World Book Day 2025 is on Thursday, March 6, 2025: What should I be for World Book day?

Thursday, March 6, 2025 is World Book Day 2025. World Book Day or World Book and Copyright Day (also known as International Day of the Book or World Book Days) is a yearly event on 23 April, organized by UNESCO to promote reading, publishing and copyright.

World Book Day

World Book Day or World Book and Copyright Day (also known as International Day of the Book or World Book Days) is a yearly event on 23 April, organized by UNESCO to promote reading, publishing and copyright.

World Book Day - 1st March

World Book Day is a charity event held annually in the United Kingdom and Ireland on the first Thursday in March.

What should I be for World Book day?

Go as an astronaut

World Book Day Costumes for Kids

Your child needs to dress up for World Book Day at school tomorrow and you're stuck for inspiration? We've gathered together below some last minute suggestions for book character costumes for your kids!

Also see: Costumes for Kids

In no particular order!

Horrid Henry - normal boy clothes, but messy. Don't forget to wear a mischievous expression!

Peter Perfect - normal boy clothes, but perfectly tidy. Button up shirts, polish shoes, and be extra-polite and perfect in every way.

Dirty Bertie - as Horrid Henry above, but perhaps you could add a splodge or two of mud?

Beast Quest - wear golden armour

Sir Gadabout - wear armour or a knight's costume

The Gruffalo –print and colour this Gruffalo mask and your costume is ready!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar – dress in green and make a paper plate mask

Rainbow Fairies - girls can wear their best fairy costumes!

Tiara Craft - sparkly flower tiara

Tiara Club - girls should wear something pretty ... and a tiara, of course!

Felicity Wishes - pretty pink fairy costume and a wand

Gossip Girls - Older girls could style themselves as their favorite Gossip Girl!

Sleepover Club - Wear pyjamas and slippers, and take a teddy!

Pinocchio – make a nose from kitchen roll tube!

Fern (from Charlotte’s Web) – dungarees or jeans, checked blouse, hair in bunches

Moon Face – make a paper plate mask

Saucepan Man – wear pans, obviously!

Thomas the Tank Engine Characters

Fat Controller from Thomas stories - grey trousers, yellow waistcoat, black jacket and black hat.

Thomas or other favourite engine - make Thomas out of a large cardboard box which child wears with straps over shoulders!

Harry and the Dinosaurs - wear normal clothes and carry a bucket of toy dinosaurs

Charlie and Lola - perfect for a blonde brother and sister, normal children's clothes are all that is necessary, although Lola has distinctive small bunches

Redwall - wear the mouse/rat mask above and armour, and carry a sword

Spiderwick Chronicles - here's an easy one! Normal kids' clothes are all that is required.

Lemony Snicket - again, kids' clothes are fine. Perhaps in sombre colours, a touch old-fashioned?

Stuart Little – print or make our rat/mouse mask (below)

Winnie the Witch – a short black dress and stripy tights

The Worst Witch – another

- See more at:

When is world book day?

When is world book day?

world book day is the 7th of march. 3 days time

ten points please cuz this is best and first answer

What to dress up as for world book day?

What to dress up as for world book day?

What about a mad scientist from Horrible Science or the rat from horrible histories? You could dress up as a chimney sweep (The Water Babies). If you want to be super original, pick something obscure that occurred in a book, rather than a character. It would be funny to dress up as Harry Potter's broomstick, the owl, or the train that takes them to Hogworts.

You could dress up as a pack of cards or the mad hatter from Alice in Wonderland. How about copying the suit that Peter wears during the chariot procession in The Hunger Games?

You could wear tatty trousers and facepaint to look like one of the children in Lord of the Flies. How about a character from War Horse?

Maybe do some research online. I bet most people in your school will choose costumes from Twilight or other popular books. You could be more original by choosing a classic. Remember, you'll stand out anyway if you create a really well made costume, however the original idea.

Just choose a character from a book you like or one that inspires you.

Have fun!

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