Motor Sports Awareness Month on August, 2024: Should i give up on my favorite sport?

August, 2024 is Motor Sports Awareness Month 2024. MPMC Motorsports Awareness Month - Ad Slicks MPMC Motorsports Awareness

Should i give up on my favorite sport?

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Do you know anything about Ehlers Danlos syndrome and its sub-types?

Do you know anything about Ehlers Danlos syndrome and its sub-types?

Yes, lots but I hadn't heard about it before my niece got diagnosed. There is a group of about 30 people in our localish area that get together that either have it or their children do (generally it's both).

My niece has either type 1 or 2, I forget which but it's the type with both the skin and the hypermobility.

I've been told I have hypermobility but it's hard to distinguish between EDS and just being hypermobile so I really don't know if I've got EDS type 3 (I think that's the hypermobile type) or not. Either way there are a lot of similarities.

Most people know hypermobile people but refer to them as being 'double jointed' but what annoys me is when I say my knee troubles have been caused by the hypermobility (my knees go a bit backwards, despite all my muscle tone and my physio told be the hypermobility is the cause of the issue) some people will try and convince me that I'd just flexible and it isn't actually an issue at all.

I guess I have to be thankful I don't have it as bad as some do (my niece gets tired very easily and because of that and her really delicate skin she doesn't get to participate in sports). I'm only 19 though so I'm concerned about the future (pain, arthritis, not carry babies to term, dislocation).

Edit: Just going to add that about 6 months ago I had no idea that there was a reason I suck with fine motor skills and got in trouble for the way I held my flute and my pencil grip. I had no idea my knees went backwards at all and I thought everyone's thumb could touch their forearm. My boyfriend thought I was weak because I like to hold a saucepan with both hands just in case my wrist randomly gives way again.

What are the signs of asperger’s in a toddler?

What are the signs of asperger's in a toddler?

Asperger's is typically not diagnosed in toddlers, but signs are visible from infancy. A lot of times these signs are only recognized as symptoms after the fact. Here are some things you might see in an Aspie toddler, but keep in mind that Asperger's can cause a wide variety of symptoms and that a toddler may not display some of these:

- Lack of eye contact. Typical children begin making eye contact and following their parents' gaze when they are a few months old. Aspie children, on the other hand, might not even look at someone who's speaking to them.

- Indifference to other children. An Aspie may not express any desire to play with or approach other kids. When I was little, I didn't pay attention to children at the park or in preschool. It honestly never occured to me to talk to them, or that I should want to talk to them. I have no memories of individual children from before I was in first grade.

- Good verbal skills. An Aspie child acquires speech on time or even early, and usually learns quickly and speaks at a level well above his or her age. If the child has already started learning to read, this probably comes quite naturally.

- Poor motor skills. Sitting up, crawling, walking, and other basic motor milestones may have been delayed. More complicated skills like swimming, biking, or other sports and games are most likely delayed. The child may also struggle with fine motor skills like writing, using buttons, and tying shoes.

- Sensory sensitivities. Aspie toddlers seem very sensitive to certain lights, sounds, smells, and/or textures. They may not like to be hugged or touched, and they might be a very finicky eater (beyond what's normal for a small child). In high-stimulation places like grocery stores, they became very overwhelmed and may have a meltdown. Sometimes Aspie kids have more temper tantrums than neurotypical ones.

- Poor awareness of social rules. You really can't expect much social finesse in a little kid, but these kids might be brutally honest or invade others' space in a way that shows little or no degree of social understanding whatsoever.

- Obsessive interests. In kids this young, especially if they can't read yet, our trademark special interests may be based more on sensory perception than information-gathering. I know an Aspie child who's obsessed with the feel of metal and will spend every moment of free time holding spoons with this look of total rapture on his face. When I was 3 I watched the movie Aristocats every single day for 6 months.

- Need for routine. This might entail taking the same route on a daily walk, drinking from the same cup every morning, wearing the same hat every day, etc. If these routines are broken, an Aspie child becomes very distressed and may have a meltdown.

So, basically the same as the adult traits, but it can be difficult even for a professional to distinguish between Asperger behavior and typical behavior. This is partly because, like I said, you really don't expect a toddler to have sophisticated social skills yet. On the other hand, Aspie toddlers haven't learned coping and camouflaguing mechanisms yet, so you get an undisguised view of their behavior. That's one thing that makes toddler symptoms different from adult symptoms. If you asked this question because you have/know a toddler who might have Asperger's, my psychologist recommends that little kids be evaluated if Asperger's is suspected. Even if the kid's too young for a conclusive diagnosis, it's good to at least have his or her behavior documented.

Holidays also on this date Thursday, August 1, 2024...