National Youth Sports Safety Month on April, 2025: Where can I find a list of appreciation and awareness months?

April, 2025 is National Youth Sports Safety Month 2025. Youth Sports‎ National Alliance for Youth Sports Top non-profit for youth sports!

Where can I find a list of appreciation and awareness months?

Full List of Awareness Dates


1-31 National Blood Donor Month

1-31 Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

1-31 Poison Prevention Awareness Month

1-31 Financial Wellness Month

4-11 Women's Self-Empowerment Week

7-11 National Thank Your Customers Week

17 Customer Service Day

21-27 Hunt For Happiness Week

25-31 NYC Restaurant Week

29 Chinese New Year


1-30 Marfan Syndrome Awareness Month

1-30 National Parent Leadership Month

1-30 Plant The Seeds Of Greatness Month

1-30 Library Lovers Month

1-30 Youth Leadership Month

1-30 National Weddings Month

1-30 Time Management Month

1-30 American Hear Month

1-30 Black History Month

1-7 Women's Heart Health Week

6 Ash Wednesday

6-13 National Patient Recognition Week

11-18 Heart Failure Awareness Week

12 Abraham Lincoln Birthday

12 NAACP Founded

14 Valentines Day

15 Susan B. Anthony Day

17 George Washingtons Birthday

18 Presidents' Day


1-30 American Red Cross Month

1-30 National Parent Leadership Month

1-30 Honor Society Awareness Month

1-30 Irish-American Heritage Month

1-30 National Athletic Training Month

1-30 National Caffeine Awareness Month

1-30 National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Month

1-30 National Clean Up Your IRS Act Month

1-30 National Collision Awareness Month

1-30 National Ethics Awareness Month

1-30 National Eye Donor Month

1-30 National Kidney Month

1-30 National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month

1-30 National Nutrition Month

1-30 National Social Work Month

1-30 National Womens History Month

1-30 National Write a Letter of Appreciation Week

1-30 Poison Prevention Awareness Month

1-30 Steroid Abuse Prevention Month


1-30 Alcohol Awareness Month

1-30 Cesarean Awareness Month

1-30 Cancer Control Month

1-30 Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month

1-30 Jazz Appreciation Month

1-30 National Autism Awareness Month

1-30 National Child Abuse Prevention Month

1-30 National Infant Immunization Month

1-30 National Occupational Therapy Month

1-30 National Oral Health Month

1-30 Women's Eye Health and Safety Month

3 Sexual Assault Awareness Month Day of Action

3 National Public Health Week (Climate Change)

4-10 Brain Tumor Action Week

5 Kick Butts Day (Tobacco-Free Kids)

6 National Alcohol Screening Day

7 World Health Day

11 National D.A.R.E. Day

11 World Parkinson's Day

14 Children With Alopecia Day (Alopecia Awareness)

16-20 Consumer Awareness Week

16 World Hemophilia Day

17 National Stress Awareness Day

20 Passover

19-26 National Infant Immunization Week

20-26 National Window Safety Week

21-28 Administrative Professionals Week

22 Earth Day

23 Administrative Professionals Day

25-30 National Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Week

26 March for Babies (Walk America)


1-31 Haitian Heritage Month

1-31 American Stroke Month

1-31 Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

1-31 Awareness of Medical Orphans Month

1-31 Family Wellness Month

1-31 Better Hearing and Speech Month

1-31 Better Sleep Month (Stress/Insomnia)

1-31 Clean Air Month

1-31 Correct Posture Month

1-31 Fibromyalgia Education and Awareness Month

1-31 Healthy Vision Month

1-31 International Victorious Woman Month

1-31 Lyme Disease Awareness Month

1-31 Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month

1-31 Motorcycle Safety Month

1-31 National Arthritis Month

1-31 National Athsma and Allergy Awareness Month

1-31 National Cancer Research Month month

1-31 National Celiac Disease Awareness month

1-31 National Hepatitis Awareness Month

1-31 National High Blood Pressure Education Month

1-31 National Mental Health Month

1-31 National Neurofibromatosis Month

1-31 National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month

1-31 National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

1-31 National Preservation Month

1-31 National Shoes for Orphans Month

1-31 National Stroke Awareness Month

1-31 Older Americans Month (Senior Citizens Month)

