National Fruit and Veggies Month on June, 2025: 4 months to do this so i can enlist?

June, 2025 is National Fruit and Veggies Month 2025. Fruit and Veggie Month Fruits and vegetables today

4 months to do this so i can enlist?

A DIET IS WHAT YOU EAT....there for we are all on a diet....


You got the change the way you think and feel about food

TRY THIS, and stick to it.

The first 3-4 weeks are the hardest until your body adjusts to the change.

Results will be in about the same time

Fruits and Veggies

Eat more plants and keep away from stuff that was made in plants.

Don't eat anything that comes in a can, box or package....


If man made it, don't eat it



Stay away from FAST FOOD

Walk your dog, or walk a friends dog

Don't think of it as a diet, but think of it as a lifestyle change

I have lost 25.5 pounds in 2 months, drink lots of water. I usually eat a meal of what ever I want once a week....controlled portion....this really works.........

Write down every thing you eat

Take a multi vitamin at night

when and how to feed rice cereal?

when and how to feed rice cereal?

Firstly no solids before 6 months means no solids before 6 months.

Secondly there is no need for rice cereal. Solid are for fun and learning. There is nothing fun or teaching about rice cereal. It has NO flavour, NO texture and is not very nutritious. Plus breastmilk/formula is pure carbs the last thing a baby needs is more carbs. Veggies and fruits are much better first foods. And meats are far more important than grains. Whole grains are much better than that alleged rice cereal, have you read what is in it?

Why Delay Solids?

Reasons for delaying solids

Additional information


Health experts and breastfeeding experts agree that it's best to wait until your baby is around six months old before offering solid foods. There has been a large amount of research on this in the recent past, and most health organizations have updated their recommendations to agree with current research. Unfortunately, many health care providers are not up to date in what they're telling parents, and many, many books are not up to date.

The following organizations recommend that all babies be exclusively breastfed (no cereal, juice or any other foods) for the first 6 months of life (not the first 4-6 months):

World Health Organization


US Department of Health & Human Services

American Academy of Pediatrics

American Academy of Family Physicians

American Dietetic Association

Australian National Health and Medical Research Council

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Health Canada

Most babies will become developmentally and physiologically ready to eat solids by 6-9 months of age. For some babies, delaying solids longer than six months can be a good thing; for example, some doctors may recommend delaying solids for 12 months if there is a family history of allergies.

Reasons for delaying solids

Delaying solids gives baby's digestive system time to mature.

If solids are started before a baby's system is ready to handle them, they are poorly digested and may cause unpleasant reactions (digestive upset, gas, constipation, etc.). Protein digestion is incomplete in infancy. Gastric acid and pepsin are secreted at birth and increase toward adult values over the following 3 to 4 months. The pancreatic enzyme amylase does not reach adequate levels for digestion of starches until around 6 months, and carbohydrate enzymes such as maltase, isomaltase, and sucrase do not reach adult levels until around 7 months. Young infants also have low levels of lipase and bile salts, so fat digestion does not reach adult levels until 6-9 months.

Delaying solids decreases the risk of food allergies.

It is well documented that prolonged exclusive breastfeeding results in a lower incidence of food allergies (see Allergy References and Risks of Artificial Feeding). From birth until somewhere between four and six months of age, babies possess what is often referred to as an "open gut." This means that the spaces between the cells of the small intestines will readily allow intact macromolecules, including whole proteins and pathogens, to pass directly into the bloodstream.This is great for your breastfed baby as it allows beneficial antibodies in breastmilk to pass more directly into baby's bloodstream, but it also means that large proteins from other foods (which may predispose baby to allergies) and disease-causing pathogens can pass right through, too. During baby's first 4-6 months, while the gut is still "open," antibodies (sIgA) from breastmilk coat baby's digestive tract and provide passive immunity, reducing the likelihood of illness and allergic reactions before gut closure occurs. Baby starts producing these antibodies on his own at around 6 months, and gut closure should have occurred by this time also. See How Breast Milk Protects Newborns and The Case for the Virgin Gut for more on this subject.

Delaying solids helps to protect baby from iron-deficiency anemia.

The introduction of iron supplements and iron-fortified foods, particularly during the first six months, reduces the efficiency of baby's iron absorption. Healthy, full-term infants who are breastfed exclusively for periods of 6-9 months have been shown to maintain normal hemoglobin values and normal iron stores. In one study (Pisacane, 1995), the researchers concluded that babies who were exclusively breastfed for 7 months (and were not give iron supplements or iron-fortified cereals) had significantly higher hemoglobin levels at one year than breastfed babies who received solid foods earlier than seven months. The researchers found no cases of anemia within the first year in babies breastfed exclusively for seven months and concluded that breastfeeding exclusively for seven months reduces the risk of anemia. See Is Iron-Supplementation Necessary? for more information.

Delaying solids helps to protect baby from future obesity.

The early introduction of solids is associated with increased body fat and weight in childhood. (for example, see Wilson 1998, von Kries 1999, Kalies 2005)


What do the experts say?

