Emma M Nutt Day 2025 is on Monday, September 1, 2025: What's a good excuse not to go to school tomoroow?

Monday, September 1, 2025 is Emma M Nutt Day 2025. Emma Nutt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Emma Nutt

Emma M Nutt Day

Emma N Nutt was the very first professional female telephone driver, and operated in this duty for 33 years. Emma M Nutt Day honors her, and the traditionally essential job of telephone drivers.

What’s a good excuse not to go to school tomoroow?


you can say it is any one of these public holidays...

Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day

Chicken Boy's Birthday

Emma M. Nutt Day

Labor Day (US)

Ramadan (begins at sundown - 09/01-09/30 - Islamic)

Toy Tips Executive Toy Test

Constitution Day (Slovakia)

Independence Day (Uzbekistan)

Labor Day (Canada)

Revolution Day (Libya)

and that it means a lot to you.


you can tell your rents the truth. mine were pretty good like that. jst explain why you want to stay home.

What jobs did women do before World War One?

What jobs did women do before World War One?

Oddly enough the situation for women was not as bleak as some answers might indicate!! Women have always done some sort of work even if it was in the home. Many women worked in factories - - - ever hear the term 'sweatshop' that was used prior to 1900 to describe the sewing factories where hundreds of women labored over sewing machines in stifling hot 'lofts' for ten to twelve hours a day.

Women were among the earlier telephone operators frequently called 'Hello, Girls,' this was way back in the day when there were no cell phones and the land lines all went through central switchboards.

In simpler words, when you placed a call you picked up the receiver, a woman's voice spilled out, "Hello," and you said "Croton 459," and these women 'switched you over to your party...

There were also women doctors as well as nurses!!

Gonna go with links and such - - -

oh, before that add Cooks, Teachers, and Scientists !! (Madame Currie in France!)

""In 1878, the Boston Telephone Despatch company began hiring women operators instead. Women, the companies thought, would behave better than boys. Women had pleasant voices that customers -- most of whom were men -- would like. And because society did not treat women equally, they could be paid less and supervised more strictly than men.

The first woman telephone operator was Emma Nutt. In her day, women who wanted to work outside the family home or business had few choices. A young woman could get a job as a servant. Or she could work as a factory laborer, sales clerk, nurse, or teacher. Many women jumped at the chance to become telephone operators. By 1900, almost all operators were women. But not all women could be operators

To be an operator, a woman had to be unmarried, between the ages of seventeen and twenty-six. She had to look prim and proper, and have arms long enough to reach the top of the tall telephone switchboard. Much like many other American businesses at the turn of the century, telephone companies unfairly discriminated against people from certain ethnic groups and races. African American and Jewish women were not allowed to become operators.

Because women were generally discriminated against, operators' wages were low. And operators seldom got the respect they deserved. The typical operator earned about $7 per week -- a small salary even in 1900. She worked ten or eleven hours a day, six days a week. If necessary, she also worked nights and holidays. An operator who got married was forced to leave her job. To many early telephone users -- most of whom were wealthy -- the telephone operator was just another household servant.

Still, the operator was the heart of the telephone system. She watched over a switchboard containing up to 200 phone lines, listening in with her clunky metal headset. Her main job was to plug callers' phone lines into the phone lines of the people they wanted to speak to. But she often acted as the town's information source, too. Operators were also expected to inform customers of election results, streetcar breakdowns, storms, train arrivals, and much more.

In 1900, the life of the rural operator was very different from her peers in the city. The telephone was a big hit with the farm families who could afford one. But there were rarely enough calls to tie a rural operator to her switchboard. To help pass the time, some women attached long cords to their headsets. That way, they could walk around their homes doing chores while they waited for the phone to ring. Rural operators enjoyed a lot of independence. ""


The history of the "Hello Girls" begins in late 1917, when General Pershing's appeal for bilingual telephone-switchboard operators was published in newspapers throughout the United States. It was called an "Emergency Appeal" and specifically requested that women, who held the position of switchboard operators exclusively in the new Bell Telephone Company, be sworn into the U.S. Army Signal Corps. Pershing wanted women to be sworn into the Army as an emergency need, because, he stated, women have the patience and perseverence to do long, arduous detailed work. He had found that the men in the Signal Corps had difficulty operating the switchboards for these reasons and he also wanted them to be in the field, constantly stringing the wire necessary for communication from the trenches to the A.E.F. GHQ at Chaumont. It was the first time in the history of warfare that soldiers in the front-lines were connected to the General command.""

"" The Triangle Waist Company was in many ways a typical sweated factory in the heart of Manhattan, at 23-29 Washington Place, at the northern corner of Washington Square East. Low wages, excessively long hours, and unsanitary and dangerous working conditions were the hallmarks of sweatshops.

The International Ladies' Garment Workers Union organized workers in the women's clothing trade. Many of the garment workers before 1911 were unorganized, partly because they were young immigrant women intimidated by the alien surroundings. Others were more daring, though. All were ripe for action against the poor working conditions. In 1909, an incident at the Triangle Factory sparked a spontaneous walkout of its 400 employees. The Women's Trade Union League, a progressive association of middle class white women, helped the young women workers picket and fence off thugs and police provocation. At a historic meeting at Cooper Union, thousands of garment workers from all over the city followed young Clara Lemlich's call for a general strike. ""

Peace . . . // - - - - O v O - - - - \\

Why are telephone operatives always female?

Why are telephone operatives always female?

To get the job, one must apply for the job, so I doubt that the sole reason for there seemingly being more females is because women have "nicer voices", unless y'all are implying that companies deliberately hunt down random women to ensure that males don't apply for and get the jobs.

I've personally encountered many males working as telemarketers, but perhaps this really is an area in which there are more female workers. Some believe that women have more patience than men, which is a possible (though slightly sexist?) explanation for why there might be more females in these jobs overall (dealing with customers or/and calling customers all day must require a lot of patience).

Some companies might assign certain customers particular employees who they feel would appeal most to the customer (based on sex, age, and any other information they have about customers). For example, the last person to call me was a male who sounded around my age and claimed to be from the same place as me (and also to support the same football team as me). He was far too over-enthusiastic for me to believe him, but it was a good try.

I'd say tone of voice is probably more important than pitch. Women are also thought (by some) to be chirpier than men, and everyone wants a friendly-sounding person when they have business dealings with them. (Though in my experience, the male callers have sounded friendlier!)

Here's a related fun fact from Wiki: "Emma Nutt became the world's first female telephone operator on 1st September 1878 when she started working for the Boston Telephone Despatch company, because the attitude and behaviour of the teenage boys previously employed as operators was unacceptable. Emma was hired by Alexander Graham Bell, and reportedly, could remember every number in the telephone directory of the New England Telephone Company."

Maybe these factors play a role in the profession today.

Holidays also on this date Monday, September 1, 2025...