St. Jude's Day 2024 is on Monday, October 28, 2024: I want St Jude's Novena prayers. Please post the prayer here?

Monday, October 28, 2024 is St. Jude's Day 2024. SAINT JUDE DEVOTIONS SAINT JUDE DEVOTIONS

I want St Jude’s Novena prayers. Please post the prayer here?

St. Jude's Novena

"May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

be Adored, Glorified, Loved & Preserved

through-out the world, now & forever.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.

Saint Jude, Worker of miracles, pray for us.

Saint Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, pray for us."

Say the prayer 8 times a day for 9 days.

It has never been known to fail.

Publication must be promised.


Out of curiosity I searched in the net and found the above.

St Jude’s Novena-oldest copypasta?

St Jude's Novena-oldest copypasta?

This HAS been around forever . .I'm in my mid 40s and remember seeing these ads in papers when I was a kid. What you call "copypasta" they used to call '"chain letters'" in the good old days. Usually how it reads is your prayer/wish will be granted if you forward the message or mail a copy of the letter to 20 other people, but if you don't, not only will you not get your request but you will suffer some kind of bad luck. E-mail has made it so much more efficient (and cheaper) to perpetuate. It makes one wonder how many people secretly believe in the efficacy of these superstitions while laughing at it to other people.


From the Shrine of St. Jude's website.

"Some people receive chain letters promising good luck if they send copies of the letter to other people. The letters also threaten misfortune if the receiver does not send the copies or breaks the chain.

Whoever writes or sends these letters is acting out of superstition or fear. Perpetuating this superstition, out of a desire for money or out of fear, signals a lack of faith in the wisdom and goodness of God, and could do great harm to the faith and peace of mind of others.

Superstitious people think they can control God by the number of prayers said or letters sent. Faithful people know they are loved by God, and they trust in that love – not in "luck." Please destroy these letters. Do not be afraid. God does not play games with us."

Miami Children’s Hospital VS. St. Jude’s for Stage 3 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?

Miami Children's Hospital VS. St. Jude's for Stage 3 Hodgkin's Lymphoma?

stay home. you'll pay TONS for st. jude and the prognosis is amazing no matter where you go. i guess if you wanna be 100% sure and confident with what each doctor is doing, i guess you could venture out to st. jude. i'm 15 and i was diagnosed with stage 3 NON hodgkins lymphoma. they say the "better cancer" of the two is what your son has. non hodgkins has a 90% survival rate and hodgkins has 95% i think ... don't quote me on the percentages .... but anyways, i traveled about an hour from my home every single day for treatment or if i was in pain or something. it was rough on not only me, but my parents. it was far because a) i was in a really good cancer center. and b) i ended up in that cancer center because where my lymphoma was located in my body was rare in children. in my opinion, i don't think it's worth it to go all the way to st. jude's for treatment when you have a pretty good hospital right there locally. if you do end up going to st. jude's you'll probably stay in a ronald mcdonald house or something ... but ultimately it's up to you where you'd like your son to be treated. i'm just stately my opinion. use you're own good judgement when it comes to your kid. God bless! praying for your son! he's gunna be fine (:

Holidays also on this date Monday, October 28, 2024...