no goats. They were taking pictures of the goat (while it was alive) to email back to their mothers. Their families had been very worried about them, because they hadn't been able to find any "good meat."

It was truelly amazing to see the amount of jubilation at finding goats, so they could finally have the meat they were so use to eating. Please do not get me wrong either. They are Muslims, and have a TREMENDOUS amount of respect for the animals, and want to cause them no fear. They will not allow one animal to see another animal butchered (or dead), nor will they butcher a hungry, or thirsty animal. They are actually quiet kind to the goats and rabbits.

For the 9 months prior to them getting in contact with my farm, they had only been able to eat fish (per their religion). Finding just what they want to eat has made their lives MUCH easier. They feel more comfortable, and happier here in the States, away from their families.

Meat can be a deeply cultural thing. It bindes entire families, and tribes together.

You must also never underestimate the power of "comfort food." Every person has food they favor above all others in times of stress, or sickness. Meat can definatly be a comfort food, especially during stressful times.

I also collect fairtale/folktail books. I have hundreds of such books, with stories from very nearly every country. You would be amazed at how many of the stories center around food, and meat imparticular. Very nearly every culture values it, as something of great importance.

My own family is from Poland. My Great grandfather/mother were the first of my family here to the U.S. One of the stories from my own family is how my Great Grandmother tried to embrace modern American things. She presented my Great Grandfather with a wonderful new American dish...Macaroni and Cheese. You must understand this was homemade, with real cheese, and homemade noodles, rich and delicious. My Great Grandfather took the cassorole dish of Macaroni and Cheese, and chucked it into the back yard, and said, "Now make some real food."

People rarely budge on the foods they enjoy and eat. It's easy to turn down the thermostat, and put on an extra sweater. Another thing altogether to eat foods one is not use to.

Then too, there are also a few people like me, who have been anemic since birth. The iron my body can absorb and use is worlds different than what is absorbs and uses from pills. If I don't eat meat, I not only start to feel sick, I actually get sick. Almost all the foods I eat (including vegtables ) are very iron rich, since it's a must for me.


Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

What are the best places to visit on a holiday in the UK?

What are the best places to visit on a holiday in the UK?

first of all, if youre not booked into a hotel, or staying with rellies somewhere, have you thought about doing a home exchange? its free accommodation : )

you stay in their home while theyre in yours, & you get use of their car. my family did this when we were little; easier than dragging a ton of toys on holiday with us, or shushing two hyperactive girls in hotels. it immerses you in the local culture more~ not that the uk is enormously; just you get to live like a local : ) this is a big site, from a national newspaper~

some youth hostels have family rooms or suites, & family activities, & are cheap.

though the uk is tiny~ youre never farther than 100 miles form the sea, & the farthest you can drive in one direction in england is 600 miles, we're a very varied lot, geologically & historically. towns even 20 miles apart can have a totally different look, & be in completely different geology, countryside & history. even if you stayed for 2 weeks in one place, itd be more varied than youd think.

along the borders of wales and scotland, battles raged to some extent or another w the english for hundreds of years, so there are a ton of castles~ ruined & intact, and battlefields with exhibits. castles are ALWAYS excellent. if you want to visit a lot of historic houses etc, you can get a 1 month membership to the national trust or english heritage, who own a lot of them~ maybe cheaper than paying to visit them individually if you do a lot. there are castles all over the uk.

if you dont fancy driving everywhere, trains are fast & go everywhere (book in advance for cheap tickets)~ this is a great tv series based on rail trips, which will give you a cute introduction to all kinds of small towns & general scenery~ great british railway journeys. its on dvd, so maybe borrow from your library, or buy from the uk ebay or amazon if you cant watch it on youtube.

several rail lines go along the sea, the best one being right along te side of a beach for a mile, in devon (pretty country, coast north and south, dartmoor in the middle- home to hound of the baskervilles, warhouse etc)

most museums are free, with lots of kids' events, and there are loads of weird & wonderful free events too, from historical local ones (chasing massive rounds of cheese downhill), to music festivals. there are good national guides~ & even local libraries have free events. you can also find one/two day music, dance or drama etc classes in most cities (assuming youre here in our summer)

if they like harry potter, & assuming you fly into london, you could stay here for a couple of days, do the big tourist sites (tower of london, london eye etc), visit some of the scenes in the film, then do the studio tour~ then head off to the rest of the country. though london's expensive, its still possible to stay cheaply (or free w a home exchange), esp if youre on the outskirts. our animals are far less exciting than yours, but most kids like petting & feeding small fluffy creatures, & there are farms, country parks etc open everywhere. one of the most exciting holidays i ever had was on a family friend's farm. it rained the entire 2 weeks, and we played in the hay barn sliding down mountains of bales, fed goats, milked them & cows, ran from rats, rode horses & donkeys, and played in the mud. animals & mud= happiness. i was an easily pleased child :P

id suggest visiting a seaside town or two~ brighton on the south coast is beautiful, very cool and cosmopolitan, & a big city. east dorset, devon and cornwall along the south west are very pretty and rural, w pretty seaside towns and villages, rolling hills, sandy beaches, & surf along the north coasts. eastern england has amazing mashes with tiny creeks~ great to paddle canoes or hire a larger boat. north west is the lake district, which is incredibly beautiful~ huge lakes, wild hills~ walking, cycling, maybe climbing ( i started climbing, caving & absailing when i was 7 and LOVED IT) . scotland & wales have breath taking mountains, though w slightly cooler weather and more rain than england. northern cities like york would be a good place to stay- varied countryside, lots of historical buildings, & other cities nearby.

Holidays also on this date Friday, August 1, 2025...