National Decorating Month on April, 2025: Utah national parks which bestclosest to Salt Lake City?

April, 2025 is National Decorating Month 2025. Embroidery Treasures April is National Decorating

Utah national parks which best/closest to Salt Lake City?

Following is a list of parks that are within a days drive from Salt Lake. Also shown are the distance and approximate driving time (not including stops) to each of these locations. I used the Salt Lake Airport as the starting point for each of these drives. Distances shown are one-way.

Bryce Canyon National Park - 265 miles / 4:10

Zion National Park (canyon) - 315 miles / 4:40

Capitol Reef National Park - 225 miles / 3:30

Arches National Park - 235 miles / 3:35

Canyonlands National Park (Island in the Sky District) 250 / 4:00

Great Basin National Park (Nevada) - 240 / 3:40

Dinosaur National Monument - 240 / 4:25

I've visited all of these parks at least once and this is my opinion. Since you only have a day for this trip, it's going to involve a significant amount of driving. You should pay attention to the drive time rather than the distance. Whichever park you choose, the roundtrip drive time will be at least 7 hours not including stops you may make along the way. All things considered, my order of preference is as follows.

1. Arches & Canyonlands National Parks - If this is a summer visit (mid-June to mid-Sept) move this to the bottom of the list. During the summer months it gets too hot to do anything active in the park after noon. Otherwise, this is a great place to go hiking in the cooler months. Hike out to Delicate Arch. Time permitting, hike out to Landscape Arch and Double-O Arch. Canyonlands is nearby so stop to enjoy the views from Grandview Point in the Island in the Sky District. Also stop to enjoy the views from Dead Horse Point State Park nearby.

2. Bryce Canyon National Park - Starting at Sunset Point, hike down into Wall Street (part of Navajo Loop Trail) but instead of completing the loop, branch off onto the Queens Garden Trail at the bottom of the amphitheater. Follow the Queens Garden Trail back to the rim at Sunrise Point and complete the hike by following the rim trail back to Sunset Point.

3. Great Basin National Park, Nevada - Hike up to the Bristlecone Pine Grove at the 10,500 ft elevation of Mt Wheeler to see 3,000+ year old trees. The Prometheus tree grew here and was ring dated to be 4,844 years old. Unfortunately, they killed the tree to date it not knowing that it was the oldest living thing known to man. This is a relatively easy 3 mile roundtrip hike with trailhead at 9,900 feet. Be sure to tour Lehman Caves behind the visitor center. Tickets are required. It's a small cave but is the most profusely decorated for it's size that I have ever seen. Huge shield formations and delicate helectites abound.

4. Zion National Park - Zion Canyon is a long day trip but if you start before dawn and return at night you should have time to hike to Angels Landing. This hike is not for acrophobes so if you have a fear of heights try the Narrows instead. Rent canyoneers (river boots) and a walking staff (if you don't have one) from Zion Adventures in Springdale just outside the park. Take the park shuttle to the Temple of Sinawava and follow the paved Riverside Walk to the entrance of the Narrows. From there the trail is the Virgin River. The river is usually just knee to thigh deep but could be chest deep in a few places. Don't let it scare you off. Keep going. You should have time to get two or three miles upriver before you have to turn around. Great experience if you have never hiked a slot canyon before. Warning - check the weather report at Zion Adventures or the park visitor center before entering the Narrows. You don't want to be in there during a flash flood.

5. Dinosuar National Monument - Another long day but if you want to see dinosaur fossils still in the matrix then the Dinosaur Quarry is the place to go. If you have time, drive out to Harpers Corner to see more of the monument. Be sure to stop at the Field House - Natural History Museum in Vernal on Main Street. You might want to stop here on the way out to Dinosaur because as I recall the museum closes early.

I don't think I would go to Capitol Reef unless I had more time. This is a place to do some backpacking to explore the backcountry. So unless you're going to be in the area anyway, I recommend you skip it.

I hope this information is of some help and remember that it's just my opinion. Others may disagree. If you need maps to these parks, go to the Harpers Ferry Center web site and download the National Park Service maps in PDF format.

Question about joining the National Guard?

Question about joining the National Guard?

