National Cord Blood Awareness Month on July, 2025: Will you donate your baby's cord blood? Has anyone told you it is important? Have you investigate

July, 2025 is National Cord Blood Awareness Month 2025. Cord Blood Donation Secure Your Family Health With The Only Company to Store Whole Blood

Will you donate your baby’s cord blood? Has anyone told you it is important? Have you investigate

Hospitals not only don't provide enough if any information about this, the fact that there can be a financial cost involved (for testing) deters many people who would otherwise consider it.

We did it with our last. (born 8 months ago)

We lost our first; she had leukemia and just before she was to begin pre-transplant radiation and chemo she developed a fungal infection and never made it to transplant. (her birthday, by the way, was May 18.) I wish no child had to go through these illnesses and treatments, but as long as they do I wish there was more public awareness of how people can help.

Congratulations on your success :-)

Bush supporters: Can you please explain to me why some of you believe GWB is the best president in

Bush supporters: Can you please explain to me why some of you believe GWB is the best president in history?

I don't think that Bush is the best president we ever had but this list can not be denied.

Bush critics bemoan the state of relations with supposed European allies like France and Germany, but overlook the improvements in the Japanese alliance.

Yet Japan is becoming a partner to America comparable only to Britain — a staunch ally in the region, and a global partner in other issues around the globe; two powers that share similar values and vision, willing to pool resources to address daunting political, economic and, even, security problems.

Since that fateful day in September, there have been no attacks on U.S. soil. This is the accomplishment of which the President can be most proud. The Democratic administration that preceded his did not similarly take the terrorist menace seriously, and the result was ever escalating attacks on American targets through the last decade. “Our greatest responsibility is the active defense of the American people,”

The United States is indeed safer without Saddam Hussein around.

Despite the whining and complaining of the "Henny Penny the Sky Is Falling" crowd, America's straight-talking, hard-nosed internationalism is having a salutary effect on hot spots around the globe, especially in Asia.

Keeping the peace across the vast continent is no small accomplishment. Asia is a veritable tinderbox of potential armed conflict, including being home to the world's most dangerous military flashpoints: China-Taiwan, North-South Korea and India-Pakistan. Its nations -- some of them nuclear powers -- boast the world's largest and (after ours) most capable armies. Yet despite serious tensions, the region remains surprisingly at peace.

Why? Because of the strength of American political resolve, diplomatic heft and military might. Plain and simple.

Thanks largely to the President's faith–based initiative, a fuller portrait of the faithful is emerging. Moved by his own experience of faith in tackling a drinking problem, Bush has sought to create more civic space for religious ministries helping the poorest of the poor. "Starting now," the federal government is adopting a new attitude to honor and not restrict faith–based and community initiatives." The result: religious charities are regularly invited to congressional hearings, get frequent presidential visits, enjoy lots of favorable media, and are the hottest topic at conferences on religion in America.

President Bush Signed The "Gulf Opportunity Zone Act Of 2005." To further spur economic growth, the President proposed - and Congress passed - provisions for a Gulf Opportunity Zone, with tax relief and loans to be provided to businesses and entrepreneurs in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.

President Bush Signed The "Stem Cell Therapeutic And Research Act Of 2005." This legislation creates a new Federal program to collect and store cord blood and expands the current bone marrow registry program to also include cord blood.

National Consumer Protection Week

Agenda for tax relief

Law Day

Formation of Social Security Commission

Actions Concerning Regulations that Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use.

Signeds tax cut bill reducing Federal Income Tax Rates and sends a refund to millions of Americans

National Summit on Fatherhood

U.S. and Poland sign Open Skies Agreement

Agriculture Supplemental Bill

Released $5.1 billion dollars to assist in the humanitarian, recovery, and security related to 9/11.

Airline Transportation Bill to assure the safety and stability of the nation's commercial airlines

Executive order freezing the assets of terrorist organizations

Executive Order establishing Office of Homeland Security

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

"America's Fund for Afghan Children".

Education partnership with Muslim nations

Patriot Act.

Internet Access Taxation Moratorium

Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act

National Museum of African American History Act

Permanent trade status to China

Intelligence Authorization Act

Landmark Education Bill

Religious Freedom Day

Terrorism Relief Act

USA Freedom Corps

Investor & Capital Markets Fee Relief Act.

Quality teacher initiative

Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act

Campaign Finance Reform Act

Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act

Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia signed with Putin

Corporate Corruption Bill

Pledge of Allegiance Bill reaffirming one Nation under God

Terrorism Insurance Act

National Flood Insurance Act

Protect Act- Amber Alert Bill expanding nationwide a rapid-response network to help find kidnapped children

"Keeping Children Safe Act"

Do Not Call Registry

Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act

Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act

American Dream Downpayment Act

Unborn Victims of Violence Act

African Growth and Opportunity Act

Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act

Initiatives to combat human trafficking

Project Bioshield Act

National Counterterrorism Center

Strengthened management of the intelligence community

Board on safeguarding Americans' civil liberties

Working Families Tax Relief Act

Veterans Benefits Improvement Act

Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act

Specialty Crops Competitiveness Act

$350 million for tsunami relief efforts

Broadcast Decency Act

Proposed Federal Marriage Amendment

Flag Protection Amendment

Adam Walsh Child Exploitation Bill

School choice/voucher program

Nominated 16 new federal judges

Welfare-reform regulations stressing work and family

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, July 1, 2025...