National Animal Poison Prevention Week on March, 2025: Just wanted to share with you all?
National Animal Poison Prevention Week 2025. Animal Poison Control ASPCA Animal Poison Control Experts Provide Answers And Safety Tips.
thank you for loving animals I wish more people did. I'm at my limit and cannot provide for more. 5 cats, 2 dogs 3cats were rescue and both dogs were rescue.
I think im turning into a psrty animal help me?
You're right to want to slow down, and better yet, look for friends that are interested in healthy behaviors and activities.
There is the free 12-step program, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), with meetings available throughout the world. The only requirement is having a desire to get sober. One may attend an "open" AA meeting if there is no drinking problem:
This site has some common mottos pertaining to those 12-step groups, such as "One day at a time", "First things first" and "People, places and things":
With regard to "huffing" (fumes or chemical vapors), my friend actually has a severe BRAIN INJURY from inhalant use at the age of 12, now in her 30s.
The chemicals in products used for huffing are actual POISONS that were never meant to go through the bloodstream.
For more info re: the dangers of huffing - National Inhalant Prevention Coalition:
why am i always constipated?
Constipation or irregularity, is a condition of the digestive system where a person (or animal) experiences hard feces that are difficult to eliminate; it may be extremely painful, and in severe cases (fecal impaction) lead to symptoms of bowel obstruction. Obstipation refers to severe constipation. Causes of constipation may be dietary, hormonal, a side effect of medications, an illness or disorder, and anatomical. Treatment is with a change in dietary and exercise habits.
The main causes of constipation include:
Hardening of the feces
Insufficient intake of dietary fiber
Medication, e.g. diuretics and those containing iron, calcium, aluminium
Paralysis or slowed transit, where peristaltic action is diminished or absent, so that feces are not moved along
Hypothyroidism (slow-acting thyroid gland)
Injured anal sphincter (patulous anus)
Medications, such as loperamide, opioids (e.g. codeine & morphine) and certain antidepressants
Severe illness due to other causes; occasionally colds or flu
Acute porphyria (a very rare inherited condition)
Lead poisoning
Dyschezia syn(usually the result of suppressing defecation)
Constriction, where part of the intestine or rectum is narrowed or blocked, not allowing feces to pass
Tumors, either of the bowel or surrounding tissues
Retained foreign body
Psychosomatic constipation, based on anxiety or unfamiliarity with surroundings.
Functional constipation
Constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome, characterized by a combination of constipation and abdominal discomfort and/or pain.
In people without medical problems, the main intervention is the increase of fluids (preferably water) and dietary fiber. The latter may be achieved by consuming more vegetables and fruit, whole meal bread and by adding linseeds to one's diet. The routine non-medical use of laxatives is to be discouraged as this may result in bowel action becoming dependent upon their use. Enemas can be used to provide a form of mechanical stimulation.
Laxatives may be necessary in people in whom dietary intervention is not effective or inappropriate. Stimulant laxatives (e.g. senna) are generally avoided, as they may worsen crampy sensations commonly experienced in constipation. In various conditions (such as the use of codeine or morphine), combinations of hydrating (e.g. lactulose or glycols), bulk-forming (e.g. psyllium) and stimulant agents may be necessary. Many of the products are widely available over-the-counter.
Enemas and clysters are a remedy occasionally used for hospitalized patients in whom the constipation has proven to be severe, dangerous in other ways, or resistant to laxatives. Sorbitol, glycerin and arachis oil suppositories can be used. Severe cases may require phosphate solutions introduced as enemas.
Constipation that resists all the above measures requires physical intervention. Manual disimpaction (the physical removal of impacted stool) is done under sedation or a general anesthetic—this avoids pain and loosens the anal sphincter.
In alternative and traditional medicine, colonic irrigation, enemas, exercise, diet and herbs are used to treat constipation.
Constipation is usually easier to prevent than to treat. The relief of constipation with osmotic agents, i.e. lactulose, Polyethyleneglycol(PEG), or magnesium salts, should immediately be followed with prevention using increased fiber(fruits and vegetables) and a nightly decreasing dose of osmotic laxative. With continuing narcotic use, for instance, nightly doses of osmotic agents can be given indefinitely (without harm) to cause a daily bowel movement.
MedlinePlus is a website containing health information from the world's largest medical library, the United States National Library of Medicine.