Spiritual Wellness Month on March, 2025: Is there a double standard flying heritage flags?
March, 2025 is Spiritual Wellness Month 2025. Improving your spiritual health during spiritual wellness month ... spiritual wellness are one
This is the United States of America, you can celebrate anything you want on any day you feel like as long as you don't violate anyone Else's human rights or break laws. Fly any flags you want, wave any banners, eat any food you like. The America that I know is all about tolerance and diversity, the land where all people have a voice, even if it is small and quiet one, they still have a voice.
Here are a few holidays celebrated in the United States as proof of diversity:
1 - Emancipation Day (African-American, United States)
1 - Feast of St. Basil (Christian, Orthodox)
1 - Japanese New Year (Japan)
5 - Guru Gobind Singh's Birthday (Sikh)
6 - Epiphany (Christian)
6 - Three Kings' Day (Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic)
7 - The Nativity of Jesus Christ (Christian, Orthodox)
13 - Lohri (Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh)
16 - Religious Freedom Day
17 - World Religion Day (Baha'i)
26 - India Republic Day
30 - Tu b'Shvat or Tu B'Shevat* (Jewish, Israel)
National Black History Month (United States)
2 - Imbolc (Wiccan)
4 - Rosa Parks Birth Anniversary
5 - Mexico - Constitution Day
11 - National Foundation Day (Japan)
12 - NAACP Founded
13-16 - Brazil, Carnival
14 - Chinese Lunar New Year (China, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam)
14 - Race Relations Day
14 - Tet Nguyen Dan (Vietnam) "Year of the Buffalo"
16 - Mardi Gras (United States)
17 - Ash Wednesday (Protestant, Roman Catholic)
17 - League of United Latin Citizens (LULAC) Founded American
24 - Flag Day (Mexico)
28 - Purim (Jewish)
Greek-American Heritage Month
Irish-American Heritage Month
Spiritual Wellness Month
1 - St. David's Day (Welsh)
2 - Mothering Sunday (England)
5 - World Day of Prayer
17 - St. Patrick's Day (Ireland, United States)
21 - Naw Ruz (Baha'i, Persia)
25 - Feast of Annunciation (Christian)
28 - Palm Sunday (Protestant, Roman Catholic)
1 - Holy Thursday (Christian)
2 - Good Friday (Protestant, Roman Catholic)
4 - Easter (Protestant, Roman Catholic)
6 - National Tartan Day (Scottish-American)
6 - Organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
8 - Passover* (Jewish)
8 - Vesak - Buddha's Birth (Buddhist)
14 - Sinhala and Tamil New Year (Sri Lanka)
19 - Easter (Orthodox) or Pascha
23 - St. George's Day (English)
Asian Pacific American History Month
Jewish-American Heritage Month
1 - Beltane (Celtic)
1 - National Day of Prayer (United States)
2 - May Day Bank Holiday (United Kingdom)
5 - Cinco de Mayo (Mexico)
9 - Victory Day (Russia)
13 - Ascension Day (Christian)
18 - Isreal's Independence Day (Yom Ha'Atzma'Ut)
18 - Shavuot* (Jewish)
19 - Malcolm X's birthday (African-American, United States)
21 - Yom Hashoah/Holocaust Memorial Day (Jewish)
23 - Declaration of the Bab (Baha'i)
25 - Corpus Christi (American, Roman Catholic)
29 - Ascension of Baha'u'llah (Baha'i)
6 - Corpus Christi (American, Roman Catholic)
16 - Martyrdom Day of Guru Arjan (Sikh)
19 - Juneteenth
27 - Martyrdome of Joseph and Hyrum Smith
1 - Canada Day (Canada)
4 - Fil-American Friendship Day (Phillippines, United States)
9 - Martyrdom of the Bab (Baha'i)
10 - Bon Festival/Feast of Lanterns (Japan)
20 - Tisha B'av* (Jewish)
24 - Pioneer Day (Mormon)
31 - Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola (Spain, Roman Catholic)
1 - Lammas and Lughnassad (Britain, Pagan, United States)
August 11-September 9 - Ramadan (Islamic, Muslim, Moslem)
14 - Pakistan's Independence Day
15 - India's Independence Day
15 - Liberation Day (Korea, South Korea)
Sept 15-Oct 15 - National Hispanic Heritage Month (Mexico)
1 - Israel Miraji Ascent of Prophet Muhammad
8 - Rosh Hashanah* (Jewish New Year)
10 - Eid-Al-Fitr (Islamic, Muslim)
16 - Mexico's Independence Day
16 - Lailat-Ul-Quadr (Islamic, Muslim)
17 - Yom Kippur* (Jewish)
19 - San Gennaro Day (Italian-American)
22 - Autumnal Equinox (Japan)
22 -Sukkot* (Jewish)
30 - Shemini Atzeret (Jewish)
German-American Heritage Month
National Italian-American Heritage Month
Polish-American Heritage Month
1 - Simchat Torah (Jewish)
10 - Cirio de Nazare (Brazil)
31 - Reformation Day (Christian)
National American Indian Heritage Month
1 - All Saints' Day (Christian, Roman Catholic)
1 - Dia de los Muertos "Day of the Dead" (Mexico, Latin America)
2 - All Souls' Day (Roman Catholic)
5 - Diwali (Buddhist, Hindu)
12 - Birthday of Baha'u'llah (Baha'i)
16 - Eid al-adha (Islamic, Muslim)
December 2010
6 - St. Nicholas Day (International)
8 - Bodhi Day - Buddha's Enlightenment (Buddhist)
1 - Hanukkah* (Jewish)
7 - Al Hijra - Muslim New Year
12 - Virgin of Guadalupe (Mexico)
13 - Santa Lucia Day (Sweden)
16 - Ashura (Islamic, Muslim)
16-25 - Las Posadas (Mexico)
25 - Christmas (Christian, Roman Catholic, International)
26 - Boxing Day (Canada, United Kingdom)
26 - Kwanzaa (African-American - Dec. 26, 2009 - Jan 1, 2010)
Wellness Center/Retreat?
