International Interpreters and Translators Week on September, 2025: translator profession. salary and does it good profession?

International Interpreters and Translators Week 2025. Translators Interpreters‎ Looking For Translators Interpreters In Dallas? Search Here

translator profession. salary and does it good profession?

Hi there! Well I can offer first-hand information as I am a translator/interpreter myself. Being a multilingual child, my career choice was pretty simple, I can´t even imagine doing anything else than my current job. For me, it is the best job ever. Of course it has disadvantages, too.

So - finding a job depends on where you live and what kind of translations you would like to do. In Europe, the EU is one of the best rated employers for linguists in general, translators and interpreters included. They require proficiency in multiple languages, though, and it´s not that easy to get a job with them. You can:

a. work for a larger company that does international business and needs full-time translators

b. do literary translations and work for a publishing houses (easier, but not paid that much)

c. be a court translator/interpreter (the most demanding kind, also the best paid one)

d. be a freelancer.

Generally speaking, translating is great for anyone who likes playing with words and is interested in intercultural communication. It is also great in case you are the type that likes working on their deck, in a dressing gown and with a mug of coffee. That´s what I do. I am a freelancer, I do commercial translations, I work with four languages and from time to time I get invited to interpret at court hearings (because I have the qualification needed). I make a great living from it (I own a nice house and drive a Maserati if this helps you imagine) but in order to do so you have to work a lot. Usually, I work for maybe 10 hours a day for like three weeks and then take a week off. This varies a lot, though, depending on how the business is going.

If you think that you would enjoy being a translator, go for it! It is a total dream job. If you are not sure, why don´t you try finding a translating office and apply for a summer job so that you can see how it works? That´s what I did after high school and it helped a lot. Good luck with your studies and maybe one day you´ll be a colleague of mine! :)

What does a translator do? Can I get a degree in Translation?

What does a translator do? Can I get a degree in Translation?

There is a need for translators/interpreters in nearly every field imaginable, or at least people with special advanced language abilities in every field.

The Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS), located in Monterey, CA. is one school that I know of that offers Masters programs in translation & interpretation as well as Int'l Business and Policy. They also offer a great summer intensive language program that will give you two-years worth (at least when I attended) of college-level course crammed into 8 or 9 weeks with transferable college credits. It's as close to an immersion atmosphere as you can get without actually being in your country of choice. People come from all over the world to get into this language program. It is open to non-college grads. Check out their Masters programs - it may give further insight into possible language-directed careers. They often borrow instructors for their summer program from the nearby Defense Language Institute which trains candidates from all of the military branches and the multitude of acronymed gov't agencies - yeah you know which ones I'm talking about. They're very serious about their program's reputation, and it's no walk in the park by any means. You'll meet a ton of well-traveled, intelligent and motivated people unlike any others anywhere else.

Also, check out Thunderbird School of Global Mgmt. It's also an international business grad school that has careers path programs that may pique your interest. I have run into Thunderbird grads all over the world. It's not as well known in the US as it is everywhere else in the world. (as is MIIS)

Also, check out this search of MIIS-related postings in Answers to see what others are pursuing in language-related careers. It's probably most optimal to combine your language pursuits along with other/another field of study to maximize your potential.

Good luck.

What is the Interpereter/Translator job like in the Army or Airforce?

What is the Interpereter/Translator job like in the Army or Airforce?



The nation's defense depends on information from foreign language newspapers, magazines, radio broadcasts and other sources. Nowhere is this more important than in the Middle Eastern countries of Iraq and Afghanistan. Currently the Army needs Middle-Eastern language speaking individuals to serve as Interpreter/Translators both on Active Duty and Reserve Duty.


Whether it is helping with humanitarian operations to build a school, participate in multi-national training, or anticipate the nation’s next international move – not everyone speaks the same language. It is essential that soldiers in the Army be able to read and understand the many languages of the world.


The Army uses the Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) to evaluate how well a native English speaker can learn a language. The score determines language selection for students at the Defense Language Institute (DLI). The minimum score to attend language training is 105.

If you already speak a foreign languages, the basic measure of language proficiency is scoring a 2/2 or better on the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT). If no DLPT is available for the language, an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) can be scheduled through DLIFLC.

"John" said this in the last link:

you have to take the DLAB in addition to the ASVAB, and its a difficult test to master since you cant really study for it except to study how grammar works.

provided you do well enough on the DLAB (90 or better, last i recall)

you need to be eligible for a TS clearance. the schooling for linguists is some of the hardest the military has to offer.

youll spend anywhere from 30 to 64 weeks in your target language, putting in long days with many hours of homework and study halls every week. the washout rate their is pretty heinous, its gonna take a lot of work on your part not to just become a statistic-even if you think you already know the language.

its a hard route, but if you can make it its a great career path as military or civilian, or you can take your skills as a translator and make bank translating for corporations.

Holidays also on this date Monday, September 1, 2025...