1-31 Skin Cancer Awareness Month

1-31 Tuberous Sclerosis Awareness Month

1-31 Women's Health Care Month

1-31 Ultraviolet Awareness Month

1 May Day

1 Ascension Day

1 Law Day

1 Loyalty Day

1 World Athsma Day

1 National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day

3 National Day of Prayer

3 United Nations World Press Freedom Day

3 Kentucky Derby

4-10 Brain Tumor Action Week

4-10 Be Kind to Animals Week

5 Cinco de Mayo

8 World Red Cross Day

8 VE-Day Anniversary

10 World Lupus Day

11 Pentecost

11 Mother's Day

12-16 National Neuropathy Week

12 World Fair Trade Day

12 International CFS Awareness Day

12 National Women's Check-up Day

14-25 Cannes Film Festival

15 Peace Officer Memorial Day

18 HIV Vaccine Awareness Day

19-25 Recreation Water Illness Prevention Week

24 National Schizophrenia Awareness Day

26 Memori

I am nearly 16 years old and i lift weights

I am nearly 16 years old and i lift weights, what do you think is a sensible weight and program for me to do?

Lifting weights will not hinder your growth. This is just an unfortunate myth that keeps being repeated.

Doctors recommend strength training for youth. It improves athletic performance and helps prevent injury.

Various medical websites have articles on this. For example, see the following statement linked from the Cleveland Clinic:

“Despite the previously held belief that strength training was unsafe and ineffective for children, health organizations such as the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) now "support children's participation in appropriately designed and competently supervised strength training programs."

NSCA position on resistance training for youth.

While you won’t stunt your growth lifting weights, you can be injured. It is very important to get instruction in proper lifting technique. If you don’t have a coach to instruct you, get this book

Exercise tips:

7kg dumbbell is too light to trigger muscle development for most exercises.

Safe Lifting

1.Get instruction

2.Do stretching after the workout not before. If you do any stretching before, it should be very gentle.

3.Warm-up 5-10 minutes of light activity, e.g. basketball, chores, etc.

4.Practice proper form and warm-up: 12-15 reps at about half the workout weight. Do before each exercise.

5.Starting a new exercise or out of shape: Pick a workout weight for each exercise that you can do a few sets of 8-10 reps without strain or undue fatigue.

6.Make regular small increases in weight lifted to improve. E.g. 2.5 or 5 lb. per week on exercises like squat, dead lift, bench press, overhead press, and bent-row. If you do other exercises that work smaller muscles, where not much weight can be lifted, e.g. curls, dumbbell laterals, -- increase the weight lifted when you are able.

7.Don’t lift a weight that you cannot complete at least 5 reps with good form.

8.End a set when fatigue prevents good form. Rest.

9.Spotters or safety catch are needed for bench press and squat.

For an exercise program see checkout Dr.Squat, world record setting powerlifter and PhD in Exercise Science.

Do you think boxing is a good thing to learn?

Do you think boxing is a good thing to learn?

It is a good thing and

there are numerous reasons why. It benefits

not only the individual, but also the community they live in:

Because of its focus on individual achievement boxing attracts "at risk" youth like no other athletic program. It promotes self-reliance, accountability and serves as an ideal outlet for the individual who does not participate in team sports.

Boxing builds confidence and self esteem. Success in the ring is dependent solely on that athlete and his work ethic in preparing for competition. There are no teammates to blame a loss on and only one person can receive accolades. This generates an immeasurable sense of accomplishment in the athlete for his individual capabilities.

Aggression and anger are actively channeled through the intensity of the sport. Individuals are also less likely to get into "fights" outside the gym because they have no need to "Prove" anything. They learn to respect their skills of self defense and selectively use them in the ring.Boxing is extremely safe. It is among the most regulated in all amateur sports. Daily physicals and medical attention are required for each athlete during competition.The equipment used is also regulated and must pass strict safety guidelines in order to be approved by the boxing national governing body

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...