That kind of depends on where in the world you are, how far you are willing to travel, and how much you want to spend.
There are many clinics, some visited by famous celebrities.
In Germany retreats to a spa are covered by health insurance.
Some places are built around natural hot springs. Some have been around a long time and are connected with specific healing ideologies
(eg. Hippocrates Institute in Florida and Ann Wigmore's ideas), some are new.
Research first based on what ideas appeal to you and then identify the programs that fit.
anxiety and fear of expressing my feelings?
The body is designed to heal itself-given it has the proper care-nutrition, herbal supplements, spiritual and emotional well-being.
The first step in creating a healthy Mind, Body and Spirit is making a philosophical shift-creating a new paradigm regarding your relationship with your Mind, Body and Spirit. For some this shift will be something they have read about, thought about, but didn't know how to begin or follow through. For others this shift might be analogous to jumping off the Empire State Building. Let me assure you no one has ever died as a result of making this shift-the consistent results are better more vibrant health. No matter your age or 'unhealthy' condition making this shift will create better health. The most effective and powerful way to better health is to completely shift everything at once; Mind-Set, Emotions, Nutrition, Exercise, Spirituality, However, I appreciate the fear of the unknown holds the majority of people back from such a 'radical' change. Most people begin making changes gradually. Needless-to-say, making changes gradually hampers the immediate results you want to see. If you make changes gradually you may not see results for several months. If you made changes on all levels simultaneously you will see results within a week or sometimes even hours.
The second step is a big leap of faith-giving up the idea that Western Medicine is the end-all-be-all to create and maintain a healthy body. The United States ranks 16th or more in the world on effectively treating health related issues. If Western Medicine was as effective as the commercials on TV purports it to be, one would think the United States would rank number one in treating all health issues. Your guidance on health issues need to be shifted to a Naturopath or Iridologist. There is a plethora of information on the internet on the practice of Naturopathy and Iridology. Do the research.
The third step is another leap of faith-literally and figuratively-shifting your belief on spirituality. In Alternative Healthcare verses Western Medicine, I said, "Every Thing in the universe is Energy and Consciousness. How anyone thinks or feels about that 'Fact' cannot change it. The purpose of 'All' religions is the recognition that humans have a part of themselves that is not physical and there is a need to explore and experience this aspect of oneself. Part of the intent is to discover one's purpose and to live in the best way possible; part of that goal also includes the attainment of 'Truth and Spiritual Wellness.'" Religions fail to attain 'Truth and Spiritual Wellness.' Proof that religion has failed in this regard manifests through the wars we continue to create; and the emotional dysfunctions people continue to struggle with. Peace of mind is essential to create a healthy body and also to create a healthy world. Peace of mind can be attained through Yoga, exercise, emotional healing and connecting to ones inner-self. Gurus, Avatars, Shamans, Spiritual Leaders can guide you into your inner-self. Spirituality is based on the belief that Every Thing in the universe is Energy and Consciousness.
Where is your Consciousness? It is within you. Therefore, going within is the only way to create Peace of Mind. Also, going within, creates a connection with an 'Essence' greater than yourself. In the world of spirituality you are free to call this 'Essence' whatever feels right to you. Attaining 'Peace of Mind' is an inside job. Find a Gurus, Avatar, Shaman, or Spiritual Leader to guide your Spiritual growth-outside the only religion you have ever known.
The Fourth Step is making a mind-set-a.k.a. values and beliefs-shift. Remember we are including the Mind, Body and Spirit in the quest to create health as they are not separate. Although, you have used your conscious mind to make the previous shifts, there are other mind shifts. You need to access all your values and beliefs. Take inventory....What do I believe? The most important question is: "What do I want to believe?" If you aren't deciding what you want to believe someone else is.
A mind-set shift is created through listening to the language you use-the tape you run in your head. Your life is created by your thoughts; everything you think and say drives you toward that reality. For example, if you say, I can't, ____. That is what you will create. If you say, I am working on learning to___. Or I can. That is what you will create.