Autism Awareness Month on April, 2025: Why have people forgotten Autism Awareness Month?

April, 2025 is Autism Awareness Month 2025. Walk to Support Autism Walk with Autism Speaks and Support Autism Research

Why have people forgotten Autism Awareness Month?

No, I'm not disappointed because I didn't have high expectations. There are many reasons why Autism Awareness Month (and all the other themed month holidays) hasn't caught on yet:

1.The main reason is it's simply not commercial enough. Who wants to celebrate a holiday with no gifts, candy, cards, costumes, or decorations? Only people who have some sort of personal interest in autism.

2. It gets overshadowed by Easter, which has been around longer and has both commercial and religious meaning. Unless someone invents an Autism Bunny, Autism Awareness just can't compete.

3. It's a new holiday that most people have never heard of. It's not even on calendars.

4. It takes a whole month. There is a specific Autism Awareness Day (April 2) within the month, but none of the "Insert Theme Here" Month holidays have ever really caught on. I guess it doesn't really appeal to people.

5. There aren't specific activities or traditions that you're supposed to do, and no symbols (e.g. a Christmas tree) or mascots associated with it.

6. You don't get the day off school or work.

7. There are just too many themed months to remember, and every month has multiple themes.

I've never even heard of Couples' Month or Poetry Month, and I've only heard about National Karaoke Week on the Y!A homepage. I know it's Holocaust Remembrance Month, but I haven't heard much about it this year. If you want autism awareness to catch on, you'll have to be patient and try to promote it within your community as best you can.

Did anyone know that it’s Autism Awareness Month?

Did anyone know that it's Autism Awareness Month?

UH april is autism awareness MONTH, NOT this month

Did you know that April is Autism Awareness Month?

Did you know that April is Autism Awareness Month?

Autism-so many people have no concept of how life altering this mysterious illness is. It is not an individual thing-but global. It affects everybody.

It has a ripple effect on a family. The autistic child needs more care, time, support-it wears the parents out and can cause the parents to disagree and it is so unfair for the other children in the family.

I know this because I have an autistic child-so many people take this to mean unco-operative, defiant, and so forth. It is so much more.

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...