Health experts and breastfeeding experts agree that it's best to wait until your baby is around six months old before offering solid foods. The American Academy of Pediatrics, the World Health Organization, and many other health organizations recommend that babies be exclusively breastfed (no cereal, juice or other foods) for the first 6 months of life. Some doctors may recommend delaying solids for the first year if there is a family history of allergies. I'm not going into the many health benefits of delaying solids here; see Why Delay Solids? for more information.

Developmental signs that baby is ready for solids

Solids readiness depends on both the maturity of baby’s digestive tract and baby’s developmental readiness for solids. Although the maturity of baby’s digestive system is not something that we can readily observe, research indicates that 6 months appears to be ideal for avoiding the allergies and other health risks of too-early solids. After this point, different babies are ready for solids at different times -- developmental readiness for solids cannot be determined using a calendar. Most babies are developmentally ready for solids somewhere between 6 and 8 months.

Signs that indicate baby is developmentally ready for solids include:

Baby can sit up well without support.

Baby has lost the tongue-thrust reflex and does not automatically push solids out of his mouth with his tongue.

Baby is ready and willing to chew.

Baby is developing a “pincer” grasp, where he picks up food or other objects between thumb and forefinger. Using the fingers and scraping the food into the palm of the hand (palmar grasp) does not substitute for pincer grasp development.

Baby is eager to participate in mealtime and may try to grab food and put it in his mouth.


Delaying solids makes starting solids easier.

Babies who start solids later can feed themselves and are not as likely to have allergic reactions to foods.

Care for a Sudan plated lizard?

Care for a Sudan plated lizard?

This is a fum lizard to have and very pretty.

1. I would get at least a 40 breeder if you can swing it go larger.

You will also need at least two themometers to monitor your warm and cool side temps. A basking light and a UVB light. Depending on you house temp you can buy some bulbs that do both and then you would only need the one. they should have a cool side of around 75 and a warm side around 85 with a basking spot around 90-95. At night you don't want the temp below 70 so you might need a heat pad of an infrored bulb that will depend on your house temps. Do not use heat rocks. They love to climb on short rocks and to hide so I would get a few hides and usteralize or buy quite a few rocks to stack and place. Just make sure when you stack them that theso they are sturdy so they won't fall and crush him. Your substrate can be a few differant things like cage carpet, orchird bark, sand, etc. I used sand for mine this should be fine as long as it is not a juvinile. (some times juvis can ingest the sand and can become impacted, adults are usually fine. They even sell sand now that is digestable. Aragonite Reptile Sand is supposed to be the most digestable of the ones currently on the market. Calci sand and vita sand are others but I have heard that even though they claim to be digestable that they are not. I never had a problem but that doesn't mean there couldn't be one. so you'll have tochoose which way to go). You can put live plants if you want but they need to be edible your lizard will eat them even if their not and needs to be organic not pesticides or fertalizers. I didn't use live plants but it's up to you. I If you use sand you will want a scoop to sift the sand to spot clean. I also had double sand so that bi-monthly I would switch the sand and wash the old then let it dry and keep it in a bucket for the next switch. I sifted the sand daily though and cleaned cage furnishings monthly. You will also need a shallow water dish and a food dish. I had a small one for insects and a large one for veggies. some people use one dish and combine.

So in list form you need;

~Cage, substrate, heat source, UVB lighting, Thermometers, shallow water dish, 1 or 2 food dishes, Plenty of hides and climbs. and possibly a scoop. Plus food, and calcium dust.

2.They are omnivores you will need to feed a variety of protiens and veggies plus occasional friuts.

Protiens include, crickets, mealworms, wax worms, and other simmilar insects. They can also eat pinkie mice and high quality canned dog food but these should be in moderation as they are fatty. You can also feed the occasional egg or cooked chicken.

Veggies Include dark leafy greens, mustard, turnip, dandelions

(leaves & flowers), green beans, sprouts, they also like squash and zuccini. You can give fruits but they shouldn't be more that 15 percent of their diet. They love strawberries or at least mine did he also ate apples but not the seeds they can be harmfull. Avoid citrus fruits.

I feed mine 40% greens, 15% fruit, and 35% protiens. I alsways switched them up to make a variety. Then 3 times a week I dusted the crickets and the veggies (little you don't want to do too much) with a calcium supplement. ( I did both because if they don't eat the crickets right away the crickest clean the powder off themselves)

3. Eltricity wise it depends on your kwh price the national average is .094 which means a 100 watt bulb running for 24 hours cast around 23 cents so just an estimate but your lighting and heat will be around 13 dollars a month. Food will depend on what you feed and how much produce is in your area. I used to spend around 25 a month. so if you use my numbers he'll cost around 450 dollars a year. again these are estimates though and if he ever needs vet care you will need to add that in as well.

4. I never bred mine. I looked and can't find much info on breeding them it seems most are imported but that breeding has benn done just not enough for there to be alot of info I did find though it takes 3-4 months after laying for eggs to hatch. If you keep in pairs to breed you will need larger than a forty though these are active lizards that need space and if there isn't enough the female will be aggressive towards the male (also make sure you have planty of hides)

5. I used a tank (aquarium) you can use what ever you like as long as you meet their requirements and it doesn't get too humid these are an arid lizard.

Holidays also on this date Sunday, June 1, 2025...