World Communication Week on November, 2024: communication?
World Communication Week 2024. Keeping it Simple (KISBYTO): World Communications Week World Communications Week
I gather that you are a chick...I once dated a guy that would disappear for days to weeks at a time & I never heard from him. Nothing. He said he loved me, I should know that & it didn't change if we missed "communicating" with each other for a couple of days. Guys see the world & relationships very differently to us!
The bottom-line is, two people need to communicate regularly for a relationship to mature & keep moving forwards. Relationships are also compromise, two very different people trying to negotiate a way to live happily ever after together & to do that you need to talk to each other! If you see it as a problem, either discuss this with him via on-line chat or get out of the relationship. You need to be happy & feel loved, not just told that you are. At the end of the day, you are responsible for your own happiness, other people can do things that make you unhappy, but you make the decision to let them.
Do we love in a "world of media"?
This world has evolved into a world of instantaneous mass communication, and in that regard, we do indeed live in a "World of Media"
what is the meaning of shame in world?
The Shame of World AIDS Day
Each year, December 1 finds news stories, public service announcements, acclamations and proclamations dedicated to World AIDS Day, a communication campaign designed to remind people annually that AIDS is still an ongoing, global, catastrophic epidemic. The deeper meaning of World Aids Day should actually be: shame, shame on a world that requires a contrived day to remind it of a plague that may be one of the worst in human history. Moreover it's repulsive that a World AIDS Day must jostle for position on calendars, news sites and public attention with National Flossing Day (Nov. 23), Cookie Cutter Week (Dec. 1-7), and Bathtub Party Day (Dec. 5).
The numbers are numbing, and maybe that's part of the problem. AIDS has killed at least 25 million people since the mid-1970s, before the disease even had a name. That figure alone should be enough to motivate governments, companies, journalists, health organizations, religious communities, and citizens to immediately rearrange priorities and devote attention to AIDS. For example, in the aftermath of the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, a massive relief campaign quickly and rightly was mounted. In that disaster, 282,000 people were killed. Last year, 2,100,000 people were killed by AIDS in place Africa alone.
The relative silence of the world community is shameful.
Even those people unmoved by the AIDS epidemic might be moved at this point to ponder--if only in cold, intellectual terms--how and why such an historic, appalling pandemic can be occurring in our modern world without an urgent and encompassing response? After all, this is a world in which powerful and poignant images from Iraq, Burma, Darfur and Pakistan can flash around the globe instantaneously and move governments and people to action.
So why doesn't AIDS command attention? Some of the possible answers are painful. Racism: AIDS, now, primarily is devastating sub-Saharan Africa. Do people not care because AIDS mostly ravages black Africans? Compassion fatigue: The many crises spawned by modern times may eventually take their toll. Do people not care because their capacity for caring has been worn down? Victimage: Victims of AIDS are seen as guilty of engaging in some activity, such as illicit sex or drug use, that gave them AIDS. Do people blame the victims for getting AIDS?
The crisis is also shameful because progress can be made. According to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), in 2001, 240,000 people received antiretroviral therapy, which can dramatically counteract the effect of the virus. Four years later, after an intensive communication campaign throughout devastated regions, 1.3 million people got treatment. Let's set some context. In 8 of 11 sub-Saharan countries, the percentage of young people having sex before age 15 declined and condom use increased. Yet, 6 of the 11 African countries most heavily affected by HIV showed a decline of 25% or more in HIV among 15–24-year-olds in large cities. In some ways, those results are unspeakably sad because they show the tragic spread of AIDS can be slowed by effort, attention, education, communication, and care. But the world offers too little.
Last year, according to UNAIDS, an estimated 4.1 million people became newly infected with HIV – the human immunodeficiency virus that leads to AIDS. How many of those millions will become part of the annual death toll? In true paradoxical form, this essay finally now must turn its interpretive focus on itself. It is being written and published in response to World AIDS Day.
That is a shame.
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