National Peanut Month on March, 2025: Poll: This is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month, what are you doing to celebrate?

March, 2025 is National Peanut Month 2025. National Nutrition Month - Eat Right. Your Way, Every Day‎ By creating healthy habits. Learn how

Poll: This is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month, what are you doing to celebrate?

Peanut butter and honey sandwiches, yes.....

And to celebrate, crackers and peanut butter treats tonight.

And to double celebrate will put peanut butter, creamy style for all my dogs into their toy, the Kong, and watch the fun....they love it.....

Interesting peanut facts?

Interesting peanut facts?

March is National Peanut Month

what is April, National ____month?

what is April, National ____month?

Peanut butter and jelly sammich.

Holidays also on this date Saturday, March 1, 2025...