The bulk of the Guard and Reserves trains (drills) once per month for 2 days and 2 weeks a year. To be an officer, just like a newly enlisted Soldier, you will have to complete initial entry training which for an officer going through OCS is:

Basic Training - 9 weeks

OCS - 9 - 14 weeks

BOLC II-III - 5 months+

Edit: For those of you who want to bust on the Guard a little stats:

Most decorated unit in U.S. History - 442nd RCT, HIARNG

Most time spent in combat of any U.S. unit - 126th Infantry, MIARNG

Most Decorated Unit in the GWOT - 124th Infantry, FLARNG

Help with Japanese holidays/numbers/weeks/days/months/year/hours/minutes/katakana?

Help with Japanese holidays/numbers/weeks/days/months/year/hours/minutes/katakana?


New Year's Day


January 1 This national holiday was established in 1948, as a day to celebrate the new year. New Year's Day marks the beginning of Japan's most important holiday season, the New Year season, which generally refers to the first one, three or seven days of the year. Although not prescribed by law, many workplaces are closed from December 29 to January 3. Prior to 1948, January 1 was a national holiday on which the imperial worship ceremony known as Shihō-hai took place.

Coming-of-Age Day


Second Monday of January This national holiday was established in 1948 as a day to congratulate and encourage people who have reached the age of majority [20] during the year. Cities and towns throughout the nation hold ceremonies for these people. Originally held on January 15, in 2000 it was changed to the second Monday of January in accordance with the Happy Monday System.

National Foundation Day


February 11 This national holiday was established in 1966 [and first held in 1967] as a day to reflect on the establishment of the nation and to nourish a love for the country. From 1872 to 1948, February 11 was known as Kigen-setsu, a holiday commemorating the day on which—according to the Nihon-shoki—Emperor Jimmu is said to have acceded the throne in 660 BCE.

Vernal equinox


Around March 21[1] This national holiday was established in 1948 as a day for the admiration of nature and the love of living things. Prior to 1948, the vernal equinox was an imperial ancestor worship festival called Shunki kōrei-sai.

Shōwa Day


April 29 This national holiday was established in 2007 as a day to reflect on the events of the Shōwa period. As the birthday of the Shōwa Emperor, April 29 was originally celebrated as a holiday during his lifetime. After the death of the emperor in 1989, the date continued to be a holiday under the new name "Greenery Day". In 2007, Greenery Day was moved to May 4, and April 29 took the name "Shōwa Day" in honor of the late Emperor. Shōwa Day marks the start of the Golden Week holiday period.

Constitution Memorial Day


May 3 This national holiday was established in 1948, to commemorate the day on which Japan's postwar constitution took effect. Constitution Memorial Day falls during Golden Week.

Greenery Day


May 4 This national holiday is celebrated as a day to commune with nature and be grateful for its blessings. Originally established in 1989 and held annually on April 29, in 2007, Greenery Day was moved to May 4, and April 29 was renamed "Shōwa Day". Greenery Day falls during Golden Week. [NB: From 1986 to 2006, May 4 was a holiday known as Kokumin no kyūjitsu in accord with Japanese law, which stipulates that any weekday that falls between two holidays shall also be a holiday.]

Children's Day


May 5 This national holiday was established in 1948, as a day on which to esteem the personalities of children and plan for their happiness. It is on this day that the Japanese equivalent of the Dragon Boat Festival is held. On this day, families who have a boy in their home may fly koi streamers and decorate their homes with armor or samurai dolls. Children's Day marks the end of Golden Week.

Marine Day


Third Monday of July This national holiday was established in 1995 [and first held in 1996] as a day of gratitude for the blessings of the oceans and for hoping for the prosperity of the maritime nation that is Japan. Originally held on July 20, in 2003 it was changed to the third Monday of July in accordance with the Happy Monday System.

Respect-for-the-Aged Day


Third Monday of September This national holiday was established in 1966 as a day to respect the elderly and celebrate long life. Originally held on September 15, it originated as a renaming of Old Folks' Day. In 2003, it was changed to the third Monday of September in accordance with the Happy Monday System.

Autumnal equinox


Around September 23[2] This national holiday was established in 1948 as a day on which to honor one's ancestors and remember the dead. Prior to 1948, the autumnal equinox was an imperial ancestor worship festival called Shūki kōrei-sai.

