Cranberries and Gooseberries Month on April, 2025: Which fruits can I feed my 3 month old Guinea Pig?

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Which fruits can I feed my 3 month old Guinea Pig?

you can feed them mant things some you can only give them alittle of somthing though they can have:

Apple (Seeds are Poisonous)



Asian Pear


Banana (Can cause constipation)


Beet greens


Belgian Endive





Brussels Sprouts

Cabbage (Green)

Cabbage (Red)

Carrot tops / leaves

Carrots (Can cause liver problems)

Cauliflower / Broccoli flower

Celery leaves

Celery Root / Celeriac

Celery stalks (cut into small pieces)

Cherries (Remove stones)

Chives (Feed in moderation)

Cilantro / Chinese Parsley Coriander greens

Collard greens

Corn on cob/strings/leaves/stalks


Cranberries (whole fruit, not juice)

Cucumber (Not pickled)

Currants (Black-Leaves also edible)

Currants (Red)

Dandelion greens

Dates (High in Sugar when dried)


Feijoa / Pineapple Guava

Figs (High in Sugar when dried)

Garden Cress


Grapefruit (Acid may cause sores on mouth)

Grapes (High in Sugar when dried)

Grass (wheat grown in pots)

Green Beans in pods / String Beans

Green Endive

Green Leek tops (Feed in moderation)

Green Onion tops Feed in moderation)


Hay (Alfalfa) (Only treats for Adults)

Hay (Orchard)

Timothy hay (Feed unlimited to Adults)

Kale (curly or plain)

Kiwi Fruit

Kohlrabi bulbs

Kohlrabi leaves


Lettuce (Arugula)

Lettuce (Bibb)

Lettuce (Boston)

Lettuce (Butterweed)

Lettuce (Cos)

Lettuce (Dark Green Leaf)

Lettuce (Romaine)



Melon (Cantaloupe)

Melon (Honeydew)

Melon (Watermelon)


Mustard greens / Leaf Mustard


Orange (Acid may cause sores around mouth)

Papaya / Paw Paw / Tree Melon

Parsley (curly or plain)

Parsley root


Passion Fruit / Granadilla

Peach / Stone poisonous


Peas in pods, Pea Shoots

Peppers (Sweet or Bell) Red

Peppers (Sweet or Bell) Green

Peppers (Yellow)

Persimmon (American or oriental)

Pineapple (Feed in moderation)

Plum, Prune (High in Sugar when dried)


Radicchio / Italian Chicory





Spinach (Feed in moderation)


they cant have:

Potato (Starch that's in the potato will kill them)

Sugar, like chocolate and candy (They can't digest it)

Dairy Products (This will make them sick)

Almonds (Can't digest)

what kind of veggies can a guinea pig eat?

what kind of veggies can a guinea pig eat?

They can eat all these fruits veggies >

Apple - Seeds Poisonous



Asian Pear


Banana – Can cause constipation


Beet greens


Belgian Endive





Brussels Sprouts

Cabbage (Green)

Cabbage (Red)

Carrot tops / leaves

Carrots - Can cause liver problems

Cauliflower / Broccoli flower

Celery leaves

Celery Root / Celeriac

Celery stalks - cut into small pieces

Cherries - Remove stones

Chives - Feed in moderation

Cilantro / Chinese Parsley Coriander greens

Collard greens

Corn on cob/strings/leaves/stalks


Cranberries (whole fruit, not juice)

Cucumber - Not pickled

Currants - Black-Leaves also edible

Currants (Red)

Dandelion greens

Dates - High in Sugar when dried


Feijoa / Pineapple Guava

Figs - High in Sugar when dried

Garden Cress


Grapefruit - Acid may cause sores on mouth

Grapes - High in Sugar when dried

Grass – wheat grown in pots

Green Beans in pods / String Beans

Green Endive

Green Leek tops - Feed in moderation

Green Onion tops - Feed in moderation


Hay (Alfalfa) - High calcium & calories

Good for youngsters, pregnant & nursing sows-

Hay (Orchard)

Timothy hay - Feed freely to Adults

Kale - curly or plain

Kiwi Fruit

Kohlrabi bulbs

Kohlrabi leaves


Lettuce (Arugula)

Lettuce (Bibb)

Lettuce (Boston)

Lettuce (Butterweed)

Lettuce (Cos)

Lettuce (Dark Green Leaf)

Lettuce (Romaine)



Melon (Cantaloupe)

Melon (Honeydew)

Melon (Watermelon)


Mustard greens / Leaf Mustard


Orange - Acid may cause sores around mouth

Papaya / Paw Paw / Tree Melon

Parsley - curly or plain

Parsley root


Passion Fruit / Granadilla

Peach / Stone poisonous


Peas in pods, Pea Shoots

Peppers (Sweet or Bell) Red

Peppers (Sweet or Bell) Green

Peppers (Yellow)

Persimmon - American or oriental

Pineapple - Acid may cause sores around mouth

Plum, Prune - High in Sugar when dried


Radicchio / Italian Chicory





Spinach - Feed in moderation,


How many times/how much should a guinea pig eat a day?

