Information Overload Day 2024 is on Tuesday, October 15, 2024: Information Overload?

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 is Information Overload Day 2024. Happy Information Overload Day! - CNN. Happy Information Overload Day

Information Overload Day

In an enormous amount of around-the-clock media, advertising, texts, emails, television and Access to the internet, it’s a great job that people can decelerate, breathe deeply, and take it easy on Information Overload Day. Step from your computer, switch off your phone, and revel in existence without having to be overcome!

Information Overload?

I agree. The Internet and electronic media has caused such an increase in the information to enter our lives. I hate how many people use computers. Life was much better when only wealthy nerds had a computer.

So what is information overload in reference to computers?

So what is information overload in reference to computers?

The problem with information overload is that it can lead to decision paralysis or a decline in decision making skills because of the limited cognitive processing power available.

Believe it or not; the Wikipedia article is quite well written as an overview and introduction to the problem:

And a related article:

Information overload?

Information overload?

I ignore it. You never hear about any relevant medical research in the media, so it's ok to ignore it. Anything you hear in the media is just the sensational stuff, and it isn't reported correctly anyway. Reporters do not know the first thing about the difference between correlation and causality, for example, so they are not qualified to report on medical studies.

If you are interested in the latest medical research, pick up a real, scientific, peer reviewed medical journal and start reading.

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, October 15, 2024...