Jane Addams Day 2024 is on Tuesday, December 10, 2024: Are their any jane addams followers these days?

Tuesday, December 10, 2024 is Jane Addams Day 2024. Anita Hill keynotes Illinois' 5th annual Jane Addams Day tribute ... Jan Huttner as Addams photo

Are their any jane addams followers these days?

Yes there are many. Her work laid the foundation for modern social work. All who work in or are helped by that profession, owe a debt to her.

who was jane addams in the progressive era of the american history 1865?

who was jane addams in the progressive era of the american history 1865?

Jane Addams was a woman who opened the settlement house named Hull House, which provided health care, day care, and other such services to [normally poor] people in the neighborhood

why is jane addams a role for american women?

why is jane addams a role for american women?

She was a feminist before they were called feminists...

Jane Addams began her lifelong crusade for justice and equality not long after she graduated from Rockford College when, in 1889, she established Hull-House in Chicago. There, she created myriad programs – nurseries, college courses, art classes, sports leagues – for people of all beliefs and ethnic backgrounds.

During the 1890s, Hull-House gained a national and international reputation as a radical, innovative, successful institution, and Jane become known as the nation’s leading change agent. She prodded America to respond to the terrible ills of industrial development: child labor, infant mortality, urban crowding and unsanitary conditions, unsafe workplaces, juvenile delinquency, unemployment, and poverty wages.

As a social reformer, Jane was a force to be reckoned with. Her efforts led to Illinois’ first child labor law, the first eight-hour work day law for women; and the first juvenile court. As a suffragette, she championed women’s right to vote. As a humanitarian, she devoted her life to the causes of peace, freedom, and justice.

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, December 10, 2024...