National Backyard Games Week on May, 2025: Some of the best and most memorable sports games in the past few years

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Some of the best and most memorable sports games in the past few years??

VINCE ruining the trojan hoopla. hay smartguy, remember texas had some bad breaks that game too. {{{drew kelson's int. of the pass intended for bush, that was ruled an incomplete pass}}}.....remember all SC had to do to win was get a first down {{like 2:00 mins left or whatever, they handed off to white and he got stuffed}}....TEXAS trailed the whole 3rd quarter it seemed, but came back and found a way to win. THATS WHAT GREAT TEAMS DO. espn ran that comparison all week leading up to the game and voters declared that years USC the greatest of all time, then TEXAS went into sc's backyard and won. had the game been played in austin or even dallas, the final score wouldnt have been so close.....

Simple question: What needs to happen for West Virginia to make it to the national championship?

Simple question: What needs to happen for West Virginia to make it to the national championship?

You guys don't need anything. I'm a Pitt fan and I obviously want Pitt to win but if we lose. I really hope WVU wins the title so people stop ragging on the Big East. If they beat Pitt they are in. No Doubt. Good Luck next week. I think ESPN should be there for the Backyard Brawl they haven't seen a real rivalry til they see that.

Need curriculum suggestions for homeschooling my kids for the next 5 weeks.?

Need curriculum suggestions for homeschooling my kids for the next 5 weeks.?

Honestly, I would not rush into a curriculum. If you choose the wrong thing, it is a waste of money and it could make you and/or your children so frustrated with homeschooling that you quit before you even really get started! I actually do not believe a Kindergartener should be doing a formal curriculum anyway, but rather learning through play.

Instead, I would spend the next 5 weeks doing educational activitites. That break i.e. deschooling, as someone mentioned above will also give them some breathing room and rid any anxiety they have about learning because of the hostile environment thtey have been learning in.

I like Story S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-R-S, which I bought from Amazon. There are several different versions for various ages/grade levels- find one that you can use together for both children. It gives ideas for incorporating math, science, history, language, arts and crafts, music, games- even snack into favorite children's stories.

Children love to get mail, and there are many magazines you can subscribe to that will excite them and provide education! We like Your Big Backyard, Ranger Rick, Highlights, Highlights High Five (for younger children), Pack-O-Fun, National Geographic Kids, Little National Geographic (for younger children).

Outings- library, the children's museum, the zoo, the aquarium. Look to see what your community has to offer. Our Parks & Recreation Department has many community programs that are perfect to include in our homeschooling. Our museum offers programs for homeschoolers.

Learning through play- puzzles, board games, magnetic alphabet and numbers, Play-Doh, fingerpainting, musical instruments (either those you have or those you can create), etc.

Electronic Media- Nintendo has some educational games for the DS. I find it great for the time spent in the vehicle. Television is an excellent resource, as well, with programs on Animal Planet, TLC, History Channel, etc. and even programming on Nickelodeon and Disney. The key is for it to be moderated and limited in both quantity and quality. The same goes for the internet- check out Google Earth (a free download), various zoo websites which have educational pages for children as well as live animal cams, the websites for and other channels mentioned above.

I also suggest you join a local homeschool group. You might find one at Search for "MyCity Homeschool" or "MyCounty Homeschool". They can point you toward resources you probably did not even realize existed! As well, they can probably give feedback on the methods and materials they use, even letting you view it, so that you can decide what would and would not work for your children in preparation for next year. They will also be a great source of support for you.

Do not stress too much! It can be done, and I wish you the best doing it!

Holidays also on this date Thursday, May 1, 2025...