How many times/how much should a guinea pig eat a day?

Ehh please ignore the other ignorant and highly illiterate answers already given...

A guinea pig should eat approx. 1 cup of vegetables/fruit a day. Usually, you should feed your pig twice a day - once in the morning and once at night. Only feed half a cup each feeding, so they get a total of 1 cup per day. You should feed a range of different vegetables and fruit so your piggie gets all the nutrition it needs. I've posted a pretty long list of good and bad foods you can feed your pig. I've copied and pasted btw lol.

Recommended :

1 cup of mixed veggies per pig per day. Unlimited hay. Unlimited pellets.

HIGH Vitamin C foods:

- Guinea pig pellets with stabilized vitamin C - alfalfa based for youngsters, pregnant & nursing sows, slim or sick pigs; timothy based for healthy, grown, chubby pigs (do not substitute rabbit or chinchilla pellets; avoid mixes with nuts, seeds or colored bits)

- Parsley - curly or plain (high in calcium)

- Cilantro / Chinese Parsley / Corriander greens

- Celery leaves

- Collard greens

- Mustard greens / Leaf Mustard

- Water Cress

- Garden Cress

- Swiss Chard, Red Chard

- Beet greens

- Spinach (feed in moderation, linked to formation of kidney & bladder stones)

- Carrot tops / leaves

- Peas in pods, Pea Shoots (not dried)

- Dandelion greens

- Grass - wheat, winter rye (grown in pots from seed)

- Kale - curly or plain

- Broccoli, Broccolini (stems are liked better than flowers)

- Broccoli Rabe / Rabe / Rapini

- Cauliflower / Broccoflower

- Brussels Sprouts

- Cabbage

- Red Cabbage

- Tuscan Cabbage / Cavolo Nero

- Savoy Cabbage

- Kohlrabi leaves

- Bell / Sweet Peppers - red, green, yellow (not hot or chile)

- Tomato (sores around mouth can develop; leaves poisonous; artificially grown can be low in vit C)

- Tamarillo (leaves poisonous)

- Orange (caution - sores around lips can develop)

- Tangerine / Mandarin (caution - sores around lips can develop)

- Grapefruit (caution - sores around lips can develop)

- Lemon, Lime (home-grown best, otherwise feed cautiously)

- Cantaloupe Melon

- Honeydew Melon

- Currants - yellow, red or black (leaves also edible)

- Gooseberries

- Strawberries

- Kiwi Fruit

- Mango

- Guava

- Feijoa / Pineapple Guava

- Papaya / Paw Paw / Tree Melon

- Persimmon - american or oriental

- Rosehip

LOW Vitamin C foods:

- Hay - timothy, meadow, alpine and others (must always be available)

- Alfalfa - green or dried (high calcium & calories - good for youngsters, pregnant & nursing sows)

- Romaine Lettuce

- Lettuces - red, green, butter, Boston and other (avoid iceberg)

- Frisee Lettuce

- Arugula / Rocket / Roquette / Rucola

- Green Endive

- Belgian Endive

- Radicchio / Italian Chicory

- Treviso Radicchio

- Salad mix (without iceburg lettuce)

- Artichoke

- Asparagus

- Anise

- Basil

- Dill

- Mint

- Thyme

- Chives (caution, feed in moderation)

- Green Onion tops (caution, feed in moderation)

- Green Leek tops (caution, feed in moderation)

- Sweet Onions (caution, feed in moderation)

- Celery stalks (cut into small pieces)

- Corn on the cob (strings, leaves & stalks are edible too)

- Green Beans in pods / String Beans (not dried)

- Carrots (feed in moderation, vit A in carrots said to cause liver problems)

- Yam / Sweet Potato (high in vit A? - leaves edible)

- Beets

- Celery Root / Celeriac

- Kohlrabi bulbs

- Radishes (if mild)

- Turnip

- Parsnip

- Rutabaga

- Parsley root

- Cucumber (fresh only, not pickled)

- Squash - acorn, banana, butterhorn, spagetti, and others (feed in moderation)

- Zucchini

- Pumpkin

- Pineapple - fresh (sores around lips & mouth can develop)

