World Prematurity Awareness Day 2024 is on Sunday, November 17, 2024: National Prematurity Awareness Month (yesterday was NPA Day.)?

Sunday, November 17, 2024 is World Prematurity Awareness Day 2024. world prematurity day is World Prematurity Day.

National Prematurity Awareness Month (yesterday was NPA Day.)?

I did everything right and they were born at 33 weeks to the day. I knew the NICU ward like the back of my hand (sadly some NICU "parents" barely visited while I practically lived there). I stayed in the Ronald McDonald house and a lot of us 'NICU' families got close. I had a placental abruption of unknown cause regardless of the fact that I did everything right. (I didn't even set foot into a salon from the minute I found out I was pregnant for fear of the fumes). So premature birth awareness is a good thing but can't halt all preemie births.

November is the month for what cancer awareness?

November is the month for what cancer awareness?

November 14, 2013 is World Diabetes Day.

November 2013

* Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

* COPD Awareness month.

* Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month.

* American Diabetes Month.

* Lung Cancer Awareness Month.

* Crohn's & Ulcerative Colitis Awareness Month

* National Stomach Cancer Awareness Month (United States)

* National Prematurity Awareness Month (United States)

* Epilepsy Awareness Month.

* National Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month.

How many of you know what today is? Today is National Prematurity Awareness Day!?

How many of you know what today is? Today is National Prematurity Awareness Day!?

Kudos *clap*

Holidays also on this date Sunday, November 17, 2024...