National Nutrition Week on September, 2025: What are some good books on nutrition I should read?

National Nutrition Week 2025. Nutrition Week 2013 National Nutrition Week 2011

What are some good books on nutrition I should read?

National Nutrition Month is a nutrition education and information campaign sponsored annually by the American Dietetic Association (ADA). The March campaign, now in its fifth year, is designed to focus attention on making informed food choices and developing sound eating and exercise habits.

The health guidelines for National Nutrition Month help the public make better choices which could help reduce the risk for some chronic diseases, including cancer.

To accomplish this goal, the ADA recommends that people:

Aim for fitness - exercise at least 30 minutes a day, five or more days a week

Build a healthy base - follow national dietary guidelines

Choose foods sensibly

In regard to choosing healthy foods, people are encouraged to:

Drink skim milk

Eat five to seven servings of fruit and vegetables each day

Eat lean meats

Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day

Choose foods made with little or no added fats or creams

Bake or broil foods instead of frying

Drink beverages and eat foods containing little or no sugar

Prepare foods with less salt (limit fast foods)

Limit fast foods

Drink in moderation if they drink alcohol

For more information about these and other dietary questions, the ADA encourages people to ask their physicians to refer them to a dietician who can assess their individual nutritional needs.

what is the national theme for nutrition week celebration 2009?

what is the national theme for nutrition week celebration 2009?

go to their website.

What do you do in Basic Training for the National Guard?

What do you do in Basic Training for the National Guard?

The National Guard goes through the Army BCT.

BCT Training Phases explained

Week 0: Reception Soldiers complete administrative actions required to become part of the Army. Simple things such as medical examinations, setting up pay, and initial issue of equipment is completed. This process typically takes between two and three days but can take over a week in some cases.

Weeks 1-3: Red Phase Welcome to BCT! Soldiers meet their Drill Sergeants and begin training. While often considered a difficult week for Soldiers due to the adjustments, it is actually pretty easy compared to later weeks. Most classroom-type training occurs in this period where Soldiers learn about:

Ballistics and Rifle Marksmanship Fundamentals

Personal financial management

Law of Land Warfare

Uniform Code of Military Justice (Military Law)

Dismounted Land Navigation (using a map and compass)

Fundamentals of Physical Readiness


Rappelling and navigating rope bridges

Drill and Ceremonies (marching)

Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Defense (often referred to as the Gas Chamber)



Weeks 4-5: White Phase This phase is sometimes referred to the rifleman phase, qualification phase, shoot phase, and some other names. Whatever the term, the training focus is the to identify, track, target, and effectively engage targets with a rifle. In a word, Soldiers learn "Marksmanship". The training is progressive and becomes more difficult as the training progresses:

Fundamentals of Rifle Marksmanship are reinforced

Zero a rifle (align the rifle sites to hit targets at different distances)

Engage targets at various distances

Engage targets at various distances using three different positions

Prone supported (laying down with a brace to hold the weapon steady)

Prone unsupported (laying down using only your hands to hold the weapon steady)

Kneeling unsupported (one knee on the ground, resting the weapon on the other knee)

Engage targets at various distances with limited time

Prioritize and engage multiple simultaneous targets at various distances with limited time

Engage targets at various distances, with limited and variable amounts of time, with a changing number of simultaneous targets available at any particular time...passing this requirement is also known as Rifle Qualification.

Weeks 6-9: Blue Phase The culminating phase of BCT, Soldiers combine the skills they learned in earlier phases of training to complete advanced combat tasks.

Advanced Rifle Marksmanship (close combat and use of aiming tools such as lasers)

Patrol and attack as a squad

Maneuver and engage targets as part of a team

Employ "crew-served" and more powerful weapons

M240B Machine Gun

AT4 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher

M203 40mm Grenade Launcher

Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT - Fighting in a city)

Convoy Defense

Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Defeat

Long-distance Road Marching with combat load

Foward Operating Base (FOB) operations

Control Point operations

Week 10: Graduation The final week of BCT is all about you and your Family. After completing the final training events to include a week of field training and a 15km march under load back into the main part of the post, Soldiers are given a day with their Families to catch up and share their experiences. On the following day, Soldiers graduate and are sent to the next phase of their training that in almost all cases is Advanced Individual Training (AIT).

Holidays also on this date Monday, September 1, 2025...