World Book Night 2025 is on Wednesday, April 23, 2025: Books similar to Night world?

Wednesday, April 23, 2025 is World Book Night 2025. world-book-night-4-23-12 World Book Night: Be Prepared

World Book Night

World Book Evening is all about honoring the pleasure of reading through. Nothing quite matches the thrill which comes from losing yourself inside a bestseller.But, because of so many people getting lost the habit of smoking of reading through for pleasure, the wedding offers an chance for book enthusiasts to see others the thrill literature provides.World Book Evening is well known with community occasions marketing reading through and literacy. But it's in a personal level this day really makes its very own individuals who like books are urged to try and involve individuals around them.Participating couldn’t be simpler: think about a buddy, member of the family or work friend you know doesn't read regularly after which provide them with the present of the book. No matter if the book is totally new or second-hands, it simply must be a magazine you've loved a treadmill you believe your friend will enjoy.

Books similar to Night world?

The Secret Circle Trilogy (witches), The Forbidden Game Trilogy, and The Dark Visions Trilogy (omnibus reprint will be released in Sept.) by L.J. Smith

Companions of the Night by Vivian Vande Velde (vampires)

Old Magic by Marianne Curley (witches)

Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause (werewolves)

The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause (vampires)

The Changeover by Margaret Mahy (witches)

Year of the Cat Trilogy by Zoe Daniels (shape-shifters)

River by Skyla Dawn Cameron (werewolves)

Maggie Quinn: Girl vs. Evil Series by Rosemary-Clement Moore

The Last Vampire Series by Christopher Pike (reprint; Vol. 1 omnibus edition - August 4, 2009)

The Sweep Series by Cate Tiernan (witches)

The Morganville Vampire Series by Rachel Caine

Daughters of the Moon Series by Lynne Ewing

Can anybody give me a quick recount on every book in L.J. Smiths Night world Series?

Can anybody give me a quick recount on every book in L.J. Smiths Night world Series?

Basically their are three books technically, Night World 1, 2, and 3. They all have three stories of their own in them NIght World 1; Secret Vampire, Daughters of Darkness, and Spellbound. Night World 2; Dark Angel, the Chosen, and Soulmate. Night World 3; Huntress, Black Dawn, and Witchlight. is the easy summary of what happen in them because I dont really want to go into details about all the books. You really should read them because their scary good and cost the same amount as a regular sized book so its like your getting two extra amazing book. lol, but basically its about this place called the NIght World which is everywhere with vampire, werewolves, witches, and shapeshifters and your not supposed to tell a human about it or fall in love with a human and its about how rules get broken. lol, HOPE THIS HELPS!

Night World Books...?

Night World Books...?

Luh-v them!! Has Vamps, Shapeshifters, Humans, Ghosts, and Witches. Its about finding your soul-mate but theres no gooey- kissing stuff. it has sum action in it too. 3 books, and 4th one cuming in 2010.

Try House of Night. It has vamps and humans. its sooo awsum but morre mature then night world and twilight. theres like boy friend troubles and its good, has sum bad words though.

Try Zombie Blondes. Its not a series but its about this girl who keeps moving from town to town and then cums to this one town and this guy tells her the popular grls and other people are zombies and its just awsume.

Try Clique. its a series tht has NOTHING TO DO WITH MONSTERS AND VAMPS. Its about popular girls and them having fights and it has fashion in it. theres like 24+ books. rly great series.

Holidays also on this date Wednesday, April 23, 2025...