Bikini Day 2024 is on Friday, July 5, 2024: Have you worn a bikini all day?

Friday, July 5, 2024 is Bikini Day 2024. Facebook comments for sept bikini day cubby BIKINI

Bikini Day

Bikini Day may be the anniversary from the invention from the bikini in 1946 with a Parisian designer, Louis Reard. The objective of this holiday is to buy towards the nearest beach, or have some cheap travel deals towards the Philippines, Indonesia, Hawaii or anywhere with a lot of beach, and spend your day inside your bikini!

Have you worn a bikini all day?

ihaven't actually worn just a bikini all day, i normally wear at leasst one piece of clothing along with it.

for example: bikini top with shorts over my bottoms

or bikini bottoms with a tank top or tube top

or i just wear a sundress.

however, if i'm staying around the pool/beach area all day, i normally won't put anything else on.

Get bikini ready in 10 days?

Get bikini ready in 10 days?

"Toning" is meaningless. Tone is an ambiguous word with no clear definition. It comes from "tonus" which is the tension in muscle at rest. That's not something you can change unless a muscle is atrophied. Generally tonus has to do with age only and is something that muscles lose as people age.

Because "tone" is a slang term which means different things to different people, it is best to avoid using it.

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The key to fat loss is not exercise, it's diet.

Any exercise will burn calories but no exercise will burn fat unless your diet allows it. You can burn fat in your sleep or you can run all day and never burn any fat. It all depends on your diet.

Fat loss is determined by calorie control, not by exercise. Good exercises for burning calories are speed walking, biking, swimming, dancing, etc. and ANY other physical activity which makes you move a lot of weight for a long time. But NO exercise is good for burning fat if you eat too many calories because you can always eat more calories than you can burn but you can't always burn as many as you take in.

Too many people waste energy and time because they do not understand this one simple point. The result is too often giving up in frustration, abandoning gym memberships they continue to pay for, and many other unnecessary problems not the least of which is a lack of success.

An average person must walk about five miles every day for a week to burn the calories equivalent to a pound of body fat. So, unless you think walking about five miles a day (or doing an equivalent amount of exercise) with no guarantee of fat loss makes sense, focus your fat loss program on diet.

Diet for fat loss. Exercise for fitness.

We are all 99% nature (genetics) and 1% nurture (changeable). Here is what we can do to sculpt our bodies.

1. Add fat - Adding fat for all but the extreme ectomorph is a simple matter of eating too many calories over a long period of time. We have no control over where the fat will be deposited on our body.

2. Lose fat - Fat loss must begin with diet. Exercise can help but no exercise can make someone lose fat if they eat too many calories. We have no control over where the fat leaves our body.

3. Add muscle - Adding muscle size requires a commitment to very hard strength training (anaerobics). We don't get big muscles from aerobic ("cardio") exercise. It only comes very slowly from working out against substantial resistance.

4. Lose muscle - There is no healthy way to lose natural (genetic) muscle. We can, however, allow our muscles to atrophy or grow smaller by not using them. We can also "waste" muscle by starving them of nutrition. These, of course, are not a healthy options but they are the only way to make lean muscle smaller (less volume).

That's it. That's all we can do without surgery.

We can't know what you want because you use ambiguous terms. If you want to give your diet a boost and if it is a fat loss diet, cut calories. If you want to look more muscular, start exercising. No matter what you do, you're not going to accomplish much in ten days.

Good luck and good health!!

Want to fit into a bikini in 23 days...?

Want to fit into a bikini in 23 days...?

why not just buy a bigger bikini?

its a simple trick...make your meals as usual, take 1/3 off the portion of any meats or starches and double up on fruits and veggies. cut out soda completely, drink lots of water or sugarfree koolaid, and NIX the fried foods. for 23 days it should be a cinch. You'll likely lose closer to 8lbs but there's not much diff between 8 & 10 lbs. Drink a full 8 oz of water with each meal and one in between. Sometimes we mistake thrist for hunger.

Holidays also on this date Friday, July 5, 2024...