National Minority Health Month on April, 2025: Which months are cancer awareness months?

April, 2025 is National Minority Health Month 2025. National Minority Health Month is April April is National Minority

Which months are cancer awareness months?

Cancer Awareness Months


Cervical Health Awareness Month


National Cancer Prevention Month



National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, Lymphedema "D" Day (March 6)



Cancer Control Month, Cancer Fatigue Awareness Day, Testicular Cancer Awareness Week, National Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week, National Minority Cancer Awareness Week, National Oral, Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Week, Oncology Nurses Day


Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month, Melanoma Monday, Oncology Nurses Month, Brain Tumor Action Week, Blood Cancer Advocacy Day.


National Cancer Survivors Day, Sarcoma Awareness Week


Childhood Cancer Awareness, Gynecologic Cancer Awareness, Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness, Ovarian Cancer Awareness, Prostate Cancer Awareness, Thyroid Cancer Awareness Week


Breast Cancer Awareness, National Mammography Day


Lung Cancer Awareness, Lung Cancer Awareness Week, Pancreatic Cancer Awareness, Family Caregivers Month, National Hospice Month, National Marrow Awareness Month

Colors of cancer awareness for each month?

Colors of cancer awareness for each month?

Not sure what you mean by colors of cancer awareness . . lol . . but if you are referring to the ribbon color used for some types of cancer and the National Health Observants by month . . here goes:

January - National Cervical Cancer Awareness Month (Teal ribbon)

January - unofficial Thyroid cancer (Blue/Pink/Teal ribbon)

February - National Cancer Prevention Month

February 4 - World Cancer Day

March -National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (Blue or Brown ribbon)

March - Kidney Cancer Awareness Month (orange ribbon)

April - National Cancer Control Month - American Cancer Society

April 4-10 - National Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week

April 18-24 - National Minority Cancer Awareness Week

April 12-18 - Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week

May - Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month (black ribbon)

May - National Neurofibromatosis Month

May 3-9 - Brain Tumor Action Week

June -National Cancer Survivors Day

June - Men's Health & Cancer Awareness Month (Purple ribbon)

June 6 - National Cancer Survivors Day

July - Sarcoma Awareness month (yellow ribbon)

August - nothing official

September - Childhood Cancer Month (yellow or gold ribbon)

September - Blood Cancer Awareness Month (orange ribbon)

September - National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month; (teal ribbon)

September - Prostate Cancer Awareness Month; (Light blue ribbon)

September - Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month (peach ribbon)

September - Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month (Blue/Pink/Teal ribbon)

Sept 26 - National Mesothelioma Awareness Day

October - National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (pink ribbon)

Oct 13 - Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day

November - Lung Cancer Awareness Month; (white or clear ribbon)

November - Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month (purple ribbon)

November - National Stomach Cancer Awareness Month (periwinkle ribbon)

November 14 - Brain Tumor Awareness Day (gray ribbon)

December - nothing official

Americans: Do you believe that a National Health Service is Communist, therefor evil?

Americans: Do you believe that a National Health Service is Communist, therefor evil?

Definitely not communist, definitely not evil. But a large minority of Americans garner their opinions in places sensible people would not trust as a storehouse for belly button lint. Our current medical care levels are the worst in the civilized world, by quite a bit.

But truth doesn't figure in this equation.

The American public has been spoon fed, at great expensive, a largely fictional tale of NHS/NPH systems, and many seem unaware that almost all single payer medical systems boast longer life spans and better overall health than the horrible hodgepodge of overpriced and underdeveloped care we call out "system". By exaggerating or just plain lying about what medicine is like in, say, Sweden or the UK or Germany (they got their system in 1871!!!) or selectively editing local problems such as a shortage of MRI machinery in Canada, they have the simpletons convinced they're all going to die.

This is stupid, but in the U.S. one can find a corrupt, slime maggot "pundit" to spew any level of fraud. And they regurgitate their canned insanity as many as 15 hours a week. A lot of ill-educated Americans don't like to read books or newspapers (too many words, apparently!) so rely on the propaganda filth on Fox and "hate radio" for their points of view.

I have friends all over the world who find our medical system absolutely unusable. And I know treatment and especially prevention is better in at least 25 countries.

But I have friends who think they'd be treated by a witch doctor with rattles and bones in far off, exotic Denmark, should they fall ill in such a place.

I no longer try to convince these reactionaries of anything. It is like talking to a long dead tree. Pointless.

They've been lied to so long, the imbecilic element is beginning to like it.

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...