March Forth-Do Something Day 2025 is on Tuesday, March 4, 2025: Do Something Day - How bad is it having a baby naturally?

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 is March Forth-Do Something Day 2025. New holiday: March Forth, a day to do something - Metro. On March 4, our new bucket

How bad is it having a baby naturally?

I have four kids, I had epidurals with mine, but it didn't take on the youngest son. There was a lot of extreme pressure. It's hard, I'm not going to sugar coat that. But some babies are easier to have than others. It depends on your size and health, and how well you handle pain, and the size of your baby, the length of labor, so forth. Do not listen to horror stories. I was told all kinds of ridiculous things with my first child, and I was already scared to death, but when I went to have him, I was excited, I was ready, and yes, there was pain.

Keep in mind though, that people will tell you everything, you will get loads of advice, the best advice you get though comes from your doctor, your pediatrician and any woman who's delivered a lot of babies. If all goes well, you're usually on your feet the next day, maybe even the same day, so good for you for researching this. I was told I wasn't a real woman for having an epidural, I just said whatever, i had the baby, I pushed them out, I was there, I know my body better than anybody. If you need the meds, that what they're there for, it doesn't make you a bad mom, millions of women take them, if you don't, that's great.

Best wishes for an easy pregnancy, a quick, easy delivery, and a happy healthy baby and momma.

When ever my toes bend too far, my foot cramps up and I can’t move them?

When ever my toes bend too far, my foot cramps up and I can't move them?


What you have is a simple foot cramp.

Many people, including myself, have foot cramps or just toe cramps from time to time. This occurs upon hyper extension of the toes in either direction, causing a painful muscle spasm and often leading to plantar fasciitis in extreme cases. The toe, toes, sole, or a large part of the foot will often dorsiflex and harden, causing extreme pain and requiring immediate attention.

The causes of this condition can be caused from over-exertion, being overweight, wearing shoes that are too narrow, flat foot, marching long distances in inflexible boots or shoes, or in my case walking in stocking feet on a hard concrete floor for eight hours a day.

Remedying the cause, foot massage, soaking your feet in a warm water solution...will all help to sooth the muscles and relieve the tension. I have filled a large sock with rice, and I place it in the microwave for a couple minutes, take it out and place it on the floor, putting my feet on the warm sock and rolling it back and forth. Does wonders!

More extreme measures might include obtaining a prescription for a mild muscle relaxant.


Will taking caffeine help me lose weight? how much? avoid loose skin?

Will taking caffeine help me lose weight? how much? avoid loose skin?

i hope you're joking.

smoking = terrible habit!! just to lose weight? mayb it helps but it also helps to lose a lung!

caffeine = heart attack! to much caffeine is terrible and can give you heart conditions or heart attacks.

want to b smart?

workout! join a gym for 6 months and workout 60 mins. every night, quit smoking, no caffeine, eat fruits and veggies and stay away from snack foods.

otherwise work out at home, do v-sit stretches:

lay you you back on the ground. now hold a pillow or a stuffed animal in your hand. keep you arms straight above your head. now lift you feet and hands in to V possition. ok so you should look kinda like this = V then you pass the pillow/stuffed animal, to your feet and go down. then repeat passing t back and forth do that 10 times, do 15 sit ups, then do it 10 more times.

when it hurts thats good, its a sign your losing weight and gaining muscle.

try running.

if you dont live in a safe area, play some fast music and run in place to it at your house.

jump rope

for 5 minutes straight its best to play music when doing this to keep you going.

buy gym equipment.


here is a site that will tell you how to lose weight, how to exercise, and a ton of other things:


Holidays also on this date Tuesday, March 4, 2025...