National New Friends, Old Friends Week on May, 2025: When is National Friend Day?

National New Friends, Old Friends Week 2025. NATIONAL NEW FRIENDS, OLD FRIENDS WEEK Tuesday, May 15th: New friends

When is National Friend Day?

National Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in August... so August 2.

•National Friendship Day is on the first Sunday in August.

•Women's Friendship Day is on the third Sunday in August

•International Friendship Month is February

•Old Friends, New Friends Week is the third week of May

Can a 17 Year old High school freshman still join the national guard?

Can a 17 Year old High school freshman still join the national guard?

yes, you are wasting YOUR time AND the recruiter's time. your 'friends' age is only part of the equation. your 'friend' also has to be a HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE with DIPLOMA (skip the GED - that will not work out well for your 'friend'). if your friend is not within a semester of graduating, a recuiter is not going to waste his time.

YOU are wasting your time with this person. high school is the easiest thing in life you will ever is all uphill from there. i am thinking your friend is not too bright to have been held back a couple of times prior to this point to where your friend is only a freshman at 17 (when most freshman at 14?). Unless you want to wait FOUR YEARS for this person to graduate high school to join you in basic? you do realize the 'buddy' program JUST gets you to basic together, right? you may not go to AIT together, into the same MOS, or even the same post after basic....right?

now this is to you: please tell me that 48 was a PRACTICE asvab score? a score of 48 indicates you are breathing, but not much else. Is that even high enough to get in ANY of the services today? retake the ASVAB, and study this time! 48 is not going to open many doors for you, and may not be high enough to open the door to even let you in.

but to answer your question: YES. you would be wasting the recruiter's time to take him in.

but your friend could be on the verge of something good, or very bad. 17 years old among a lot of 14 year old girls in his class? could be great opportunities there...unless of course the 14 year olds look at him as forest gump and stay away in droves....

Moving in after 2 weeks together?! Concerned about friend...?

Moving in after 2 weeks together?! Concerned about friend...?

They're old enough to make their own mistakes...

Holidays also on this date Thursday, May 1, 2025...