National Parenting Gifted Children Week on July, 2025: how do i tell my parents im 5 weeks pregnant an gonna keep the baby?

National Parenting Gifted Children Week 2025. Gifted & Talented Program‎ Summer Institute For the Gifted – Academic Camps For Ages 4-17

how do i tell my parents im 5 weeks pregnant an gonna keep the baby???

I think your parents love you...thats the key to everything. You need to sit down with them and lay it on the line, and all of you can come to a decision thats best for you.

Here's something that may help you...

Breaking the News to Your Parents

Perhaps one of the hardest parts of getting pregnant as a teen is telling your parents (and you will have to tell them at some point). Speak with the father of your child to see if he is willing to be there with you when you tell your parents. Be willing to do the same for him when he tells his parents. If you think it will be easier, you might want to tell one parent first and then let them tell the other or be there with you when you break the news.

You could also write your parents a letter. Tell them you really want and need their support right now. Obviously, you don't want your parents to freak out, but understand that they probably will. Give them a chance to absorb the news and then talk with them calmly. Explain what happened, whether you made the mistake of not using birth control or you used birth control but it didn't work. If you've made a choice about your pregnancy, tell them about your decision and explain how you came to that conclusion. Listen to any objections that they might have. They might raise a point that you hadn't thought of.

If you have decided to become a parent, your parents will probably be very concerned since you are still a child yourself (at least to them). They do have a right to be concerned. It is well known that teen mothers are at a significant disadvantage in society compared with women who become mothers later in life.

Babies born to teen mothers tend to have a lower birth weight, have a higher risk of suffering from abuse or neglect and tend to perform poorly in school. Only a small number of teen mothers are likely to complete high school and even fewer will go on to higher education. Teen mothers are also more likely to end up on welfare.

But just because these statistics exist, doesn't mean you have to become part of it. There are teen mothers who have gone on to success, through hard work, determination, and a strong support system. And it's not only your parents who can offer you support. Other family members might be able to help you out along with some of your friends.

Also, check out what your community has to offer. There may be special organizations or services designed to help out teen mothers. Check to see if any high schools near you offer daycare services that would allow you to go to school and have your baby nearby. You could also check to see if there are any schools that are specifically geared towards teen mothers.

Being pregnant when you are a teenager can be very scary. Don't be afraid to ask for help whether it is from your parents, your friends, your partner, or from a community organization. Remember, there's a reason for the saying "It takes a village to raise a child."

Helpful Phone Resources

In the United States:

Planned Parenthood: 1-800-230-PLAN to find the nearest clinic

National Adoption Information Clearinghouse: 1-888-251-0075

Independent Adoption Center: 1-800-877-6736

NARAL Pro-Choice America: for detailed information about state laws regarding abortion

Children's Aid Society: or call (212)949-4800 for more information about adoption and foster care options

In Canada:

Planned Parenthood: to find the nearest Planned Parenthood chapter

Adoption Council of Canada: 1-888-542-3678

Dear Alice,

I have just found out that I am one week pregnant. My boyfriend and I both agree that it is not the time for this. We do not have the money for an abortion. Is there any way to safely force a miscarriage?

Dear Reader,

Trained, qualified health care providers safely terminate pregnancies since there is no safe way to induce (or force) a miscarriage on your own. Before abortion was legalized in the United States as a choice for women in 1973, millions of women tried "do-it- yourself" methods or visited "back-alley doctors" to end unwanted pregnancies. Thousands died, and many more were permanently injured.

It's important not to let money stand in the way of your health care. Abortion costs vary depending on the setting — clinics, such as Planned Parenthood, tend to be less expensive (some even have sliding scale fees); private hospitals and doctor's offices usually are more expensive. If you are at a university, funds for this type of procedure may also be available. Many private health insurance plans pay for some or all of the expenses. Medicaid covers the cost of abortion in some, but not all, states. The National Network of Abortion Funds provides a listing of community abortion funds throughout the U.S. These funds provide financial aid to help low income women obtain an abortion. Their toll-free hotline is 1.800.772.9100.

First trimester abortions (abortions up to the thirteenth week of pregnancy) typically cost between $300 - 400. Since you are about one week along in your pregnancy, you may also have a choice between a medical/chemical abortion using Mifepristone (formerly known as RU-486) and a surgical abortion. A health care provider will be able to give you additional info (or you can check on your own). As the pregnancy progresses, pregnancy terminations become more expensive and providers more difficult to find, as risks and complications from the procedure also increase.

Pregnant and Undecided in Alice's Sexual Health archive explains how abortions are performed and also gives other related info and options. You can get information on crisis pregnancy counseling in your area through Planned Parenthood at 1.800.230.PLAN (-7526).

Fortunately, women in the U.S. today, even those with low income, have various options and resources available to them.

Parent Troubles, I don’t know what to do.?

Parent Troubles, I don't know what to do.?

well parents have their own issues to deal with and can take it out on their families. try doing family counselling to deal with the issue/s before everything turns more nasty

What do you know about the National Young Scholars Program?

What do you know about the National Young Scholars Program?

Well, I myself am slightly older then your daughter, and I have never been invited to that particular conference. I have however taken part in others that are similar, for high school teens.

Personally, I will always remember the convention. I had an amazing time. I too was skeptical when I first learned that it would be $2800 for 5 days in Washington DC, but after I went, it was worth every penny. I met a lot of people who had similar interests as myself, and I also learned a mine was a seminar type leadership conference.

Now, don't let it sound like I'm trying to push you to send your daughter, there are some things to keep in mind. First and foremost, your daughter will be without you for the week that shes there. Now, if your daughter is very independent, and doesn't mind being separated with you for that period of time, then thats not a problem. You should also keep in mind the financial cost of it. The $1800 that your paying does not pay for transport to and from the location. You will also need to send some money with your daughter to cover any emergency costs, although this particular program is fairly good. Most programs wont cover all the food costs, especially if your on a trip.

All in all, I think that if your daughter goes, she will have a LOT of fun, maybe learn a few new things, and probably make friends that she will hold on to for years to come. Just make sure you weigh all the sides before you make a choice. Ill remind you that there are LOTS more conventions when she gets older, especially if she is as bright as you say she is. If you don't feel comfortable sending her now, then hold off for a few more years, and send her to another program when she hits middle school, or high school.

Best of luck with the decision,

and please, feel free to contact me if you have any questions,

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, July 1, 2025...