National Native American Heritage Month on November, 2024: why do we celebrate national American indian heritage month?
November, 2024 is National Native American Heritage Month 2024. Lakota Gifts Online Dreamcatchers, Chimes, Greeting Cards And More - Take A Look!
i don't know anyone besides native people who even KNOW its native american heritage month!
What legislation is linked to Native American Heritage Day??
President George Bush declared the first National American Indian Heritage Month(November). His action was based on legislation presented by Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Congressional Delegate Eni Faleomavaega (D-American Samoa). Although the first "American Indian Day" was declared by the State of New York in 1916, a month long recognition of Native Americans was not achieved until 1990. In each of the four previous years, Congress had enacted legislation designating "American Indian Heritage Week." The purpose of National American Indian Heritage Month is to honor and recognize the original peoples of this land. The 1996 proclamation details their contributions to the past and to the future.
A “Pow-Wow, is scheduled in celebration of National American Indian Heritage Month, a month designated by the federal government to recognize intertribal cultures, events, lifeways, designs and achievements of Native American societies.
Why don't a lot Native Americans, Asians, Latinos speak up with white folks bash Black History Month?
It seem like they bash Black History Month too. I find it hypocritically of them especially if they know they have their own month to celebrate too. "/