African-American Music Appreciation Month on June, 2025: American Music Appreciation Month - {Day 6} BHM Appreciation Thread.Music?

June, 2025 is African-American Music Appreciation Month 2025. African Americans - NAACP‎ America's Premier Civil Rights Org. Join Us & Keep Fighting for Rights.

Black Music Month – June 2011

African-American Music Appreciation Month is a celebration for African American Music every year in the month of June in the United States.

{Day 6} BHM Appreciation Thread...Music?

There are alot of artist I like from the 60's. My personal choice is Sam Cooke. Why I choose him is because he first started off with gospel music, and then switched over the the pop, r&b/soul genre. He had the looks, oh yea! Let's just say, if I was around back then, I would have pursued him. Anyway, he was also one of the first artists to have run arecord label, and at the same time make hits.

While he was doing gospel, he recorded r&b under an alias to protect himself from those who considered r&b be secular (religious folks). It didn't work because many people knew it was him singing on the track.

Anyway it's sad that he died at the age of 33. Such talent. Yes he paved the way for alot of artist (Aretha Franklin a friend of his), Supremes, Temptations, Al Green, Otis Redding, Alicia Keys, and the list goes on.

He is referrenced in songs by such artists as Tupac, Nas, and The Roots.

**If anyone is interested in learning more about him, there is DVD on him titled Sam Cooke: Legend (really good).

What schools are well known for political science?

What schools are well known for political science?

Don't waste your money on a political science degree. What type of job are you going to get with it? You'll be working at Walmart stocking shelves 6 months after you graduate (with the Women's Studies, Art History, African American studies, History, Music Appreciation and Sports Science majors).

Why is it ok to address white people as "whites" but calling black people "black" is taboo in media?

Why is it ok to address white people as "whites" but calling black people "black" is taboo in media?

Most Black Americans are wedded to a cultural separatism that actually does them a grave disservice. They contain themselves culturally by insisting on their own difference when they could instead simply disregard the negative cultural practices and beliefs that hamper their progress.

For example, rather than listening to, reading, or watching the news, they blast rap music in their children's ears, and ruin their sensibilities for greater and more nuanced cultural appreciation. Rather than seeing themselves as scientists, academics and other professions, they continue to foster notions of gansterism and coolness, suggesting that intelligence is "acting white." Rather than reading to their children, they yell at them. Rather than learning to speak in an idiom that is understandable, they prefer to continue the use of Black vernacular English that sounds like gibberish to mainstream Americans.

It's time blacks stop playing the victim. Racism is not the main obstacle to blacks--black culture itself is!

Holidays also on this date Sunday, June 1, 2025...