National Salsa Month on May, 2025: I want to learn how to play the congas (Salsa style). Newbie need advice.?

May, 2025 is National Salsa Month 2025. Hey, hot stuff, it's National Salsa Month - TODAY. May is National Salsa Month

I want to learn how to play the congas (Salsa style). Newbie need advice.?

There is a very good DVD class by Tomas Cruz. It consists of three levels and it teaches congas using the methods of the National School of the Arts (La ENA) and the Insitituto Superior de Artes (the music university) in Cuba. The first level teaches the basics, level 2 gets into more of the modern conga patterns and level 3 is about how to play the most complex patterns and effect in Cuban salsa.

It is very highly rated by readers at who said it was the best way to quickly learn to play.

What are the 4 typical dances of Spain? And South-America? And Asia?

What are the 4 typical dances of Spain? And South-America? And Asia?

Flamingo is definitely one of the Spanish dances

this surprised me: Salsa Dancing All over Asia: Salsa Singapore, Salsa Dance Japan, Salsa Dance China, Salsa Korea, Salsa Thailand. Salsa Dance coverage for all of Asia!

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South America. Marinera is a coastal dance of Peru, generally called the "National Dance of Peru." Marinera is a graceful and romantic couple's dance that uses handkerchiefs as props. The dance is an elegant and stylized reenactment of a courtship, and it shows a blend of the different cultures of Peru. The dance itself has gained a lot of recognition and is one of the most popular traditional dances of Peru. Ever since the 1960s, during the month of January, in the city of Trujillo a National Contest of Marinera Nortena is held.

The origin of the Marinera is generally traced back to the Zamacueca. Nevertheless, there are various other theories about where it comes from. Traditional accompaniment for the dance is provided by a Cajun, guitars and bugles

thank you **

What would the best places in South & Central America to visit for 1 month

What would the best places in South & Central America to visit for 1 month, 1st time solo traveller? (35Yr-F)?

Needless to say, but you must use your "Street Smarts " as a young gal traveling alone down there. Rule # 1 : Stay out of shady looking bars/dance halls after 11:00 PM.

Once that's settled here are a few choices, maybe one or two may catch your fancy.

1.Check out the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica, the place that National Geographic called " The most bio diverse area left on earth ! " But please look out for The Bushmasters on your treks thru the interior, on those narrow jungle paths.,..ask the guides,..pulleezzeee !

2. Then, if you're a tiger, how about a cruise up the Amazon River in Brazil ? Someday I can envision that to be blaze', but it's still an exciting adventure,..maybe even get to sleep in a tree house for one or two nights !

3. Then the cue de gras, a 2 to 3 week trip to Cuba. Because of the unbelievable political absurdities that have affected that island over the last 65 years, it has now evolved by accident into the most under commercialized, pristine and ecologically virgin area in the world. Like the Lonely Planet Guide Book says, " If you've ever wanted to see Cuba, now is the time ! " You're a smart gal, you'll find a way, and your Spanish will make yourself easily understood, so GO ! Make sure you have at least one double daiquiri in the La Floridita bar in Havana, where Ernest Hemingway still holds the record for quaffing down 13 of those babies in one afternoon. Only one for you tho,...OK, maybe two. ( smile )

Also a great opportunity to learn the Salsa from the pros who invented that sensual dance. Baracoa, way out on the east coast, is the most Salsa crazy town,..jaw dropping exibitions in small clubs off the main streets, with 3, sometimes 4 piece bands, very content to just watch and sip my Cuba Libre'.

Buena Suerte !

Holidays also on this date Thursday, May 1, 2025...