Pet First Aid Awareness Month on April, 2025: how do you become a registered Charity?

April, 2025 is Pet First Aid Awareness Month 2025. First Aid Basics‎ First Aid Class. "Superior Quality" Convenient Locations. Register Now.

how do you become a registered Charity?

I know in VA it costs $100 to register. I have a site that I don't want money for but would like to be registered as non-profit. I have had it since 1996. Domestic Violence Awareness. I have helped a lot of people and some still keep in touch with me. I warn that I'm not a counselor but there to give links to helpful sites.

I finally let my $60 quarterly site ( go last month. I hate that but couldn't afford it.

Look up registered a charity on the Internet based on your State and City and then look for either non-profit or more information. That's how I did it. I can't do it for you without that info so good luck!

Try this or call a local veternarian

explain in detail what you would do to prepare a hurricane plan for your family and your home?

explain in detail what you would do to prepare a hurricane plan for your family and your home?

Forget Candles they are hazardous because of potential gas leaks Use flashlights prefurably the LED type

Discuss the type of hazards that could affect your family. Know your home's vulnerability to storm surge, flooding and wind.

Locate a safe room or the safest areas in your home for each hurricane hazard. In certain circumstances the safest areas may not be your home but within your community.

Determine escape routes from your home and places to meet. These should be measured in tens of miles rather than hundreds of miles.

Have an out-of-state friend as a family contact, so all your family members have a single point of contact.

they should have both a cell phone for you to call and a land line for the rest of the family to call this way you will have a open line to call

Make a plan now for what to do with your pets if you need to evacuate. most public shelters will not allow pets but they are all required to accept service animals (seeing eye dogs seizure dogs etc.)

Post emergency telephone numbers by your phones and make sure your children know how and when to call 911.

Check your insurance coverage - flood damage is not usually covered by homeowners insurance.

Stock non-perishable emergency supplies and a Disaster Supply Kit.

Use a NOAA weather radio. Remember to replace its battery every 6 months, as you do with your smoke detectors.

Take First Aid, CPR and disaster preparedness classes.

I personaly have a survival kit for each person of my family that contains a 5 day supply of Water, MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) Available at most army surplus stores or online at , Pet food for my pets, Clothing In Dry bags, camp stove, water purification tablets, first aid kit, spare batteries for the cell phone, flashlights and my NOAA weather Radio, Two 8 man tents and other various sundries also because of where you live may vary it is also a good idea to pack a game or two for the kids to keep them from getting board and scared

The following websites are a must see.

they have interactive programs for kids and will tell you how to prepare

It is also highly suggested to have in your hurricane kit your familys prescription medication for at least 2 weeks worth

a NOAA Weather all hazards Radio available from most electronic stores I.E. Radio Shack.

now for the following website that can help you prepare

Hurricane Awareness

Hurricane Safety

Hurricane Preparednes

Hurricane Preparedness Week

here is one link to where to purchas a NOAA weather radio online

Camping supplies


Dogs and hot weather? 10 points?

Dogs and hot weather? 10 points?

As with Humans there are different Heat emergencies that an animal experiences due to their body size the effect is faster and comparable to that of a small child of same wieght. A human can sweat and our survival insticts kick in and tell us to seek help or drink water..etc however small children are more at risk than adults and cats are more at risk than a dog, while both cats and dogs pant to cool them selves we hear moer of dogs having heat stroks or dying in heat due to their OWNERS bad ideas.. pet owners that leave their pet in the car with sun beating on them cant get away from the heat, usualy it is a dog they tak in the car or walks etc. Cats if in same condition would die sooner than a dog due to body size and who would dehydrate faster. I have psted articles below:

Heat exhaustion, heat strok, hyperthermia Kills humans and pets.

Heat-related illnesses, including heat stroke, heat exhaustion and heat cramps can occur after exposure to extremely high environmental temperatures. These illnesses occur in all mammals and can be prevented by taking proper precautions.

Animals at greatest risk for heat-related illness include:

Puppies up to 6 months of age

Overweight dogs

Dogs overexerted during exercise

Dogs that are ill or receiving certain medications

Brachycephalic breeds (dogs with short, wide heads like pugs, English bulldogs, Boston terriers)

Dogs with obstructive airway diseases

Dogs with pre-existing fever

Dogs that are dehydrated

Dogs with heart disease

Dogs with poor circulation due to cardiovascular or other underlying disease

Older pets (large breed dogs over 7 years of age, small breed dogs over 14 years of age)

Pets with a history of seizures

Heatstroke occurs when normal body mechanisms cannot keep the body's temperature in a safe range. Animals do not have efficient cooling systems (like humans who sweat) and get overheated easily. A dog with moderate heatstroke (body temperature from 104º to 106ºF) can recover within an hour if given prompt first aid and veterinary care (normal body temperature is 100-102.5°F). Severe heatstroke (body temperature over 106ºF) can be deadly and immediate veterinary assistance is needed.


A dog suffering from heatstroke will display several signs:

Rapid panting

Bright red tongue

Red or pale gums

Thick, sticky saliva




Vomiting - sometimes with blood




"review of the signs and symptoms of heat stress and the measures we need to take if our dogs become seriously over-heated. Most of us try to protect our dogs from the heat, but as I learned recently, we can be caught off guard and may well put our dogs at risk. Dogs do not have an efficient way to handle the heat because they do not sweat the way humans do. The only means a dog has of cooling himself is to move air over their moist tongue and airways by panting. Unfortunately, the system is not efficient, because the muscle activity involved in panting also generates some heat. In addition to panting, additional signs of heat stress may include flushed, red skin on the ear flap, deepening color of the mucous membranes (or gums may appear pale and dry), and a darkening, musky color and slight swelling of the tongue.

As fluids are depleted from the body, the mouth becomes dry, the eyes become sunken, and the skin loses elasticity. (Lift the skin along the back. Normally, the skin should quickly snap back into place. If it does not, dehydration is present and treatment by a veterinarian is needed.) As the stress increases, you may see a lurching gait or loss of balance, quivering and/or weakens of extremities, hyper-salivation, vomiting and/or diarrhea, decreased mental awareness, and convulsions.

Heat stroke can occur if a dog's temperature goes above 104 degrees. The increased temperature causes a metabolic disturbance that triggers the release of chemicals that ultimately cause cell destruction. In heat stroke, the blood thickens causing stress on the heart as it attempts to pump the heavy blood through the system. Blood stagnates and eventually clots, causing tissue death. The brain, liver, and intestine are most prone to the effects of such cell destruction.

Use common sense and keep in mind that your dog's ability to thermo-regulate is not as efficient as your system. Additionally, he may overdo it to keep up with you. If you choose to walk your dog in the summer, do so in the early morning or in the evening. It is not advisable to walk dogs during the hottest hours unless they have been conditioned to do so. Bring along water and make frequent water stops.

Panting is a dog's main method of loosing body heat. High humidity and ambient temperatures interfere with the effectiveness. Dogs also dissipate heat through evaporation from a wet body, and a small amount of heat loss is facilitated through the pads of their feet. On hot days, ground heat prevents the la

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