- Apple (avoid seeds; if too tart, sores around lips & mouth can develop)

- Crabapple

- Pear

- Asian Pear

- Plum, Prune (dried high in sugar - as treat only)

- Nectarine

- Apricot

- Peach

- Cherries (remove pits)

- Cranberries (whole fruit, not concentrate or juice)

- Raspberries

- Blackberries

- Bilberries

- Blueberries

- Watermelon (can cause diarrhea - high water content)

- Banana (feed in great moderation - can cause constipation)

- Passion Fruit / Granadilla

- Grapes (in moderation, high in sugar)

- Figs (dried high in sugar - as treat only)

- Dates (dried high in sugar)

EDIBLE wild grasses, plants and herbs:

(make sure you know what you are picking! be sure to pick from places free of contaminants such as pesticides , exhaust fumes or animal urine ; pick plants that are healthy looking, without insect damage, fungus spots, breakage, or wilting)

- Grass (common grasses are edible, avoid ornamental grasses)

- Clover (Trifollium repens or Trifolium pratense)

- Dandelion (Teraxacum officinale) - pick leaves, stems, flowers (even root OK)

- Anise (Pimpinella anisum)

- Blackberry leaves (Rubus plicatus) - pick young & tender leaves and shoots

- Calendula (Calendula officinalis) - leaves and flowers

- Caraway (Carum carvi)

- Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis)

- Chickweed (Stellaria media)

- Cleavers / Stickyweed / Goosegrass / Bedstraw (Galium aparine)

- Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)

- Cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaeae) - berries, leaves in moderation

- Cow Parsley (Anthiscus sylvestris)

- Dog Rose (Rosa canina) - ripe fruits

- Duckweed (Lemna minor) - aquatic

- Fennel (Foeniculum capillaceum)

- Field Violet / Wild Pansy (Viola tricolor)

- Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris)

- Lemon Mint / Melissa (Melissa officinalis)

- Linden / Lime Tree (Tilia cordata or Tilia platyphyllos) - flowers with pale yellow leaflets

- Miner's Lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata)

- Pepermint (Mentha piperita)

- Plantain (Plantago major or Plantago lanceolata)

- Raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeus) - pick young & tender leaves and shoots

- Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)

- Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)

- Silverweed (Potentilla anserina)

- Vetch (Vicia x)

- Yarrow (Achllea millefolium)

- Whortleberry / Heidelberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) - berries, leaves in moderation

- Wild Chamomile (Matricaria chammomilla)

- Wild Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) - berries and leaves

AVOID Danger foods:

- Iceburg Lettuce (low nutrition, high water)

- Hot Peppers / Chiles / Paprikas

- Hot herbs and spices

- Pickled veggies (dills, capers, sour krauts)

- Garlic or pungent onions (will not poison pigs, )

- Tomato leaves & stalks (poisonous)

- Tomatillo leaves & stalks (poisonous)

- Rhubarb (poisonous)

- Seeds (choking hazard)

- Dry beans and peas

- Nuts (too high in fat)

- Avocado (too high in fat)

- Coconut (too high in fat)

- Horseradish (leaves probably ok, root too pungent)

- Mushrooms

- Potatos (poisonous if green or sprouted) - sweet patatos / yams are ok

- Taro (dangerous if eaten raw / unprepared)

- Jams, jellies and fruit preserves (too high in sugar)

- Fruit juices (sugar-free, or unsweetened juices are OK)

- Teas, coffee, colas

- Fried, cooked and otherwise prepared foods

- Peanut butter, cakes, cookies, baked goods

- Milk and milk products

- Wild grasses, plants and herbs that you are unsure of, or that look different from ones you know

- Flowers (commercially grown decorative plants contain preservatives & pesticides)

I believe pellets aren't necessary if your pig is getting large amounts of hay and fibre. When preparing food, here's a tip: cut the vegies into long bits instead of little chunks. This way, your piggies teeth get worn down and the risk of your pig developing dental diseases. For a pig under 1 year, I'd actually recommend alfalfa hay which gives young pigs essential fibre and nutrients they need to grow. I feed my pigs the following each morning and night: half a cherry tomato, 2 sticks of celery (some celery leaves are loved if I have them), 1 stick of carrot, 1 stick of cucumber, a slice of chocko, and a slice of red capsicum (bell pepper). Try and stick to a regular feeding time and diet: I feed at 7:30-8 in the mornings and 7:30 at night. During the day, I feed my guinea pigs a few snacks. Parsley, cos lettuce and celery leaves are loved. These are all good for them and allows for bonding time between you and your pig. But don't feed to much lettuce - it's mostly water and can cause diahhrea if fed in excess. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...