Chiropractic Founders Day 2024 is on Wednesday, September 18, 2024: What can be used for sore feet and knees?
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 is Chiropractic Founders Day 2024. Dallas — Chiropractic - No Appointments, $19 First Visit No Gimmicks, Open Saturdays!
I recommend Sole Supports custom orthotics for use inside your shoes. You can only get these from a podiatrist or chiropractor who uses the Sole Supports brand. These shoe inserts will outdo any other product on the market.
I would also consider looking for a chiropractor in your area who focuses on treating the feet and knees. Your foot bones and knees can lose their healthy alignment from all that standing - when that happens your feet and knees will begin to hurt. You'd be amazed by how good your feet and knees would feel after having them properly realigned.
Dr. Robert Fenell
Founder & CEO, Chiropractic Hand & Foot Clinics Of America
How do i fix the sore feet i get after running for a while?
This isn't so uncommon. When you develop foot pain while exercising there is a good chance that you have some misalignment in your foot structure. There are 26 bones in each foot - which all have their normal alignment they should be in - however after years of walking, running, ankle and foot sprains or other injuries these 26 bones commonly lose their healthy alignment. This is one of the most common causes for foot pain.
People with normal, healthy aligned foot bones and joints generally do not suffer too often with these types of symptoms. I am a chiropractic foot expert and have treated thousands of patients over the years successfully. A chiropractic foot doctor will perform a gentle adjustment to the misaligned bones. This can do a world of good for your type of foot condition. Since most chiropractors primarily focus their treatment on the spine you may have to search for a while to find a suitable chiro in your area. Feel free to visit my site for more info.
I wish your feet well!
Dr. Robert Fenell
Founder of Chiropractic Hand & Foot Clinics Of America
Painful lump in neck and face and hand numbness/tingling? Help!?
With the multiple symptoms: face numb, arm/hand, headache the first thing I would do is to rule out something more serious or life threatening - such as blood clot/stroke, etc. Once you rule that out this could be something related to your TMJ (jaw joint). Have you had popping/clicking in the jaw?... that's an obvious question you can ask yourself to lean toward that as a cause (i.e. certain jaw problems can cause face numbness (trigeminal nerualgia)). Another more common musculoskeletal problem is thoracic outlet syndrome. This condition can involved certain muscles of the neck/shoulder and even misalignment of the vertebrae, upper ribs and/or shoulder joint itself. The lump on the side of your neck makes me consider this condition as a possibility - could be a muscle spasm or bulge that you're palpating. I would first recommend ruling out the more serious possibilities first - see you family physician sooner rather than later. Once you get a clean bill of health on not serious issues then see your chiropractor. If you need help finding one maybe I can help.
Dr. Bob
Founder of Chiropractic Hand & Foot Clinics Of America