Fish Are Friends, Not Food! Week on June, 2025: how long can betta fish live without food?

Fish Are Friends, Not Food! Week 2025. USpin™ Fish Are Friends, Not Food

how long can betta fish live without food?

As long as it's in good condition to start with it will be OK for 2 weeks without food.

Better for it to be a bit hungry than overfed and dead, so make sure you DONT give it extra to make up for the missed feeds.


How long can betta fish live without food?

How long can betta fish live without food?

Your fish should be fine, Most fish can go up to 10 days without food and be OK.

3 or 4 days isn't going to be a problem.

Good Luck.


question about fishes?

question about fishes?

Most fish need fed everyday.

-There are feeder tablets available at the fish store that can feed your fish for a week or more. After coming back be sure to remove any uneaten portion to keep water quality high.

-You can also buy automatic fish feeders that will release food when you tell it to, but these are more expensive. They are also found at pet stores.

-If a friend or family member can look over them, that would be the best option.

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