Healthy Vision Month on May, 2025: Can you improve your vision naturally?

May, 2025 is Healthy Vision Month 2025. Healthy Vision Complete Improve Your Vision And Eye Health. Save Over 50% + Free Shipping!

Can you improve your vision naturally?

It may be possible to get 20/20. But it does require a few little things to be right. There are bad vision habits to get rid off. (staring being the major one). Relaxing in the head and not allowing bad attitudes to take over are other areas to consider. I find looking down on other people to make sense of a situation makes eyesight worse. It's also a bad idea going around with an arrogant attitude that you know the right way to do things and your approach is always perfect. That's a sign of a person unable to look at his own errors/mistakes and is generally being ignorant.

The other issue is how bad is your prescription. You might be dealing with having an eyeball that has elongated which means there's nothing you can do to get closer to 20/20. I tried myself to use reading glasses to help encourage the eyeball to regain a sphere shape. I haven't been able to check what shape my eyeball is now but it definitely makes a noticeable difference to the vision after wearing the glasses for a few hours.

I'm.willing to accept that some people did officially manage to reach 20/20. (like the author of 'secret of perfect vision') but it seems a period of 10 years would be a more realistic length of time for the eyeball adjustment to be finalized. I find it easy to wear plus power contact lenses everyday but I do feel while wearing them that i become very withdrawn with occasional oddness in my behaviour. I definitely would say I act like a completely different person with the lenses. This is probably very confusing for friends and family.

Regarding your question about opticians saying eyesight never gets better. They would be lying if they suggest EVERY person that undertakes an eyetest with them ALWAYS get a result of worse vision. If there is an explanation why this fact should be ignored then let them explain why.

People online in this site have said it happened to them. You may know friends or family who had this experience or most crucially you yourself have your own evidence in the form of your prescription.

So this stand off between two sides must indicate someone is being ignorant of the truth.

In my opinion if someone is talking about a subject and can be completely independent in their opinion then their answer is more likely to be a genuine one. If someone relies on money coming into their bank account from the sale of a product/service then that persons opinion is likely to have been compromised.

I would also like to say that it makes it harder to quit a habit when living with someone who continues with it at the same time. it applies to many things such as smoking, alcohol etc. While at first it may seem easiest for the person quitting because they face the rewards of their hard work. If the other person chooses to look down on you for your decisions it can change to a situation where they are making life harder for you. Also they might choose to make you feel like an idiot for what you're doing (if they don't agree with it) And in a way (in the example.of wearing glasses) they know there is no doubt about them ever having to struggle. Wearing glasses can appear a very easy option (because for them having bad eyesight comes easily.)

8 month check?

8 month check?

At around 8 months of age, your baby will have a check-up with your health visitor or GP. The aim is to make sure that your baby is healthy and growing well. Your health visitor will also give you support and advice about any feeding or sleep difficulties. Remember to bring your child record booklet to the check-up.

The health visitor will observe the baby and watch her reactions to her surroundings. He/She will also ask questions about what the baby can do. All babies develop at a different pace so there is a wide age range for babies to start sitting and walking. By 8 months, most babies will be rolling over and sitting by themselves or with slight support and some babies will be starting to crawl. Babies who cannot sit unaided by 9 months (taking prematurity into account) would need referral to a paediatrician for a more detailed assessment.

The health visitor will also assess the baby's fine motor skills. This involves checking that the baby will reach out and take an object with each hand. The baby will usually pass a toy brick from hand to hand and try to put it in her mouth. Most babies at this age will not favour one hand. The baby should pick up small objects such as a small bead and may be beginning to use her thumb and forefinger in a pincer grip rather than the whole hand. This task also requires normal vision.

Your baby's eyes will be examined for a squint (wandering eye) and the health visitor will ask if you have ever noticed this yourself. The health visitor may use a torch to check that the light reflections on the baby's eyes are equal. If there is any doubt or if there is a family history of a lazy eye the baby will be referred to an orthoptist - an optician specially trained in correcting squints - for a further check-up.

Hearing assessment currently varies depending on where you live and may be performed at the 8 month check-up or during a separate visit. Your baby may have been given a neonatal hearing test shortly after birth. If not, the baby will have a distraction-hearing test done. By 8-months-old, a baby with normal hearing will be turning towards quiet noises and starting to make two-syllable babbling noises, for example baba, dada and mama; this is called double-babble.

The health visitor will also chat about how well the baby is eating and the amount and type of milk she is taking. Babies will now be eating lumpier solids and finger foods. The quantity of milk being drunk has usually decreased and by 9-12 months, a rough guide would be around 20 ounces (1 pint) a day. Breast-fed babies should be offered vitamin drops from 6 months old.

The baby will be weighed and his length measured, these are plotted onto baby's growth chart to check that she is growing appropriately. The head circumference is also checked and plotted to check normal growth. If the baby is not gaining weight well, the health visitor will try and identify any obvious feeding difficulties and may ask you to bring the baby back to monitor her weight gain over the next few weeks.

The health visitor will ask how well the baby is sleeping and how often. Some babies are still waking frequently at night at this age. The health visitor can offer support and advice on how to encourage a better sleeping pattern.

Another physical aspect of the 8-month check-up is to re-examine the baby's hips for instability. In some areas this is still done by the GP, in others by the health visitor. The health visitor will do this by laying the baby on his tummy to inspect the skin creases of the legs and then checking that the leg lengths are equal. The baby is then turned onto her back to see if the skin creases of the thighs are symmetrical. Then the hips are pushed upwards and outwards to see if the hips 'click', which may be a sign of a dislocation.

Finally, the health visitor will discuss accident prevention, dental care and family relationships. The health visitor will also check that your baby's immunizations are up to date and will discuss the next appointment for the measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) immunization, which is due between 12 and 15 months

Vision/Health problems... help!?

Vision/Health problems... help!?

Fatigue and blurred vision are common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency >>>

Would be worth testing your vitamin B12 levels out just incase. Vitamin B12 serum - over 800pg/ml or 600pmol/l is healthy...check your results..misdiagnosis is very common. A more specific test is a urinary methlymalonic acid test.

It may be another condition...27 reasons listed on the link>>>

Holidays also on this date Thursday, May 1, 2025...