Health and Sports Day


Second Monday of October This national holiday was established in 1966 as a day on which to enjoy sports and cultivate a healthy mind and body. Originally held on October 10th to commemorate the anniversary of the opening ceremony of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, in 2000 it was changed to the second Monday of October in accordance with the Happy Monday System.

Culture Day


November 3 This national holiday was established in 1948. It commemorates the November 3, 1946 announcement of the Constitution. It is recognized as a day to celebrate peace and freedom and promote culture. [NB: Although prior to the establishment of this holiday in 1948, November 3 was also a national holiday called Meiji-setsu commemorating the birthday of Emperor Akihito was born on this day in 1933. [NB: Prior to the death of Emperor Hirohito in 1989, this holiday was celebrated on April 29. See "Shōwa Day" above.]

Holidays section taken from Wikipedia.













This week: こんしゅう

Next week: らいしゅう

Last week: せんしゅう


January: いちがつ・一月

February: にがつ・二月

March: さんがつ・三月 

April: よんがつ・四月

May: ごがつ・五月

June: ろくがつ・六月

July: なながつ・七月

August: はちがつ・八月

September: くがつ・九月

October: じゅうがつ・十月

November: じゅういちがつ・十一月

December:  じゅうにがつ・十二月


Monday: げつようび・月曜日

Tuesday: かようび・火曜日

Wednesday: すいようび・水曜日

Thursday: もくようび・木曜日

Friday: きんょうび・金曜日

Saturday: とようび・土曜日

Sunday: にちようび・日曜日


This year: ことし

Next year: らいねん

Last year: ふるとし・きゅうねん・きょねん・さくねん

1st: ひとつ

2nd: ふたつ

3rd: みつ

4th: よつ

Used when counting people:

One/Alone: ひとり

Two/couple/pair: ふたり

AM and PM:

AM: ごぜん

PM: ごご

I think what you mean by irregular numbers is that they're prounounced differently when different numbers are added.

I'll try to explain the ones I can remember:

Mostly after "4" [if you count it as "shi" instead of "yon"], the other numbers that have a number "4" in them are prounounced "yon". So forty would most likely be prounounced as "yonjyuu" instead of "shijyuu".

Like 4, I believe most people use "nana" for 7, instead of "shichi" So for seventy, it would most likely be prounounced as "nanajyuu" instead of "shichijyuu".

Then, you have to remember that 3, 6, and 8 are prounounced differently when 100 is added.

100 is "hyaku"

200 is "nihyaku"

but 300 is "sanbyaku"

600 is "rokupyaku"

800 is "happyaku"

Then for 1000, 3 is prounounced differently

1000 is "sen"

2000 is "nisen"

but 3000 is "sanzen"


As for you "hi" and "ku", I can't really see anything wrong with them, they look pretty normal to me. However, you may have gotten a pickier teacher, so I'd just do as she says. However, they both look about the same, and in reality, no one will really notice unless you are really off. As for the "ha", the 2 curves cannot be too curved, it must be a bit stiffer, that is a big different because the katakana for "ha" can be confused with "eight" in kanji.

Ha: ハ

8: 八

It's not really noticeable through typing, but you can kind of see how the 8 is more curved while "ha" should be stiffer.

As for memorizing, I cannot really help you with these basic terms. These are the foundation for your later studies, and I believe the only way you could actually remember them is to cram them into your head.

The numbers just must be repeated endlessly until you can repeat it fluently, I cannot really explain or help you with memorizing this.

For the days, I shall do my best.

Usually, memorizing for me is based more on a type of feeling. For example, I'd just believe that Tuesday is "fiery" because the kanji and "ka" means "fire". Wednesday is the middle of the week, so I'd believe that it's a bit "calmer" and more like "water" which is the kanji and meaning of "sui". For Monday, just remember that "getsu" and the kanji means "moon" and Monday, the beginning of "Mon" is kind of spelled like "moon". Thursday is something I've crammed into my head. Friday is a happy, "golden" day, so the kanji and the meaning of "kin" is "gold". Saturday you could remember because you lie on the beach or something, and the kanji and meaning of "to" is "dirt". Sunday's kanji and meaning is "sun", so naturally, the day would be referred to as "Sun"day.

I'm not too sure about online games or programs, but www[.]freedict[.]com is a good English -> Japanese [Romanji]

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...