Dance Day 2025 is on Saturday, April 26, 2025: How do ppl slow dance these days?

Saturday, April 26, 2025 is Dance Day 2025. International Dance Day was introduced in 1982 by the International Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute (ITI), a UNESCO partner NGO, and is celebrated on April 29 every year.

world dance day 2013

International Dance Day was introduced in 1982 by the International Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute (ITI), a UNESCO partner NGO, and is celebrated on April 29 every year.

Dance Day

Leap beautifully in mid-air, pirouette and groove towards the music for Dance Day. Whether it’s a sluggish waltz, a pacey swing, or you’re rocking to your favourite song, it’s about moving the body!

How do ppl slow dance these days?

Slow dance: wear lots of deoderant. school dances get sooo hot and humid, and you don't want to smell. arms around the neck of the guy, be comfortable but not loose, let him lead. Mostly, hejust puts his hands on your hips, and you kinda shuffle from foot to foot. sounds soo dumb i know but it's actually kinda sweet.

the only way you can embarrass yourself is if you're not with your friends. if you and your friends are in with the big crowd, dancing, having fun, and keeping it simple, there should be no embarrassment.

No one really notices what anyone outside their circle is dancing like.

like don't be butt-in-crotchh kinda thing, that's way too into it.

even if you couldn't see my skin color and saw the way i dance, you'd know for suree i was ultrawhite lol. I do not dance well fast, like hiphop and r&b type songs. all i do is let the beat inside me, and just go with the flow with my friends. we get in the center of the crowd, where everyone is packed, and no one cares how dorky i look dancing it up with a guy friend or a girl friend. :)

First Dance Audition in 4 days?

First Dance Audition in 4 days?

Okay, I know dance auditions can be horrifying. You are always so nervous that you never feel like you've done anything the best that you can do it. You want to do everything over again, you know? Also, you're stressed about not being seen doing the things you're good at, and being seen a little too well doing the things you struggle with. I've got a few tips to help you, very similar to others who have posted.

1) What to Wear - I know you want to stand out, but do it through your dance, NOT through what you're wearing. Wear a black leotard, try to avoid halters because the halter can twist, and one must never fix their clothing at an audition or in a performance. Wear light pink tights, make sure they're very clean and not ripped, and try to clean up your ballet shoes as best you can. I don't know if you're using pointe shoes for this audition, but if you are, clean them off too. Put your hair in a tight bun, gel/spray the whole thing and put a little net over it. Ballet instructors HATE messy hair. Also, make sure you're comfortable (as much as you can be in ballet uniform ;D), because your clothing is the last thing you'll want to be thinking of during your audition.

2) Smile - Just do it, please. Even when you mess up, keep it plastered across you face. It makes everything you do look better and every performer needs to smile even when melting inside.

3) The Judges - Make eye contact when applicable. If you are facing in a direction where they are, look at them. But if you're doing a port de bras, don't do it incorrectly in order to look at the judges.

4) Your Presence/Attitude - Make sure that every second you are alert and paying attention. DON'T lean on the barre. DON'T chat with other dancers. DON'T pick your teeth or you nails. DON'T fiddle with your clothing. DON'T look bored or scared. DON'T slouch. Make sure that at all time when you aren't dancing you are standing up tall, smiling, being quiet, with you're hands clasped behind your back or at your sides. Always make sure that you don't miss your mark due to day dreaming. And please don't be the girl who get's shushed at the audition. Watch the other dancers respectfully when they're dancing and you're not. Make sure the judges knows that you care, above-it-all girl won't be received well.

5) LOOK LIKE YOU'RE ENJOYING YOURSELF! - Please just make ballet look like what you were born to do. Don't be bored. Smile and look like you are the "luckiest little girl in the world" for being there, when you're dancing and when you're not.

6) Thank You - Thank the teacher and the pianist at the end of the class. No kiss-up compliments, just "Thank you very much.".

Bonne chance! Good luck! Have CONFIDENCE!

Dance Hall Days.....?

Dance Hall Days.....?

both! dance hall days! good times. real good feel good song:)

Holidays also on this date Saturday, April 26, 2025...