Save The Frogs Day 2025 is on Saturday, April 26, 2025: How do I save my ADF?

Saturday, April 26, 2025 is Save The Frogs Day 2025. Save The Frogs Day in North Carolina - Governor Bev Purdue Save The Frogs Day 2011

Save The Frogs Day

Although the disappearance of bees has acquired significant attention, the slow disappearing of frogs as well as other amphibian species went largely not-observed. Save The Frogs Day aims to boost understanding of the plight of decreasing frog populations, and also to encourage conservation and protective initiatives.

How do I save my ADF?

They like to be with other frogs, they need a steady temperature, they need access to the water surface, the need to be carefully acclimated to your cycled, filtered well maintained tank. At lot of things can go wrong with any fish or pet, Petco is one of the few stores that has a 14 day guarantee, I would think twice before boycotting them.

i need help saving a frog!?

i need help saving a frog!?

Chlorine kills frogs. It's supposed to kill things (bacteria) so don't let any small animals in it. Gently rinse him off with room temperature fresh water and then take him back to wherever he came from where there is fresh water. He needs to have land available so don't just put him in a bowl of water. He is probably in shock so putting him in a cage will probably make it worse. There is a pretty good chance he will die if he spent all day in chlorine.

I am relieved to hear it was not your pet because that would be horrible if you put it in the pool but please next time if you see a wild frog in your pool be nice and take it out and put it somewhere with fresh water.

How do I save a frog thats dying?

How do I save a frog thats dying?

I would put the frog in to cold water immediately. Some kind of small tub, or whatever you can put it in. Most labels say that, "if this should get into your eyes or whatever". flush with cold, or warm water depending. I would say too, don't put the water level over the frogs head as it might drown. If your frog is still with you say the day after tomorrow, feed it something. It can be maimed but not dead, because if it is the frog won't eat it.

You can perhaps google or yahoo frog diets and find it something to eat, Yes?

Best to you!

Holidays also on this date Saturday, April 26, 2025...