Just Say No to PowerPoint Week on February, 2025: Can somebody troubleshoot a powerpoint issue?

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Can somebody troubleshoot a powerpoint issue?


You open a presentation in PowerPoint 2003 and it opens as Read-Only. You can't edit it or change it in any way, nor can you save it. You can only view, print or close the presentation.

This may also occur in PowerPoint 2002 after applying SP3 to Office 2002.


The presentation has one or more embedded TrueType fonts that don't have sufficient install privileges to allow editing. See Embedding fonts for a detailed explanation of what this means.

When you open a presentation like this, PowerPoint 2003 (through SP1) and PowerPoint 2002/SP3 open it read-only unless the embedded fonts are also installed on your computer. You can't edit it, you can't save it to a new name and you can't even substitute different fonts.

If you are using PPT 2003, choose Help, Check for Updates and apply any suggested service packs and updates.

Once Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later is installed, PowerPoint will ask if you want to replace the embedded but unavailable font. Let it do the replacement and you'll be able to save and edit the presentation.

If you don't have PPT 2003 SP2 or have PPT 2002, you'll need to figure out what fonts are embedded and install them if possible. Open the presentation and choose Format, Replace Fonts from the main menu bar. In the Replace Fonts dialog box, open the upper list-box to see what fonts the presentation needs.

A "TT-in-a-square" icon (like the Lydian font in this example) tells you that the font is embedded. This doesn't tell you which of the embedded fonts is causing the problem, but knowing which fonts are embedded may help.

Fonts with a TT or printer icon are TrueType or Type1(PostScript) fonts that are present on your system. Fonts with a "?" icon are needed by the presentation but aren't present. But since they're not embedded, they won't cause any problem.


Here are the best suggestions we have for solving the problem:

If the embedded fonts are available, install them on your computer then try opening the presentation again.

Have the originator of the file save it again without fonts embedded and send it to you again.

If you have an earlier version of PowerPoint available, open the file there, use Format, Replace Fonts to substitute a different font for the embedded ones and resave the presentation. As mentioned above, this may not work in PowerPoint 2002, depending on your service pack level.

Open the PowerPoint file in Open Office (free), save it under a new name, then open the newly saved file in PowerPoint. (Thanks to Rodrigo on the PowerPoint Newsgroup for this one).

how do i download powerpoint for free on openoffice.org???

how do i download powerpoint for free on openoffice.org???

Powerpoint is a program by Microsoft and is part of Microsoft Office which is not free.

OpenOffice.org ( ) is a free office suite that contains a program called Impress which can be used for creating slideshows (similar to Powerpoint).

Impress and Powerpoint, therefore, are two different programs that can be used for similar things. Impress lets you chose from several formats to save your presentation in, one of which is the Powerpoint format.

Simply create your presentation and save it making sure to choose Microsoft Powerpoint as the format and you should be able to open your presentation in any version of Powerpoint. I would recommending testing it out in Powerpoint before giving your presentation to make sure it looks like it should.

Crash course in powerpoint?

Crash course in powerpoint?

Powerpoint is really simple to learn, if you've ever used something like Microsoft Publisher or any paint package you should pick it up really easy.

You just create a presentation as slides, then just draw on the slides or drop images onto the slide, or put text onto the slide.

Then you can just drag the images, text, drawings, graphs to where you want them, resize them, change font style, shape, wordArt, etc.

It's all very simple and provides WYSIWYG design for your presentations.

You can go a bit more technical and do things like add music in the background or change the delay on each slide or create macro buttons, but for a basic slide show that's going quite deep.

If you do need to record a macro (a macro is a small computer program that tells the computer to recreate numerous mouse clicks, movements or keyboard presses in one go) you can use the record function and just do the mouse clicks required and then stop recording and powerpoint automatically generates the code required and assign it to something like a button.

There are plenty of websites that you can get advice with, but the easiest way is to just load up Powerpoint, have a play at creating a basic presentation and you'll soon get the hang of it. It's all just drag and drop, very much like painting with Photoshop.

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