Gay & Lesbian Pride Month on June, 2025: psychics please answer my question?

June, 2025 is Gay & Lesbian Pride Month 2025. LGBT Network‎ LGBT blogs, articles, news, stories blog at LGBT Network - equality UK

psychics please answer my question?

Decent people no longer drink pepsi products because they recently decided to be a supporter of gay marriage and have spent over 1.5 million to promote the cause of gay marriage and is a member of the "National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce"

They have sponsored several “gay pride” parades…..

Read about it and sign the pepsi boycott on the “American Family Association” website at afa,net

Pepsi products include Gator-aid, Ocean Spray, Fruit works juice, Aquafina, Sierra Mist, Mountain Dew, Starbucks, Lipton, Amp Energy, Mug Root Beer, 7 up, Sobe, Tropicana, Quaker oats, Frito-lay, Doritos, and Dole.

Tell your church, pastor, family, friends, co-workers etc. also.

Stupid question about Starbucks tea?

Stupid question about Starbucks tea?

Forget about starbucks, pepsi owns it and.......................

Anything BUT pepsi………

Reasons for the boycott

AFA asked Pepsi to remain neutral in the culture war, but the company refused — choosing to support the homosexual activists.

Pepsi has made no effort to hide their support for the homosexual agenda:

1. American Family Association asked PepsiCo to be neutral in the culture war and not support the homosexual agenda. PepsiCo refused. The company continues to give financial support to homosexual organizations. PepsiCo gave $500,000 to Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and another $500,000 to the Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). The total of $1,000,000 was used to help promote homosexuality in the workplace. HRC and PFLAG were major supporters of efforts to defeat Proposition 8 in California, which defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. HRC gave $2.3 million to the effort to defeat Prop 8.

2. PepsiCo requires all employees to attend sexual orientation and gender identity diversity training where they are taught to accept homosexuality.

3. PepsiCo helped sponsor the TV program Family Guy which pushs the homosexual agenda and denigrates Christ. In one episode, at a straight meeting, a speaker talks with gays about Jesus and tells them, "Jesus Christ, who hates many people, but none more than homosexuals."

4. PepsiCo supports homosexual publications, which feature page after page of nude and semi-nude photos of men in suggestive positions, with advertising.

5. PepsiCo gave thousands of dollars to join the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, an organization that lobbies for homosexual marriage.

6. PepsiCo sponsors "gay pride" parades across America, including New York, Atlanta, Dallas, Phoenix and Cleveland.

7. PepsiCo, while promoting the homosexual agenda, refuses to give one penny to help those trapped in this destructive and unhealthy lifestyle.

Tell your family, tell your friends, tell your church, tell your co-workers to join in the boycott.

Pepsi products include Gator-aid, Ocean Spray, Fruit works juice, Aquafina, Sierra Mist, Mountain Dew, Starbucks, Lipton, Amp Energy, Mug Root Beer, 7 up, Sobe, Tropicana, Quaker oats, Frito-lay, Doritos, Tostitos, Lays, Fritos etc…

i feel as if im always alone?

i feel as if im always alone?

Talk to a counselor...tell your mom you don't like the way shes treating you and arrange a place for you to stay until the dust settles...

here are some phone numbers...they may not all apply to you...

General Teen Help (any subject/crisis)

National Teen Emergency Hotline: 1-800-448-3000

The Helpline USA: 1-561-659-6900 (long distance charges may apply on this one)

Covenant House Nineline: 1-800-999-9999

Abuse / Violence Child Protective Services: 1-810-412-6109

Family Violence Helpline: 1-800-996-6228

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

National Referral Network for Kids In Crisis: 1-800-543-7283

Alcohol / Drugs

Alateen/Al-Anon for the friends/family of alcoholics: 1-800-813-3105 or 1-800-356-9996

Alcohol and Drug Helpline: 1-800-821-4357

National Council on Alcoholism amp;& Drug Dependancy Hope Line: 1-800-622-2255

Marijuana Anonymous: 1-800-766-6779

American Council for Drug Education: 1-800-488-3784

Anorexia / Bulimia / Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders Information and Referral Line: 1-800-931-2237

National Crisis Line - Anorexia and Bulimia: 1-800-233-4357

Overeaters Abuse Hotline: 1-800-888-4680

National Eating Disorder Hotline: 1-800-248-3285

Food Addiction Hotline: 1-800-872-0088


American Cancer Society: 1-800-ACS-2345

American Lung Association: 1-800-586-4872

Cutting - if you cut yourself

Hotline for Teens who Cut: 1-800-366-8288

Depression / Grief / Loss of a Loved One

National Depression Association: 1-800-826-3632

Divorce - Dealing with Your Parents' Divorce

Boys Town Hotline (for Girls AND Boys): 1-800-448-3000

Gay / Lesbian

Gay and Lesbian Hotline: 1-888-843-4564

National Hotline for Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Transgendered Youth: 1-800-347-8336

PRIDE Institute for Lesbian and Gay Mental Health: 1-800-547-7433)

Mental Illness

National Alliance for Mentally Ill: 1-800-950-6264

Pregnancy / Birth Control / STDs

Planned Parenthood (connects you with your local clinic): 1-800-230-7526

Planned Parenthood Website

Emergency Birth Control: 1-800-584-9911

National STD Hotline: 1-800-1-227-8922

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Clinic: 1-810-573-2090

AIDS Hotline: 1-800-872-2497

Legal Guidelines for Age of Sexual Consent - click here

Rape / Sexual Assault

NO MEANS NO: 1-877-666-3267

RAINN - The Rape Abuse & Incest National Network: 1-800-656-4673

Runaway Services / Shelter

Family Youth Interventions: 1-810-758-7040

Runaway RAP Line: 1-800-292-4517

Suicide Prevention

National Youth Crisis Helpline: 1-800-999-9999

National Adolescent Suicide Hotline: 1-800-621-4000

Teen Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-949-0057

Good luck

Holidays also on this date Sunday, June 1, 2025...