Cherry Month on February, 2025: How long does it take for Cherry Trees to start bearing fruit?

February, 2025 is Cherry Month 2025. National Cherry Month National Cherry Month

Cherry Month

George Washington might have cut lower the cherry tree, but Cherry Month is here now to develop the standard cherry, to celebrate its delectable deliciousness, and also to make all possible types of edible cherry delights.Since ancient occasions, cherries happen to be loved for his or her tasty, flavor as well as their anti-inflammatory and discomfort-relief qualities.Because it works out, recent research increases the cherry’s resume highlights to incorporate anti-oxidant, and cardiovascular disease and cancer fighting qualities. Cherries happen to be elevated towards the super-fruit category, and Cherry Month includes appropriate super occasions. Many people celebrate cherries inside a gigantic way, like individuals in Oliver, BC who made their distance to the Guinness Book of World Records in 1990 having a 20-feet-diameter cherry cake weighing nearly 38,000 pounds. Do not have a cake-plate that large? Take it easy – pit-spitting and cake-eating will also be contested hotly by cherry-loving merry-makers throughout Cherry Month.

How long does it take for Cherry Trees to start bearing fruit?

The biggest offender of growing cherry trees in your garden is the weather.

Cherry trees are very particular about their climate.

They don't like long hot summers.

They need a chilling out period during the winter.

They don't need a late frost!

The other garden enemy of the cherry tree is birdlife. Growing cherry trees will guarantee a huge garden bird population flocking to your garden. But if you want to eat the cherries you will have to guard against the birds. They can strip a tree in less than half an hour.


Decide on the site for your tree/s some months in advance of planting. Soil Ph should be between 6.2 and 6.8. Check and adjust accordingly. Land must be well-drained. Cherry trees can't tolerate wet feet. Check the site throughout a rainy spell: Dig a hole 2 or 3 feet deep. If the rainwater stays in the bottom of the hole for any length of time, the land isn't well-drained enough for growing cherry trees.

Dig over the soil, remove all weeds and dig in well-rotted animal manure if available.

Choosing Cherries!

From the small wild cherry thousands of years ago, man's enjoyment of cherries has developed and we now expect to eat sweet varieties whenever in season.

We have wild cherry trees popping up everywhere in our garden. Thanks to the birds spitting out the pips on their own doorstep! Tut!

In our case the system can work well because the birds stay up in the heights of the old wild cherry trees, and tend to ignore the garden cherry trees tucked away in the vegetable plot. That's the theory but it doesn't always work like that. -Best to net your trees as soon as they start to fruit!

Browse through your local garden centre catalogue or drop into a local nursery to have a look at the varieties available in your region.

Because cherries are sooo particular, many varieties have been developed to cope with different temperatures and viruses.

When you buy your cherry trees check instructions for:

Pollination needs: as a rule sour cherries - the wilder varieties - are self-pollinating. Sweet cherries generally need cross-pollination and should be planted near a compatible variety.

Regional Compatibilty Double check the variety is suitable for your region. Growing cherry trees in extreme temperatures will require a very special variety.

Planting Instructions Growing cherry trees in your garden requires a little fore-thought. They are trees after all! There are a few dwarf varieties on the market and these may have specific planting instructions.

Here are a few different varieties available online, there are many more! type Prunus cerasus Morello (copy and paste to avoid typos!) in the search box on their homepage

Growing cherry trees at Nature Hills 'Montmorency' available for U.S. deliveries

Growing cherry trees at Nature Hills 'Stella' available for U.S. deliveries


As mentioned above, instructions should be double checked before you plant your cherry tree.

Here is a rough guide to growing chery trees in your garden;

Dig a large hole in your prepared soil.-18-24 inches depending on age and type of the tree.

Tease out the roots of your tree, unless instructions state otherwise.

Place the root ball at the bottom of your hole and fill in with soil. Press down firmly. When all soil has been packed back in the hole, use your heel to firm the tree in place.

If required, place a stake in the ground next to the tree.

Water well.

After Care

It's easy to forget to water trees in the garden. New trees, especially fruiting trees, need lots of water until they are established. During hot summer periods your cherry trees will still require water to 'swell' the cherries.


Netting is considered dangerous to birdlife and it's true, birds do get caught in nets sometimes.

One way round this is to build a cage type affair to put over your trees when they start fruiting.

