Prime Meridian Day 2024 is on Friday, November 1, 2024: What is prime meridian?

Friday, November 1, 2024 is Prime Meridian Day 2024. The Equator and Prime Meridian The Prime Meridian runs

What is prime meridian?

The Prime Merdian is the 0 degree longitude (an imaginary line which divides the earth vertically) which passes through Greenwich in the UK, near London. 'Meridian' means mid-day. It is the centremost longitude & all the places lying on the longitude have the same the time at once.

what is the like subject of prime meridian, idl, longitude, latitude and equator?

what is the like subject of prime meridian, idl, longitude, latitude and equator?

The Prime Meridian is the starting point for lines of longitude, wher the longitude is zero. Longitude lines east of that are positive, while longitude lines west of that are negative. The usual Prime Meridian goes through Greenwich England.

IDL is the International Date Line, which is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Prime Meridian. It is the line where the day "jumps" from yesterday to tomorrow when you cross it.

Longitude lines are the vertical lines that go around the globe. There are 360 longitude lines, from -180 to +180 degrees

Latitude lines are the horizontal lines that go around the globe. There are 180 latitudes, from -90 (the South Pole) to +90 (the North Pole) degrees.

The equator is the latitude line at zero degrees. It is the widest part of the Earth, separating the Northern Hemisphere from the Southern Hemisphere.

Why is Greenwich the Prime Meridian?

Why is Greenwich the Prime Meridian?

There is no natural meridian for a planet, its a political decision.

Greenwich was chosen because that's what the British used. The French used to have a different meridian, and the US had its own. In fact, at one time or another, about 20 different prime meridians were used. This got confusing, so in 1884 there was a conference in Washington D.C. After many days of discussion, Greenwich was picked by a vote of 22 -1 (France and Brazil abstaining).

The main reason why the British won this was that they had the best maps, and most port cities around the world had stores selling British maps.

I would suggest that you use a sharp point feature on your planet to mark the prime meridian. Or it could be where humans first land. For example, the meridian of Mars is located at the Airy-0 crater.

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