Bat Appreciation Week on April, 2025: Who is Aalunga and what interesting action he did to remain atop "Hot news of the week" in Y!A

Bat Appreciation Week 2025. This Week In Booklists April 8 Bat Appreciation Week

Who is Aalunga and what interesting action he did to remain atop "Hot news of the week" in Y!A

Aalunga is one of the yahoo participants who gets brick bats and bouquets for his opinions.

he is after all a fistful of man but when he raises his voice he gains the arrogance of a nation'sl flag.

He is Shasi tharoor of yahoo answers, who was misunderstood by our politicians and media who do not know the meaning of the word interlocutor.

Ever been in a relationship where it felt from being so right to something more uncomfortable?

Ever been in a relationship where it felt from being so right to something more uncomfortable?

Wow. I have the exact same affliction. I go from hot to cold in a matter of weeks, and for no particular either...or so I think.

For instance, just a couple moths ago I was seeing this guy (still sorta am actually) and I was obsessed with him! Thought we were just made for each other (and right off the bat too), but as always, some time went by and the feelings just sort of went away.

I kind of agree with fightingfalconx's theory. I think it might have to do with how I build them up in my mind, before actually getting to know them. And of course once I do, I'm disappointed - to the point where I want nothing do with them anymore. Maybe my expectations are too high, or maybe I purposely sabotage these relationships because I feel like I'M the one who's not good enough - and by rejecting them first I protect myself from ever getting hurt. Who knows? Maybe I just need to see a psychiatrist. lol

what’s one thing you do...?

what's one thing you do...?

Interesting questions!

My husband and I are fairly heavily tattooed and have other body modifications that were looked at negatively even before we had a child. I've definitely noticed even more sideways glances now that we're toting a little one around. People still have hang-ups about body modification (especially on women) and still stereotype people with tattoos as being uneducated criminals. I hope to use our tattoos as a way to teach my son about diversity and appreciation for the differences in all types of people.

One thing no one bats an eyelash at any more is the family with two working parents. My husband and I both work full time jobs and my son is in daycare 5 days a week. I feel incredibly guilty about having to leave him in the care of a practical stranger every day and have since he was 6-weeks-old. I wish we had the luxury to have one of us stay home with him, but it's just not an option. But, I can't shrug off the nagging feeling that I'm somehow screwing him up and missing all sorts of milestones.

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...