World Autism Day 2025 is on Wednesday, April 2, 2025: Did you know that today is world Autism Awareness Day?

Wednesday, April 2, 2025 is World Autism Day 2025. Sociological and cultural aspects of autism come into play with recognition of autism, approaches to its support services and therapies, and how autism affects how we define personhood.

World Autism Awareness Day has

Sociological and cultural aspects of autism come into play with recognition of autism, approaches to its support services and therapies, and how autism affects how we define personhood.

Did you know that today is world Autism Awareness Day?

It was proposed and conceived by a couple, UN workers, parents of an autistic kid. They invited autism organizations to work together toward designation of an Autism Day at the UN.

Autism Speaks, however, hijacked the observance, and lies about being themselves the owners and creators of the day.

Did you know that today is world Autism Awareness Day?

Did you know that today is world Autism Awareness Day?

Of course! This is National Autism Awareness Month!

Celebrate by making a donation, wearing puzzle jewelry, add autism bumper stickers, hug an Aspie (if they like hugs)

Our Boy Scout district is having our Spring Camporee as Disabilities Awareness themed....I'm working on an experiential event where Scouts compete in a simple pen paper task while being bombarded by stimuli, simulating what a person with autism might experience...Can't wait!

What are you doing on World autism Day?

What are you doing on World autism Day?

Thanks for posting the information about World Autism Day. I never knew that it was in existence.

I was aware that the month of April was Autism Awareness Month.

I am a parent of a child that was born with Autism and Mental Retardation.

Holidays also on this date Wednesday, April 2, 2025...