National GLBT Pride Month on June, 2025: When was June signed into law as national GLBT Pride month?

June, 2025 is National GLBT Pride Month 2025. LGBT Pride Month - Do we still need Pride Month Why it's important for teens.

When was June signed into law as national GLBT Pride month?

The first to issue a proclamation was in 1989, Mayor Edward I. Koch proclaimed the month of June as Lesbian and Gay Pride and History Month in New York City, home of the Stonewall Inn, in recognition of the Stonewall riots in 1969.

In 1997, Clinton issued a proclamation for a national celebration of the contribution that lesbian, gay, and transgender people have made to America.

George W. Bush has not made any such proclamations, in fact, under his administration, various departments, particularly the Department of Justice, have been barred from any sort of recognition or honoring of the contributions of homosexuals.

At no point was it signed into law.

What are some national GBLT pride days or holidays?

What are some national GBLT pride days or holidays?

Here's a list of all major GLBT holidays:

LGBT History month - October (USA), February (UK).

National Coming Out Day - October 11.

Bisexuality Day - September 23.

Pride month - June.

Ally Week - October 13-17

(Raises awareness about GLBT discrmination at schools.)

Day of Silence - Date varies each year.

Lonely shy and gay??

Lonely shy and gay??


I went thru school many years ago the same way. Times have changed, not always for the better.

Check the website below and see if there is a "GLBT Youth Group" at the local GLBT community Center. This is a good place to start and they usually have counselors/advisor who you can talk too.

June is National "Pride" month in most U.S. city check: www.Interpride.Org to see if there is a pridefest in your area and attend.

Good luck and be safe.

Smile it doesn't hurt!

Holidays also on this date Sunday, June 1, 2025...