Build a square wooden frame that will sit over your tree and stretch very fine netting round all four sides and over the top. The very fine netting will stop the birds getting caught up, and you can enjoy a healthy crop of cherries.

This system works well when growing cherry trees on a small scale. If your trees are big or you have many of them, other methods such as bird scarers may be more appropriate.


Pick the fruit as it becomes ripe. Eat fresh off the tree or bake cherry tarts and pies.

Fresh cherries will store well for a number of days in a cool place.

Growing cherry trees successfully does need a little time and energy - but worth every delicious mouthful!

Happy Gardening!

The word cherry refers to a fleshy fruit (drupe) that contains a single stony seed. The cherry belongs to the family Rosaceae, genus Prunus, along with almonds, peaches, plums, apricots and bird cherries. The su

what month should I plant Cherry seeds in centeral Maine?

what month should I plant Cherry seeds in centeral Maine?

Do Cherry trees grow in your area? Seems a little far to the north for cherries.

But, if they do, pick a spot that is protected from winter wind. I'm in zone 5/6, and cherries do well here - as long as they aren't planted in an exposed spot (i.e. winter protection - either a natural windbreak, or strong fence to the west to block the Jan/Feb winds, or in an enclosed garden) , and are not planted in a low, wet spot. They are especially susceptible to root rot if in a wet place.

They like acidic, well-drained soil. Clay soil is neither. Definitely plant in a place that is on high ground, so it doesn't get wet feet.

If I had seeds (and didn't care about whether they breed true to the mother tree or not - which would depend on the variety...sour cherries will be more likely to breed true - sweet cherries won't), then I'd plant some in the fall, so they can be cold-stratified, and plant some in the spring, and also go ahead and plant some inside in February or so - in a sunny window. If I had the light for it (as very sunny southern window), I might try to overwinter the inside-started seedlings inside for the first winter, planting them into the ground during their second spring after the danger of frost is past.

That would cover most bases, and you'll likely get a few trees that "take".

I have a 3 month old boston terrier pup who might have cherry eye

I have a 3 month old boston terrier pup who might have cherry eye,someone tell me if this is what the case is?

The medical term for 'cherry eye' is nictitans gland prolapse, or prolapse of the gland of the third eyelid. Unlike people, dogs have a 'third eyelid' that contains a tear gland and is located in the corner of each eye. Under normal circumstances, this gland is not visible and aids in the production of tears. For some reason, which is not completely understood, the gland of the third eyelid prolapses or comes out of its normal position and swells creating the condition known as cherry eye.

What dogs are likely to get cherry eye?

Any dog can develop cherry eye, but there are several breeds that appear to have a higher incidence of developing it in both eyes. They are: the Beagle, Bloodhound, Boston Terrier, Bulldog, Bull Terrier, Lhasa Apso, Saint Bernard, and Shar-Pei. Dogs can acquire this condition at any age and it affects males and females equally.

What causes it?

The exact cause of cherry eye is not known, but it is strongly suspected that it is due to a weakness of the connective tissue that attaches the gland to the surrounding structures of the eye. The weakness of the connective tissue allows the gland to prolapse. Once the gland prolapses and is exposed to the dry air and irritants, it can become infected and/or begin to swell. The gland often becomes irritated, red, and swollen. There is sometimes a mucous discharge and if the animals rub or scratch at it, they can traumatize the gland further or possibly create an ulcer on the surface of the eye.

What is the treatment?

Treatment of cherry eye is very straightforward and consists of surgically repositioning the gland. Topical or injectable treatments of antibiotics and steroids are rarely effective in reducing the gland and allowing for correction without surgery. Because the exposed gland is at greater risk for further trauma or infection, prompt surgical replacement is the best choice.

At one time, it was popular to surgically remove the gland as a way to correct this condition. While this procedure is often effective, it can create many problems later in the animals life. The gland of the third eyelid is very important for the production of tears. Without the tears produced by the third eyelid many dogs could suffer from the condition known as 'dry eye.' Dry eye or keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) is a serious condition that results from the decreased production of tears. When the third eyelid gland is removed, we are greatly increasing the chances for the development of this condition. The much better and preferred surgical option is to surgically tack the gland back into place with a suture that attaches the gland to the deeper structures of the eye socket. Most of these surgeries are performed quickly and have very few complications, and allow the gland to return to normal function. After the surgery, some animals may need to be placed on antibiotic ointment for a few days.

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