International Zine Month on July, 2025: good place for web design templates?
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What magazines accept short story entries and pay for them?
here is a bunch of theADBUSTERS - bi-monthly print; politically oriented SF, humor. Pays from 50¢/word (up to $100/page for shorter works) for up to 2k words. Kalle Lasn, Editor.
ANDROMEDA SPACEWAYS INFLIGHT MAGAZINE - bimonthly print; sf/f/h with humor (fic/nonfic/poem/art). Pays 1.25¢(Aus)/word ($20 min.), $10 for poetry & Flash, for up to 10k words (not firm). RT: weeks to months. Reprints: query. E-subs: yes. Robbie Matthews, General Manager.
Order issues from
BYLINE - monthly print; mainstream, literary, humor, no genres. Pays $15-100 for poems, nonfiction, essays, & fiction. Marcia Preston, Publisher/Editor.
*No 'C' listings at this time*
DREAM FORGE, e-Mega-Weba-zine (tm) - monthly webzine, all genre & humor. No pay for 1-7½k (not firm). Rick Arnold, Managing Editor (QS).
*No 'E' listings at this time*
FAX 21 - irregularly published webzine; journalistic sf/f (fic/art). No pay for up to 1k words. RT: 2-14 days. Reprints: yes. E-subs only. Christopher Geary, Editor.
Officially Launches: TBA in 2003
FIENDISH INTENT - monthly e-zine; most genres, humor OK. Pays 10% royalty + copy for up to 5k words. RT: 1 week normally. Morandilas, Editor.
FINE FOOD & TRAVEL - webzine; Adventure, Humor, Sports. Pay varies for 150-1000 words.
THE FRACTURED PUBLISHER - quarterly e-zine; humor, all genres (fic/nonfic/art). Pay: exposure. Words: 2k max. RT: 4-6 weeks. Reprints: yes (not preferred). E-subs: only (IBoE). Tina Morgan, Editor-in-Chief (Q).
FUNNY TIMES - monthly print; Humor, Politics, & Fun (fic/nonfic/B&W art). Pays $50 500-700 words, $20-30 per cartoon. Raymond Lesser & Susan Wolpert, Co-editors.
GAMES - bimonthly print, humor/games. Pays $1500-1750 for 2-2.5k words.
GARBAJ - e-mail/snailmail humor zine. No pay for up to 500 words. DS Davidson, Editor.
HAPPY - quarterly, all genres. Pay: ½-50¢/word + copies. Words: 5k max. RT: 1-2 months. Reprints: yes. E-subs: no. Bayard, Editor.
UPDATE - 26 June 2006: no longer published
INTERNATIONAL WILDLIFE - was bimonthly print, Non-fiction /Humor. Paid $450. Jonathan Fisher, Editor.
*No 'J' listings at this time*
*No 'K' listings at this time*
LIFE FOR CHANGE - monthly online; sf/humor (fic/nonfic). Pay: $100 to top voted story. Words: ½-10k. RT: immediate. Reprints: query. E-subs: online form only. Submission Form. Dave Jarvis.
MAD MAGAZINE - monthly print; mad humor. Pays $400 min./page, no word limits named. RT: ?. Editorial Dept.
MOTHER JONES - (formerly Mojo Wire) print/webzine; news/issues/humor (nonfic). Pay: >18¢/word. Words: ½-2½k. RT: unknown. Reprints: no. E-subs: e-queries only. Humor Editor (Q).
*No 'N' listings at this time*
OPEN SPACES QUARTERLY - quarterly print; insightful fiction, humor. Pay comparable to high-quality regional magazines for 1½-6k words (fiction). Tom Allen, Nonfiction Editor; Anne Bradley, Fiction Editor; Susan Bucharest, Poetry Editor.
*No 'P' listings at this time*
*No 'Q' listings at this time*
RAZOR MAGAZINE - monthly print/web archives; humor/satire. Negotiates pay (pro level) for 2-3½k words. RT: 2-4 weeks. Reprints: no. E-subs: query 1st. Craig Vasiloff, Editor-in-Chief.
RITRO.COM - daily webzine; humor, any genre (fic/nonfic/poem). Pay: exposure. Words: <2k (see dept.). RT: 2-4 weeks. Reprints: yes. E-subs: online form only. Various Dept. Editors (Online Contact Form).
ROSEBUD - quarterly print; mainstream & genre (fic/nonfic/poem). Pays $25 for 1.2-1.8k words. RT: 40 days (w/ paid $1 reading fee). Reprints: no. E-subs: no. J. Roderick Clark, Editor/Publisher.
MARKET NOTE: closed to all submissions until further notice
SHORT STUFF FOR GROWNUPS MAGAZINE - bimonthly print, all genres, humor. Donna Bowman, Editor.
NEW LISTING: 20 July 2006
SMART BOMB RADIO - weekly podcast; any genre, humor (fic/nonfic/poem). Pay: exposure/site mention/links. Length: <10 min. (or 2 X <10 min.). RT: <1 week. Reprints: yes. E-subs: only. William L. Ross, Editor (QS).
THE SQUID - quarterly webzine for teens; humor & most genres, (fic/art/nonfic). No pay, no word limits. RT: 6 weeks max. Reprints: yes. E-subs yes. John Dixon, Editor.
STITCHES, Journal of Medical Humor - print, medical & other humor. Pay: Can35¢/word. Words: 3k max (prefers shorter; must be exceptional if over 1k). RT: ?. Reprints: no. E-subs: yes Simon Hally, Editor (QS).
TABLOID HELL - weekly webzine; satire, humor (nonfic/art/cartoons/see note). Pay: exposure. Words: see note. RT: 3 days. Reprints: yes. E-subs: only. Ed Parnell, Editor (QS).
MARKET NOTE: closed to submissions until next reading period, 1 Aug - 15 Sep 2006
THE TOWN DRUNK - biweekly webzine; light-hearted/humorous SpecFic (fic). Pay: $35. Words: 1-5k. RT: <2 weeks. Reprints: query. E-subs: online form only. Brit Marschalk, Editor (Q).
TRAVELWISE MAGAZINE ONLINE - webzine & print; travel. Pays $25 for 750-850 words. Vic Foster, Publisher/Editor.
*No 'U' listings at this time*
*No 'V' listings at this time*
WILD VIOLET - quarterly literary webzine; poetry, fiction, non-fiction, cultural criticism, essays, humor, cartoons, sketches, reviews. No pay, no word limits. RT: 2 months. Alyce Wilson, Editor.
Issue Deadlines (but always open to subs): 31 Dec, 30 Mar, 30 Jun, 30 Sept
THE WRITER - monthly print; nonfic for writers. Pays $25-800 for up to 3k words. RT: ?.
hope it helps